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Incline Witcher game series is one of the hallmarks of gaming


Apr 8, 2015



Aug 21, 2019
It's a good game but terribly overrated. It sacrificed the decision making and quest interconnectivity of TW 2 for a large, empty map of "kill this" quests with characters you will never hear from again. It completely ignores your decisions in TW2, turns Radovid into an imbecile and the main character of the story is a literal mary sue a la Rey. I have no idea why people love Ciri so much. I also just love how most people glance over the fact that most dialogues have at most two options, maybe three. The story is basically "find this person so you can find that other person so you can find Ciri". It has a few standout moments but that's about it. The villain is terribly boring and barely has any dialogue. Let's not forget they cut Yorveth out of the game and the game just assumes you chose Roche. Just like TW2 assumes you chose Triss over Shani. I always hated Triss and the other sorceresses. They are complete bitches.

I would have preferred a larger, more open TW2 instead of this bloated mess. There's a reason why Hearts of Stone is the best DLC and that's because it's tighter and more focused. Would have loved to see O'Dimm meddle in the main story.

For me it's more like a 7/10.


Apr 8, 2015
Imagine hating your life so much you have to continously shit on other people enjoying something. It's ok, maybe one day you'll find someone that loves you.

What the fuck do you think this is newfag, reddit?
Shitting on what the masses enjoy is our prime source of entertainment.


Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
Imagine hating your life so much you have to continously shit on other people enjoying something. It's ok, maybe one day you'll find someone that loves you.
Are you one of those people who say "If you don't like it then move along and don't criticize it"?

What's heartbreaking about TW is that with the first one they really tried to make a good RPG. And I think that the content is there: the setting is cool and gritty, I like the dark fantasy art direction, the soundtrack is good, the story is decent. Unfortunately, they completely failed to come up with good mechanics to back it all up. Had they managed to pull that off, I think the Codex would place TW among best RPGs without any sense of shame.




Sep 20, 2014
TW1 > TW2 > TW3 (vanilla)

TW3 is still an okay to good game, despite its numerous flaws (faux urgency, abysmal loot system / itemization, bad pacing, padding, pointless alchemy).

And Shani is best girl.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Imagine hating your life so much you have to continously shit on other people enjoying something. It's ok, maybe one day you'll find someone that loves you.

There's a difference between enjoying something and saying "it's the best thing ever oh my god I just came." I put dozens of hours into Skyrim like most people here, I'm not gonna pretend I didn't enjoy it, but if you think that's the same as saying BEST RPG EVAR like some people do with Witcher 3, well...


Aug 21, 2019
TW3 would have been ideal if it had had 5-6 zones like White Orchard but with lots of C&C, where side quests can influence the main quest in not so obvious ways.

Actually, this sounds a lot like a sequel to TW1, which is what I really wanted.

I don't think all the sacrifices made to one-up Skyrim were worth it. I finished it again relatively recently and I was surprised by how...boring it was.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.


Jul 18, 2019
The eye of the storm at the end of the world
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.
10 years of games with all sort of hidden areas, loot, achievements, would inflict OCD to everyone. Would not wish that to my enemies


Feb 14, 2017
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.

Not really. Even essential quests require a lot of running over filler land & running around empty areas to progress.

If you wanted to just play through the main quest, you'd spend hours upon hours just running from place to place.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.

Not really. Even essential quests require a lot of running over filler land & running around empty areas to progress.

If you wanted to just play through the main quest, you'd spend hours upon hours just running from place to place.

The main quest by itself is certainly not what most people would consider bloated.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.
10 years of games with all sort of hidden areas, loot, achievements, would inflict OCD to everyone. Would not wish that to my enemies

Since when did hidden areas and loot suddenly become negatives? Are far as achievements are concerned, I find those very easy to ignore.


Feb 14, 2017
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.

Not really. Even essential quests require a lot of running over filler land & running around empty areas to progress.

If you wanted to just play through the main quest, you'd spend hours upon hours just running from place to place.

The main quest by itself is certainly not what most people would consider bloated.

It's a series full of person fetch quests. That to me is pure bloat & filler.


Jul 18, 2019
The eye of the storm at the end of the world
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.
10 years of games with all sort of hidden areas, loot, achievements, would inflict OCD to everyone. Would not wish that to my enemies

Since when did hidden areas and loot suddenly become negatives? Are far as achievements are concerned, I find those very easy to ignore.
I didn't said they are negative in se, but when the games, especially metroidvania like, rewards you for exploring every pixel of the map, it becomes a habit to instinctively try to "complete" the game


Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.
I don't get your argument. You say that 90% of the game is bloat but so what if you can ignore it.

I don't know man... How about... Maybe... Having a game that has a tighter world with less bloat but more meaningful content?


Aug 21, 2019
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.

That's usually a sign that the person can't overcome their own OCD tendencies and blames the game for being too big.

It's not about that, it's more about the fact that the resources that went into creating those quests and zones could have gone elsewhere.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Well, it does have something going for it - it managed to convince normies it's something more than it is. The way everything seems to somehow cater to the player (a very specific type at that) as if with surgical precision is unequalled.


Sep 29, 2007
I absolutely loved the first Witcher game. I bought the second game as soon as it was available, and was saddened to discover that they had abandoned nearly everything that I loved about the original game, and had turned Geralt into puppet. Also ruining his likeness from the original game. They stripped out the what made the alchemy system so impressive. They removed Geralt's the ability pragmatically pick and choose potions on the spot as the situation warranted. They discarded Geralt's optimized fighting styles; those geared for groups, light, and for heavily armored opponents. They got rid of the bar fights; replacing them with Quicktime mini games. :( Somehow they even ruined the dice game; I still can't figure that one out.

They discarded the multi camera system. They changed the way Geralt navigated the world. He could no longer enter a room without charging in, and closing the door behind himself—and they used this on occasion to trap him in the room with hostile enemies. In the first game Geralt could hold his own in a fight; the second game sees Geralt flail about with his swords at whatever arbitrary object is in front of him; getting trounced by peasant thugs if the player is not yet accustomed to the new combat controls. Gone was the ability for the player to simply target Geralt's enemy, and see him attack them (as best as he could). The game was reduced to controlling a virtual marionette; totally out of character for the established Geralt of Rivia. I was sickened by it.

W3 comes around and I had it day 1. I was again saddened that they had doubled down on the nonsense change to gameplay, and further estranged it from the original game. They lost me as a fan.
*I had W3 because I had won it in a contest; I would have never bought it sight unseen, having seen W2, and been so utterly disappointed by the studio. I quit W2 around the Kraken fight, and quit W3 before the tutorial level was over... unlikely to ever return.
Last edited:


Aug 21, 2019
Well, it does have something going for it - it managed to convince normies it's something more than it is. The way everything seems to somehow cater to the player (a very specific type at that) as if with surgical precision is unequalled.

Well, it's real funny how CDPR even managed to trick kodexers that this is not in fact a game in the same vein as Dragon Age Inquisition. Sure it has higher production values but they are very similar games in the end and no that is not a compliment.

It's a good game but no masterpiece.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.
I don't get your argument. You say that 90% of the game is bloat but so what if you can ignore it.

I don't know man... How about... Maybe... Having a game that has a tighter world with less bloat but more meaningful content?

I said that 90% of the bloat is optional not that 90% of the game is bloat.

TW3 already has a significant amount of meaningful content. You can just ignore the filler if you don't think it's worth it. The main quest doesn't need to be any larger though.


Aug 21, 2019
Some people like to talk about how bloated TW3 is, but they fail to mention that 90% of the bloat is optional. No one is forcing you to do any of those sidequests or explore all the POI, and it's certainly not necessary in order to finish the game.
I don't get your argument. You say that 90% of the game is bloat but so what if you can ignore it.

I don't know man... How about... Maybe... Having a game that has a tighter world with less bloat but more meaningful content?

I said that 90% of the bloat is optional not that 90% of the game is bloat.

TW3 already has a significant amount of meaningful content. You can just ignore the filler if you don't think it's worth it. The main quest doesn't need to be any larger though.

Content that you can ignore is content not worth playing.

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