So, let's summarize. The edgy codexers who like to think they are monocled and educated hate W3 because it has everything BUT gameplay. I'm a visual and exploration fag and think W3 is the best game (not RPG, game in general) of the past 15+ years, because the combat was passable.
So I suppose objectively W3 is somewhere in the middle - a great game with some issues. :joshsawyerhead:
specifically because it allows climbing
So, let's summarize. The edgy codexers who like to think they are monocled and educated hate W3 because it has everything BUT great combat. I'm a visual and exploration fag and think W3 is the best game (not RPG, game in general) of the past 15+ years, because the combat was passable.
So I suppose objectively W3 is somewhere in the middle - a great game with some issues. :joshsawyerhead:
What the fuck? Fourteen people agree with this shit post? The Witcher games are complete garbage. A consoletard series that runs headfirst into the decline with each progressive game. They're literally third person Bethesda walking simulators. What did I expect though, half the people on this forum thought FO:NV was a great game.
I find this hard to believe. I dropped the game after this point, still waiting for greatness, for some character interaction or environment to be as interesting as those in the first game. I did like the questline with the swole Witcher bro and generally found the landscape pleasing and gorgeously rendered, but so far lacking in any memorable town content. I know there are bigger cities later in the game, so I find it hard to believe the game has already peaked. Vizima was the shit in the first game, and none of the shitty little settlements up until the point I quit have compared in the slightest.It's a great game up until you finish dealing with The Bloody Baron's questline. After that point, the quality drops off and it becomes far less focused and a lot less fun.
I find this hard to believe. I dropped the game after this point, still waiting for greatness, for some character interaction or environment to be as interesting as those in the first game. I did like the questline with the swole Witcher bro and generally found the landscape pleasing and gorgeously rendered, but so far lacking in any memorable town content. I know there are bigger cities later in the game, so I find it hard to believe the game has already peaked. Vizima was the shit in the first game, and none of the shitty little settlements up until the point I quit have compared in the slightest.It's a great game up until you finish dealing with The Bloody Baron's questline. After that point, the quality drops off and it becomes far less focused and a lot less fun.
I get all the criticisms about the Witcher games, I will be the first to admit that they are far from great in the gameplay department in a lot of ways. But sometimes, you can't see the forest by analyzing the trees. Whatever you want to call it, atmosphere, writing, lore, the total package, these games are an achievement in this favorite hobby of ours. I've been bored lately, trying tons of different games, and none of them can keep my attention for long because they are just not very good, but I tried playing the Witcher games again (which I've already completed years ago), and right away I am hooked. They just have that something that few games have.
I am a bit of everything-fag, as I love great writing, and great exploration, and great combat, so this is not about that. It's just about recognizing greatness when it rarely shows its face.
Like I said before, I suspect it's because it's very cater-y (it checks boxes with surgical precision) to the average person who would play it and they confuse that with some kind of extraordinary quality.So i am just curious on what makes you think the witcher is special
Why you play games with bad writing and bad gameplay?Most games have bad writting and bad gameplay. The Witcher 3 has good writting and mediocre gameplay. Id say that puts it above
the rest. If you give a shit about story/representation you are left with a mediocre game, if you take it into account you have a good game.
And they managed to make a fairly large world without turning it into a Ubisoft/Bethesda open world shit show which gets them huge
plus in my book.
I get all the criticisms about the Witcher games, I will be the first to admit that they are far from great in the gameplay department in a lot of ways. But sometimes, you can't see the forest by analyzing the trees. Whatever you want to call it, atmosphere, writing, lore, the total package, these games are an achievement in this favorite hobby of ours. I've been bored lately, trying tons of different games, and none of them can keep my attention for long because they are just not very good, but I tried playing the Witcher games again (which I've already completed years ago), and right away I am hooked. They just have that something that few games have.
I am a bit of everything-fag, as I love great writing, and great exploration, and great combat, so this is not about that. It's just about recognizing greatness when it rarely shows its face.
It is one of the greatest RPG franchises ever. Even if individually, none of them has strong rpg mechanics.
Yes, Gothic 1 and 2 are amazing games, but Witcher series is great in a completely different way. Gothics had amazing gameplay and detailed world, the Witcher games aren't nearly as good in those areas, but they excel on the writing, atmosphere, lore, character side, as well as graphics/physics in Witcher 3. And in the age of Bethesda, Bioware, and Ubisoft crap, that counts for something.
It is one of the greatest RPG franchises ever. Even if individually, none of them has strong rpg mechanics.
Geralt is the opposite of the Nameless Hero, he's made to be as much of a badass as possible on every occasion and that makes him thoroughly uninteresting resulting in his journey being not something to cherish or take away from. I also hate his English voice.
Yes, Gothic 1 and 2 are amazing games, but Witcher series is great in a completely different way. Gothics had amazing gameplay and detailed world, the Witcher games aren't nearly as good in those areas, but they excel on the writing, atmosphere, lore, character side, as well as graphics/physics in Witcher 3. And in the age of Bethesda, Bioware, and Ubisoft crap, that counts for something.
I don't think developers should separate gameplay from story. In the best games, they are actually intertwined.
Gothic 1 and 2 didn't have expensive mocap and voice actors and the story is still considered one of the high points of the game. It's not because the characters have particularly interesting backgrounds or have anything profound to say. They are really just normal people who are trying to survive in a brutal world, just like you.
I think the main characters in Gothic are interesting because they offer the player valuable things. For example, in Gothic 2, there is this part where you are with Diego in the Valley of Mines and you have to go through a horde of orcs. Normally you can't kill more than one at that point but Diego kills them with ease with his bow, which gives you a ton of XP, which strenghtens the friendship between the player and Diego because XP is very valuable but it's particularly valuable because the game is difficult. In my opinion, this is an important story moment. So without any cutscenes, expensive mocap and voice acting, the developers managed to strenghten the friendship between the player and Diego and portray how much of a badass he is. However, none of these things would matter if the world was not difficult. Diego is your friend because the world is brutal and unforgiving. The friendship would not mean anything if the player could take on 5 orcs at level 5. The orcs are scary because the have surrounded a castle and you can barely take out one at a time. It all comes down to it being a good game.
The story in Gothic is not great because of particularly great writing but because the story is driven by the gameplay. Gameplay is story. Atmosphere, lore and graphics are really just the cherry on top of the cake.
Story in Gothics? Are you serious?
Story in 1 was escape the prison colony with a few twists. Quite fresh, okayish thanks to likeable characters but nothing great. Strengths of G1 lays elsewhere.
Gothic 2 has the most boring and cliched "dragons are coming to conquer the world" story. The fact that no serious conflict was resolved within the game (paladins vs ex-prisoners; ex-prisoners factions; paladin expedition to Valley of Mines) was retarded. And the endboss... undead dragon from Heroes of Might and Magic 2. Now that was "fresh"...
Again, strength of this franchise was not in strong stories.
A simple story can be great if told well and I think the best way to tell a story in games is through gameplay. Brothers a Tale of Two sons did this very well too but in a different way.