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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - planned economy city builder


May 11, 2018
i think thats why im easily bored by this. its well done and complex which i love but then i lose motivation to continue or look after my worker town. Also while i dont like forced grids, id love to be able to make things straight/parallel :) but maybe there is a trick for that.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


New version
Helicopters and undergrounds

The new update of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic introduces helicopters that work with construction offices, hospitals and fire stations. Operate the helicopters to help extinguish fires even without workers, serve as transportation at hospitals, and assist with construction at unreachable construction sites.

In addition, the new upgrade now supports underground infrastructure using a special mode that allows you see what happens underground.

Another update that was added was the rain and the dynamic sun when starting a new game or changing the settings for an existing game. This offers a different ambiance allowing you to see Your Republics in a different light and weather.

New Features in Content Update #7
  • Helicopters (works also with construction offices, hospitals or fire stations)
  • Underground mode (you can see what is under the ground with special mode)
  • Underground pipelines
  • Pedestrian underpasses and overpasses
  • Rain and dynamic sun
  • Wind and solar power plants
  • Curved bridges and many other small improvements - Major changes
  • Helicopters
  • Ability to set what resources can carry the vehicle or train, also per wagon
  • Fences support, first implementation (for now only as decorations)
  • Key for shooting a screenshots and time elapse support
  • Pedestrian infrastructure - overpass and underpass, bridges and tunnels
  • Rain, sunlight and wind weather parameters, and added rain effect with volumetric fog
  • Added solar, wind and gas power plants
  • Favorite vehicle selection
  • Favorite building selection in the workshop menu
  • Possibility to set favorite workshop buildings from the classic building menu
  • Game was optimized, you should get more FPS with bigger maps
  • Scalable windows
  • Detailed walking paths for citizens within the buildings
  • New old city buildings
  • Buildings like construction office, woodcutting post, etc. which handle the working vehicles, now they have fuel storage and possibility to refuel vehicles inside building
  • At end of year you are prompted in case inflation is high to cu the prices by /100 (this is also available at debug functions)
  • "Near snaps" just like for rails was added to roads and pipes
  • Possibility to place the underground pipes and heating pipes
  • Topographic terrain elevation added into wireframe display
  • If overlays are enabled for electricity, wires should be colored to red according to consumption
  • Underground mode
  • New window for save and load game in the game
  • Possibility to auto-finance construction by groups
  • Added notification about missing electricity, heating, unemployment, traffic jams etc.
  • Added possibility to draw patches on ground - it is only decoration
  • Added new vehicles (huge capacity flat bed truck, Yugoslavian vehicles, and one bulldozer) - Minor changes
  • Revised vehicle loading/unloading code, now if vehicle have specified unload specific resources and wait until unloaded, in case all of specific resources unloaded, vehicle should move to next stop, same if vehicle have specified to load specific resource, if there is no more space for those resources vehicle should move to next stop even not fully loaded with other vehicles
  • Now when there are added small amounts of resources to the loading station, vehicle will not stay at station unless specified "wait for load" flag
  • Terraforming and building placement is now possible over the tunnels
  • Now by default all workshop buildings have the game's border even they have defined imagegui, in case your item have the proper border you can define $GUI_NOBORDER flag in the workshopconfig.ini to process with the classic way (where image is no scaled down and no border is added)
  • For modders: Added animation support for other buildings factories/power plants/attractions/pub/shop/playground/church/cinema .. added token for animation speed in frames per second - $ANIMATION_SPEED_FPS 30.0 (default value is 30.0)
  • Now when building get destroyed by fire is possible to rebuild it
  • Now there is difference between the electrified railroad bridges and not electrified. If you will open new version all your finished bridges will be transformed to electrified version automatically. You can use electrified railroad tool to upgrade non electrified bridges into electrified version (similar as road trolley bridges)
  • Possible to sell vehicle or demolish building by pressing DEL key
  • Window of infrastructure construction now display proper icon
  • Now quality for source is mentioned when building is placed
  • Fixed problem about DO office can send the vehicle to load fuel at cargo harbors (for example) and struck there
  • Sorting of vehicles according value, type, speed, etc.
  • Sorting of resource price at statistics or custom house
  • Schedule you can copy now even into window of road depot


Mar 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
I tried this for a few hours and I really liked the simulation and the setting, but the UI is just incredibly fucking painful. It's like Transport Tycoon with a million windows popping up, each with some little tiny button you've got to find on it in order to get anything done. Not to mention how much of a pain in the ass it is to lay out your power lines, pipelines, etc. I hope the developer gets around to improving that side of it because it's just not worth wasting my time on in its current state.

Or maybe this is actually a genius move. It's the kind of UI that I'd expect from a game made by communists who don't care if customers actually like their product, so maybe it was done intentionally to tie in with that theme.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I tried this for a few hours and I really liked the simulation and the setting, but the UI is just incredibly fucking painful. It's like Transport Tycoon with a million windows popping up, each with some little tiny button you've got to find on it in order to get anything done. Not to mention how much of a pain in the ass it is to lay out your power lines, pipelines, etc. I hope the developer gets around to improving that side of it because it's just not worth wasting my time on in its current state.

Or maybe this is actually a genius move. It's the kind of UI that I'd expect from a game made by communists who don't care if customers actually like their product, so maybe it was done intentionally to tie in with that theme.

Authentic experience of Soviet planners having to work with shoddy materials, comrade!


Oct 21, 2019
I'm also few hours in and like it a lot so far. The scale is fantastic, the things you can build... So complicated combination of tycoon and city-planner. Shame that the game looks far from being completed yet. UI is intimidating, sure, but that's the price for the ability to allocate every piece by hand, without area markers and stuff. I disagree that the game looks shitty, rather it looks... very soviet, which is the point. Also, dedication to replicating all the vehicles is fucking insane.


Sep 20, 2014
These guys are dedicated. The game is getting really complex.

Update from October (because the Christmas update is just cosmetic):

Content Update #8 features:
  • Build monuments to increase the loyalty of your citizens.
  • Use secret police to install spy equipment and find out how loyal your citizens really are!
  • Utilize information gathered by the secret police to ensure citizens do not use their positions to affect other citizen’s loyalty.
  • New construction menu with customizable screen positions.
  • Quick info tab to access citizen information and your republic’s economy.
  • New complex rail signals mechanic update (no requirement to place the chain signals)
  • Optimized traffic flow added for parking lots and other buildings.
  • Orphanage added - Look after your republic’s children should the worst happen to their parents.
Last edited:


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
How is that even possible. It was a guy that wrote a guide and got butthurt over something.


Dec 17, 2022
How is that even possible. It was a guy that wrote a guide and got butthurt over something.
DMCA is the secret weapon of the butthurt.

It's the perfect weapon because service providers (Steam, Youtube, etc) will just comply with most requests, no matter how silly on the surface. A popular FPS streamer I used to watch had his account disabled when a rival (and far less popular streamer) claimed he had copyrighted the song 'We wish you a merry Christmas', that the popular streamer had sung (badly) while shooting dudes in a Christmas video.

It took a while and probably lawyer intervention before the streamer was able to get back into his account.

Edit: From the Workers & Soviets Steam announcement:

He was successful because those reports are handled by BOTs, not humans. We will issue our reactions, and hopefully we will get answers soon from human employees of YouTube and Wix, who can evaluate his actual claims and agree that this is nonsense.


Dec 27, 2008
A commie-simulator game taken down by political maneuvering of sorts and backstabbing. A bit too realistic, I say.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
Dear Community and Players,

We are pleased to announce that our game is now back in the store!

We thank you for your patience, support and understanding as we navigated this tricky situation.

We want to apologize to those who were looking to purchase the game and were unable to. We realize that we underestimated the situation, and it quickly escalated to a point that posed a threat to our game. We greatly wish that this had not been the case.

But we are now back on track and you can fully enjoy the game! We are excited to get back fully to the development and put this matter behind us.

Dev Team

Hamster Godoy

Mar 7, 2021
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Are there gulags?

You cannot make a game like this and not have gulags.
you can set up prisions and send them to do forced work in mines etc, if you build orphanages you get a good stream of anti-citizens to send to the prisions

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