Multi-headed Cow
See, those "Gotcha!" moments and forced situations and deaths were part of what I liked about it. Having some situations which will kick you in the nuts if you get into them and actually having character death as an option made the C&C feel more refreshing to me compared to a lot of them where you can glide through almost anything with any character. Plus a fair few of them you CAN get through and succeed at if you go hard on a certain skill/stat/archetype. Been years since I played it last though, so I may not be remembering what instance you're talking about. As for the SJW-friendly part, that's basically all the Choice/Hosted games. I didn't think Kevin Gold's were so preachy as to be a distraction or get in the way much, and just having the option doesn't really bug me since it falls under the same category as romances for "Easy optional fluff that has minimal story impact". If you want maximum SJW check out the... Uh... Superheroes series. Forget the name now. Those were absolutely hilarious with it. In fact those might take the cake for the worst of these games I've played.If you haven't played them, I'd recommend the Kevin Gold-authored ones. Choice of Deathless is a good 'un too, but all of Kevin Gold's do a pretty good job on C&C and actually having skill/stat checks you can fail. Alexandria's definitely shorter, but still does better C&C and skills than most others. His have been my favorites, though there are still quite a lot I haven't played, and I haven't been keeping up on recent games for the last year or three. Choice of Magics was an exception. They do have the obligatory romance options though, which I wouldn't mind if it didn't feel shoehorned into all of them. But I guess "Who you gonna fuck" is a relatively easy choice with minimal impact on a story so they can do it with minimal effort.
I have to disagree. I remember his Choice of Robots games having cheap deaths hidden here and there for "gotcha!" moments, forcing you to start over even right at the end of the game if you don't choose the right answer from an arbitrary set that is too vague to be useful. Then there were the characters, most of them extremely bad for one reason or another, as well as SJW-friendly just because. The story itself was okay though, depending on which path you take, although the writer is clearly anti-transhumanist, or at the very least doesn't believe in the concept of uploading minds to a cybernetic, perfect body. On the plus side, it shows how romances/marriages with robots are extremely creepy and unproductive. There are also some forced situations in the story that happen no matter what you try.
I haven't played Choice of Magics, but several of the reviews mention that there are forced situations as well, which go against your character's previous actions in order to justify the ongoing narrative.
I recommend checking the stories of Endmaster , much better and they're for free.
This is getting me in the mood to play some, might start one up tonight. Hopefully I don't get the fever and end up buying all the new ones I'm missing next major Steam sale. Fuckers only go on 20-30% discount, though you can shave a little more off by buying the big bundles.