you could have a shit gear even as a warrior but if you had a decent pocket healer, you still won all the battles.
Not if your're a terrible warrior, especially post-enrage nerf. Pre-enrage nerf? hell...if you were half-decent all you needed was valor gear and arcanite reaper. Though, most warriors were garbage and didn't even know how to fucking stance dance.
I can't remember if blizzard released the unstoppable force and don julio's pre or post enrage nerf cause i remember getting 1800+ MS crits and 1300 white crits with just internal buffs with valor and reaper, but that was pre-enrage nerf. Never hit that hard again after the enrage nerf even with TuF and R13 gear, only against super under geared cloth classes. The enrage nerf was a big blow to the warrior class, along with the weapon normalization nerf, anything less than a TuF and decent off pieces (+5% to hit is an absolute must as well or enjoy those 3.8 speed white/yellow misses) by the time second quarter 2006 came along you were in for a mighty struggle in BG's regardless how good you thought you are if you were that under geared. TuF and Don Julio's band was a blessing, and very much needed.
WoW PvP has always been shitty and unbalanced.
More than anything, it wasn't the classes that made Vanilla WoW pvp unbalanced, it was the horrible itemization on blizzards part, you throw in the gear gap between raiders and non raiders and yea that shit was a joke. Blizzard didn't really smarten up until tier 2.5 and even still with some classes it was dumb, like +spell damage for hunters? Wtf were they thinking? Gotta buff that arcane shot damage and mend pet 0_o.
In the end i do agree with you somewhat that it was not the most balanced, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. I just don't understand why you're so bitter with it, did you even play on a pvp server? Were you corpse camped a lot or something? Are you just a bad player? It's ok if you're shit Metro, nobody's perfect
Vanilla WoW pvp was 60% gear and 40% skill, with low skill caps in general, Mage had the highest skill cap imo, than warlock and than the rest. Honestly, any half-witted simpleton could be a pro easily with Vanilla WoW pvp, but 90% just didn't bother or could care less.
Lionheart Helm. I remember seeing soooo many warriors with that head piece, not a very good helm for pvp, but if you weren't hit capped...