I wish I could agree that it caters to console players, because if it catered to them, it'd mean that at least it had a solid direction. As it stands, WoW desperately tries to cater to everyone - console players, elitist gamer dads, woman gamers and hundreds of other denominations, while failing to retain any sort of character of its own. What WoW's been doing since at least Cataclysm is ape its possible "killers" - Cata and MoP are basically "Shit, GW2 will be highly mobility-based, we need to keep up" design ideology, now that GW2 is no longer a new thing, they're looking around and trying to figure out what else to rip off, and what features they've promised over the years and failed to deliver on.
However, the "don't stand in the fire" ideas have been in the game since pretty much Vanilla, and the stuff in the video is just a slight adjustment for that. After all, even Vanilla had lots of poison puddles/clouds that you needed to sidestep. Of course, it also gives an indication of what endgame will be like, and it will pretty much be Cata V2 aka "Fuck you for rolling melee, you fucking retard".