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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
It seems wands are essentially mediocre short ranged guns that scale off voodoo skill/power and cost energy/morale/freshness to use.
Wands of airlessness are quite good imo. High accuracy at decent-ish range (think javelin, not gun) and will knock most basic enemies unconscious in one hit. Support weapon for sure, but my catgirls have been using it + ninja stars with the grav boots and doing well, at least medium difficulty missions

I do agree on voodoo in general, I have the gray spellbook, and even with a voodoo outfit it seems kinda bad compared to casting gun. I guess the mind damage type of some of the spells might make it really good against certain armored (but not shielded) targets? There's also a circuit breaker spell im hoping to unlock soon, which is hopefully good against tanks and other machines? I'm quite salty about how much workshop/research time I spent on it though.

Bit upset with the CoS beastmasters
Seems like if you deplete their morale they just cease to exist over the end turn. I was really careful to deplete the shields of one so I could hit it with stun/morale/freshness damage spells. But it seems this just caused it to cease to exist, as I seriously doubt it could somehow go from conscious to bled out in a single turn.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Tits Randy has reported for duty. Amusingly, this is probably less obscene than her original name.

Turkish Ronin as well. Not sure why you'd prefer to be a peasant, but hopefully we'll have more need of them in the near future. Modron II is being trained up as well, forgot to take a screenshot.

These fuckers have started to show up. Might have mentioned them before. Weirdly, despite taking multiple shots to take down, they don't leave crash sites. Though even if they did I might avoid them. Fuckers are obnoxious.

One of the perks of the refractors is that they are relatively quick to assemble. Force circuitry is exceedingly rare, only found from priests and above in the church, but we've got enough to spare for a few right now.

Still haven't managed to loot one of these, but a gun almanac gave us the specs for it, so if we unlock the right merchant we can buy these now. Glorious for base defenses, just annihilate people crawling through ladders and stairwells, or blundering through corners.

Been researching some more of the collectible cards lately for funsies. These cities are so damned cool.

We get an underwater mission and I decide to check out the looter outfit's underwater functions. It's shit. The immunity to stun damage just isn't worth all these penalties, not even close. Didn't even have good inventory space with the oxygen tank taking up most of the backpack.

Regardless, the mission went off without a hitch and Tits got her first chunk of xp.

It's remarkably busy right now, both for missions and enemy aircraft. Most of that shit is either too large or too fast to fight though. The missions are good quality though, a nice change of pace.

Turkish Ronin needs some more time in the oven before she can be brought onto the battlefield. Militia training for you!

Tac Armour is finally researched. It's not as good as chainmail, but far quicker to produce and has lower strength requirements.

But really it's a stepping stone to more advanced versions of armour. Sadly, still nothing for ogres just yet.

We get an academy outpost mission, which I snatch up to increase our supply of advanced medkits and grav units. Werewolf is the first one out the door and howls at the nearest enemies.

Pretty good result for a single howl from the entrance of the ship.

Here too. I didn't get to see if either of them panicked though, opting to stay behind closed doors to avoid being a shooting gallery.

It turns out the howls were kind of redundant, with a bunch of the enemies getting knocked out by the heatwaves on the first turn.

A little later we receive the same treatment. Shit can even happen inside your ship or in buildings. Best defense is to spread out and have high heat resistance. Which we do, kind of. Nobody in chainmail at least, thankfully.

Easy mission was easy, free stuff acquired, including half a dozen prisoners.

Another mission I'd like to go on... but we've got so many to do right now I've got to be careful not to exhaust everyone. Would be a different story if nobody were wounded. Once we get all those raider thugs onboard we'll have more wiggle room.

While we could actually interrogate the nurses we caught, I opt instead to enslave them as maids at the secondary base. The moneymakers/liabilities line here tallies the upkeep and costs of things like slaves, workers, the genius loci and unnamable pets like parrots and werewolves (sorry whoever wanted to be a werewolf, not an option AFAIK.) As you can see here, we've got a lot more liabilities than money makers at this base.

One of my favourite C level bounty hunts.

Basically these always seem to have only a single enemy, one of these dudes. They often have dangerous shit like this RPG, but I've also seen them armed with nothing more than a pistol, so they tend to be very easy.

They are also usually waiting inside a small shack in the woods somewhere. Kind of odd to see this guy hanging out on a random hill in the jungle.

Since he probably has spotter, sniper, and saw us walk out of our brightly lit ship, we opt to hid behind some rocks instead of getting closer.

Turns out he did have a little shack over here after all! We send the werewolf and catgirl in. I'd like to subdue him if at all possible.

Welp. That wasn't an option, as he elected to rush at the werewolf and then unalive himself by firing the RPG at his toes. Werewolf was totally fine of course.

Finally got around to inspecting one of our zombie corpses. These things are very weird. The 'lethal daze' referred to in the description means that while their damage type is daze, and therefore fairly well resisted by things that also resist punches and clubs and such, it does way more health damage than stun damage. It seems to result in some weird armour interactions.

Another cool city description. It's a good thing these only take a single researcher day to complete, or I'd be wasting a lot of time on these.

It turns out that constructing a wench outfit requires 3 sets of exquisite lingerie, which are the component needed for crafting chainmail. Request denied. At least until we find a decent source of that stuff. I think we've gotten all ours from the church so far.

The catgirl mission lasted long enough for us to reach it as well. Werewolf was sent out first, but it turns out he's shit at this task- werewolves have fuck all evasion so he just gets knocked out immediately when running in to claw the nearest spider.

Fortunately, echidna's hoverboots are almost perfect for this mission (not quite perfect since she's freezing her ass off but she'll live)

The werewolf eventually wakes back up despite his wounds, the bad weather and having literally 0 freshness, crippling his stun and energy recovery values.

Like most monster hunts, the pile of spiders gives us some decent xp, especially for the newer recruits. Sadly no new monster slayer titles, we didn't have anyone in chainmail who could handle the melee. I was expecting desert terrain in the carribean, not alpine!

We don't need the tourists to get catgirls any more, but they are a bit cheaper this way and we got a pile of boom fruit! Now we can set up some farms and craft a fuckton of healing gel.

Another seemingly important tech down that didn't actually give us much. I think we need to research all the individual components as well, and might need a fancier workshop as well.


So, the 5 prisoners have been converted to maids. Result? 3750 a month in extra income. Not exactly impressive. They do also provide a little bit of free inventory space though, and enslaving them robs them as well, so we're not really losing much by doing this. It'll be like a whole year before they're even turning a marginal profit over a ransom though. It really varies a lot whether or not this is worth doing. You're best bets aren't church or academy people, who have disproportionately high ransoms, but bandits. Though a lot of bandits can't be enslaved either. Also, higher tier units like the beastmasters make much, much better slaves, but tend to have higher ransoms as well.

Another underwater wreck mission. Not a bounty this time, just a random wreck. One bro takes a crossbow bolt in the chest while trying to get the last fucker out of his hidey hole down here, but he'll live.

Aside from the ton of aqua plastics, we got sonic oscillator parts. Hopefully researching those will let us use the finished ones we already own courtesy of the slot machine.

Enemy raids are still pretty fragile if they're getting shot down that easily. That overcharged radar does fuck all damage compared to the iradiator tower at the other bases.

And this is why we interrogate random fuckwits. The way this unlocked was by interrogating a Mowhawk, one of the shitty bandit dudes. He gave us intel on the military police, who we've yet to encounter (they tend to be at pogroms) and because the game thinks we captured one of them, we can now make armour that copies that of the military police. Which is what this will be once it's finished. It's pretty fucking good!

Speaking of pretty fucking good, this was the reward we collected from the goblins after turning in ~1200 tokens, 500 of which came from that hitman hit.

Oh boy, we can buy some good shit now! I;m going to buy an autogun and upgrade it to the fancy version with the grav unit so Slut can have a proper machinegun. Also, limitless sniper rifle AP ammo will be excellent in the long run. That shit can hurt turrets and armored cars from across the map.

Some more great stuff. The CAWS we saw earlier, perfect for close quarters, base defense or just units with shit gun skill like new ogre recruits.(Though they're going to be using Painbringer SMGs instead for the titles) while that LACC at the bottom will let us use the chrysalid slaying ammo we stole from the exterminator rescue mission. That shit annihilates zombies and mutants alike.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Yay, Update!

Imo the best part about slavery is that you get free glamour and storage space. The money per month is basically nothing, you're way better off selling them.


Feb 22, 2021
Tac armor is less protective but the inventory space is pretty gud. Perfect for carrying all those rockets we'll unlock at some point

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Someone suggested simply buying the mutant meat. This was indeed an option! I had it hidden from the normal purchase list. However, it's not super cheap (we could afford it but we'll need like, hundreds) and it's incredibly easy to find. So we'll just wait until some monsters fall into our laps.

Speaking of monsters falling into our laps...

The blood ritual missions seem to always have a castaway gal sleeping on an altar. If we were so inclined, we could pick her up with Echidna and leave. Though it's far enough away it wouldn't be doable on turn one.

But this mission has two other potential perks. The first is that the altar tends to hold some weird loot, often magical in nature. The second is that it contains rare enemies! In this case, more werewolves. I'd be excited if we didn't already have 20 of these guys. At least it means the mission will be easy; there will only be about 5 of these things here, and we're well equipped to handle them.

Just for fun, I try howling at one. It actually works, apparently they aren't resistant to the daze damage it deals. This one even went berserk, essentially skipping his turn.

Gumsmith finally has another chance to get his thwonk on with an enemy. :thwack:

Echidna manages to take one down too; although instead of a single thwack, she did it by firing six arrows into the poor bastard in a single turn. Ouch.

Some nice xp to go around after dealing with the bullet sponges.

Loot was fairly tame, just some weird monster hides. But we did get the castaway gal!

As long as you've got a few odds and ends (moonshine, rare earth elements, etc.) these are very easy to recruit. They have the same starting stats as the initial 6 gals we start with, which means high bravery and decent physical stats! Since nobody wants to be :codexisforindividualswithgenderidentityissues: I'll start naming the gals we're recruiting after video game and anime characters.This one shall be Ceres.

Hmm, an interesting follow up to the ominous report we got last month. Sounds like someone wants to bomb the shit out of our HQ?

Well, if that was an attempt, they failed. Not sure how those work actually.

A new outfit for our catgirls. -30 stamina seems like a lot, until you remember they have a ton to go around and 120% recovery in this gettup. Will definitely bring at least one along like this on a mansion raid when we finally get one.

Deep One Details! Didn't realize they also have the spotter/sniper combo. I always just assumed they had superior underwater vision. Doesn't matter much, since their crossbows have shit accuracy from long ranges. Notably, these are immune to anti-e511, so they aren't mutants like us and the zombies, and aren't dependant on hellerium to survive.

Finally we got some armor for our big boys. Is it as good as chainmail? No, not quite. Does that matter when you slap it on something with 120+ Health that can easily carry around 3 mortars? Nope.

The sonic oscillator thing we picked up from the wreck was apparently not a grenade like we have, but a ship weapon! And a pretty good one, 100% accuracy is nothing to sneeze at! We'd need to find another to actually craft the thing, but this is apparently another viable option for getting craft weapons in the early game. Probably a pretty good one to be honest, considering how easy these sea wreck missions tend to be.

So we've had this stupid thing pop up like, 8 times or something now, and always in austrailia where neither of our bases can reach it. Honestly, at this point I'm thinking I should scrap the hangars for those cars and not worry about it.

But this time was different! We fucking got there!

Sadly, I only sent 5 random ass peasants along with no items.

But that's enough to claim the loot, since the mission auto wins after a single turn, and the only enemy is a single academy drone.

Also, the town is fully of allies. They tend to murder the drone if we don't find it first.

Note that this one is NOT a traitor bugeye. Killing these guys or trying to capture them would be a bad idea.

So what do we get? Well first of all, a ton of infamy for literally no effort. This would have meant a decent chunk of money in the early game.

We also get some random shit, 8 heroes' blessings for 'saving' the 10 or so innocent bystanders, and 2 young ubers to recruit! I REALLY wish we'd gotten this to happen like, over a year ago.

Also, we apparently captured the drone intact? Didn't realize that was an option. Also, apparently it requires an animal cage. I should dismantle these.

And the rando peasants got cavalier titles. Bit of a waste not giving these to our named crew, but whatever.

On the way back, we stumble onto a medium ship landing by sheer coincidence. Might be a mining ship, or a gold ship, or something else entirely. Lets find out!

New gun to go with the new armour. The Painbringer SMG spews out about as much ammo as the lynx did, but instead of tiny bullets that cause fire, they're heavy bullets that do like 30+ damage. And the gun itself weighs a lot.

Well shit, that's some kind of laser weapon on reaction fire to a unit with basically full TUs. This is sketchy already.


Yeah, that looks dangerous as hell. I want to catch one. Or at least steal some loot.

However, moving just one more tile forward earns us another shot which lands, dealing a cool 99 damage and annihilating 15 armour. And werewolves are no slouches in the reactions department!

We also spot one of these guys. Now that looks like some nice armour.

And finally someone who doesn't seem to have a weapon that can put a hole in our ship.

These commandos are the most common by far though. This one has another type of laser gun.

This thing is a grenade launcher. The academy medics use them to launch stun grenades. I suspect this guy has different grenades.

Well, we get our furry boy back inside safely at least. They might have good reactions and a shot at his back as he flees, but they also probably spent a lot of TUs to fire such heavy laser weapons.

Naturally, I do the greedy thing and try to kill the nearest one with our sniper.

Well, we landed both shots and he whiffed both counter attacks. That's a good start!

And we did... 11 damage. Yeah these guys are terrifying. We MIGHT be able to kill one on our first turn. On the other hand, we MIGHT get a hellerium grenade lobbed into our ship and kill half our crew.

We do have 3 werewolves with us though. I was initially thinking of just sending one out to melee one into the dirt and drag something back.

But I instead opt to test out howls- surprisingly quite effective! Making these guys lose their shit, drop their weapons and pick them off that way is probably a viable option.

Well, it'd be viable if we weren't in a deathtrap surrounded by them. Maybe next time we won't find them in a medium ship that has like 30 dudes in it most likely. At least Gumsith got to practice his veternary skills. Actually, intentionally harming our own werewolves is probably a good way to train bravery...

Nice! 5 free slaves is nothing to sneeze at.

Since the humanists carry these, I suspect they are intended to be an early way to take out the armored cars and tanks they can field. Honestly they seem pretty good, maybe I should load an ogre or gal up with some..

Tactical armour is faster to make than chainmail, but it's also kind of a pain in it's own right, requiring you to first build tactical VESTs. Still, we're going to want a few of these. Eventually a lot of these.


Another pleasant surprise!

Usually I get these logs from really rare loot objects like old earth books or UAC data disks. I'm assuming finding all the old earth lore has some benefits.

Well, this was achieved when I got around to researching divebombs. Which are slightly better versions of the crappy airballs. At any rate, it's now a high priority research. I'm going to try finish up the techs for the spy blimps too, in case those are also prereqs for something good. We've got to be close to better ships.

Also, having finally won a race, I elect to replace one of our three hangars with a large crew room. We seem to be mostly shooting down our enemies anyways, we've got a ton of able soldiers here now, and I want to bring extra personal labs and eventually libraries online.

I've never found these terribly useful, but they are interesting. Damaging freshness is basically pointless; however, extra shock and hp damage makes them much more powerful as long as the armour effectiveness isn't crazy. Damaging morale can be good too. I might make a dedicated weapon for using some of these. Probably a manstopper or assault pistol. Sadly, our scoped magnums and silenced pistols aren't eligible. If nothing else they'd be great for handling zombies which tend to have terrible armour.

Another month gone by with pretty solid results. Things are looking up.

Well shit, the post was supposed to end there. The fuck is this about? Enemy base?

Oh, and we researched this at the end of the month. Get out of the way!

Oh ho! I think the only other base mission I've done before was against Marsec, which plastered me all over the walls. This one... this one sounds viable. Time to ride or die!
Jan 7, 2012
Tac armor w/ Helmet is a great, cheap general use armor for soldiers who are sitting around guarding bases.

EDIT: To the LP update just posted, you should be able to directly buy tac vests?

Yay, Update!

Imo the best part about slavery is that you get free glamour and storage space. The money per month is basically nothing, you're way better off selling them.
The RoI can vary somewhat dramatically but in general yeah, you want them so you can start deleting vaults.

Wands of airlessness are quite good imo. High accuracy at decent-ish range (think javelin, not gun) and will knock most basic enemies unconscious in one hit. Support weapon for sure, but my catgirls have been using it + ninja stars with the grav boots and doing well, at least medium difficulty missions

I do agree on voodoo in general, I have the gray spellbook, and even with a voodoo outfit it seems kinda bad compared to casting gun. I guess the mind damage type of some of the spells might make it really good against certain armored (but not shielded) targets? There's also a circuit breaker spell im hoping to unlock soon, which is hopefully good against tanks and other machines? I'm quite salty about how much workshop/research time I spent on it though.

Now that you mention it, lots of enemies do take 400% damage from choking, or at least hugely increased. So dealing only 25 base damage is actually relevant. Interestingly no shields list a resistance to choking damage, does it always go through?

Mind damage does go through red shields if you ever see them, still the fact that you have to put up with a weapon that only deals ~25 damage with a maxed soldier seems kind of bleh for a weapon that costs 20 morale and 30 tus to fire. Shoot the wand 3 times to kill something and be stuck panicking for the next few turns, not a great idea.
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Now that you mention it, lots of enemies do take 400% damage from choking, or at least hugely increased. So dealing only 25 base damage is actually relevant. Interestingly no shields list a resistance to choking damage, does it always go through?

Mind damage does go through red shields if you ever see them, still the fact that you have to put up with a weapon that only deals ~25 damage with a maxed soldier seems kind of bleh for a weapon that costs 20 morale and 30 tus to fire. Shoot the wand 3 times to kill something and be stuck panicking for the next few turns, not a great idea.
Not sure about going through shields, but shields tend to be on good units who don't have 400% choke vulnerability anyway.

The RoI can vary somewhat dramatically but in general yeah, you want them so you can start deleting vaults.
Or hoard more crap! Those gauss and plasma weapons aren't going to gather dust without your help cap'n!
Jan 7, 2012
Usually when I'm running out of space I go to the inventory, sort by space used, and find that 100 space is being taken up by something like smelly rags and imp corpses


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Usually when I'm running out of space I go to the inventory, sort by space used, and find that 100 space is being taken up by something like smelly rags and imp corpses
Yeah, smelly rags take up ridiculous space. As do demon corpses. I also frequently need to purge scrap/hellerium/plastasteel/engines.

But I can't just throw it away! I am really paranoid over things having uses after I turned 300 databases into data disks and now I don't have enough to make analytics rooms (definately ahead of lp).

Also, it sure feels "nice" when you encounter a ufo design you recognize from base xcom. Hello battleship, fancy meeting you here.


Sep 24, 2014
Usually when I'm running out of space I go to the inventory, sort by space used, and find that 100 space is being taken up by something like smelly rags and imp corpses
How do you sort by space used again? I know someone said it here or in the OpenXcom thread not that long ago but I can't find the post :oops:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Usually when I'm running out of space I go to the inventory, sort by space used, and find that 100 space is being taken up by something like smelly rags and imp corpses
How do you sort by space used again? I know someone said it here or in the OpenXcom thread not that long ago but I can't find the post :oops:
Running out of storage space is not a question of 'if' but 'when'. But how to avoid being overwhelmed by chaos? The answer is SORTING! When fencing, press keys while selecting something from a combobox on the top left:>CTRL+LMB: by total size.SHIFT+CTRL+LMB: by unit size.ALT+LMB: by total value.SHIFT+ALT+LMB: by unit value.

I feel like openXcom has every feature that anyone ever thought could improve the game, but half of it is hidden behind bizarre hotkeys. If you go to the logs in the base it also just has normal sorting, but I usually run out of inventory while looting after a mission.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
As mentioned earlier, Tac Armor has a helmeted version with better defenses against gas attacks and such. You also lose some energy recovery and vision, but it'll be a good tradeoff since we're likely to be in tight quarters against enemies with grenades and shit.

Finally got this research done, but it wouldn't help us against the aliens in this base anyways.

After some preparations, I pull the trigger. LAUNCH.

And we get interrupted halfway there. Apparently pirate cosplay stalker girl is made we took down her satelite.

Whatever, what's one more bad omen for the pile. Get in line, girlie!

This is going to be the roughest mission we've attempted so far, aside from maybe that mercenary landing one from a bit ago, but that was easy to just flee from. Fleeing from here would be bad, I think. So we're bringing the good shit and a wide variety of damage types.

Catgirl swords are the best melee option we have right now by far. 9 TU for ~120 cutting damage, and even a bit of armour pen thrown in. Good shit!

I'm loading multiple guns on some of the gals so I can quickly try both out on new enemies in case one seems to be useless.

I even brought this huge ass poison bomb. Maybe we can drop it in a hallway and poison a ton of dudes while hiding behind some doors or something.

Have I mentioned this game has some good fucking music? This game has some good ucking music. Wish it had a few more tracks though...


The map here shows the entire horizontal width of the map, and the top of it isn't too much higher up. It's a lot smaller than say, the tribal catacombs. Also, we're split into three groups, which sucks. Especially since the most isolated one only has 3 people.

Fuck, one of the three is our brainer at that. Welp, nothing for it, send in the hound!

Well, it's not a rocket launching dinosaur cyborg, so that's a good sign. Who is this fucker?

Hmm. Catboys. With what seems to be a plasma rifle. That's some heavy tech, but that armour doesn't look much better than ours. This might be doable after all. Certainly easier than Marsec was.

Cat is easily subdued with some shield bashes, didn't even need to use the sword.

Annoyingly, while werewolves can open doors, they have no inventory, and so can't be used to retrieve loot or bodies. Come on, even parrots can do that!

Another feline menance near our other spawn point.

Fuck, that's a vibro sword. I want it, and it's going to mince our werewolf if he draws aggro. That pistol might be nasty too.

Fuck, tried to howl him to lower the TU and make it safer for someone else to finish and got reacted on. Pistol is indeed painful!

Welp, that's one dog out of commission for a while. Not a great start.

After cutting that cat down, we check out the opposite side of the elevator. And we find some freaky alien with purple shields. Shit.

Well, these are new to me. That dagger looks dangerous as hell, and I'm not familiar with the laser gun either.

I try for a claw attack with the werewolf and she kills him in retaliation. Holy fuck this one is dangerous. I really want to catch her.

We run one of the newbie gals in next, her chainmail should shrug off the lasers if they hit, and I want to test that shield with the spear.

The slightly different approach angle reveals a ton of enemies in some sort of hangar. The cockroach looking dudes also have purple shields, and there's a golden robot at the bottom with gold shields.

Welp, that looks pretty fucking dangerous. No idea what kind of gun that is, but I think the mercs had similar designs so they are probably strong.

The good news here is I already know what works against gold shields. The bad news is that these guys are probably armored as fuck so bullets will bounce off anyways. Shit.

On the bright side, the spear seems to go right through the purple shield and fuck the crazy green bitch up a bit. Shame the newbie doesn't have enough TU to finish the job.

I decide to pull the sleeping catboy back to the entrance incase this mission goes totally tits up and we have to flee. At least we'll get something that way.

Also, I try out lasers on the green lady and they also go right through the shields. Lasguns are very efficient when used for auto fire, and she goes down to a hail of accurate shots.

We'll take this body back too. Maybe we can research the body, or sometimes the bodies are converted to things like force circuits as is the case with dead priests for example. Also we're totally taking that dagger, which is apparently a plasma dagger. (I should have taken the vibro sword too but forgot all about it.)

Time for Masochist Slut to put the shiny new gyro-autogun to the test. Damn that's a lot of accurate lead for only 24 TU.

Purple shields seem to block the bullets pretty well, but they eventually wear out!

Also, uh, apparently that hangar's missiles we're just for show. Oops.

Well fuck, in for a penny in for a pound. 1% accuracy might seem like utter shit, but that's mostly the smoke talking, and with what Gumsmith is firing, we don't exactly need a direct hit here.


Elsewhere, our wearwolf is getting fucked up as it tries to get into a good position to keep an eye out so we don't get some fucking samurai riding the elevator and mincing everyone.

Hmm, not familiar with this variant. Could cause all kinds of problems, including mind fuckery.


The little shit is in an adjacent room on the second floor (luckily the base only has 2 floors) and moving the werewolf into melee with him is probably a bad idea given their shit evasion.

Oh, and that robot fucker survived all those explosions. Christ that's some heavy armour. Relatively low hp though, and his stats aren't that great in general. And apparently they can be stunned by normal damage? Didn't expect that.

Butt clenching moment here for sure.

Fuck. The little starburst there, accompanied by a distinct sound, is an indication the enemy is using voodoo on us. Quite a bit of it in fact. We can't tell exactly what types it's using either, but the standard effects are stun damage, morale damage, or outright mind control. I suspect the sectoid, as they often seem to have that power.

Also, our werewolf burnt up. That leaves one left alive.

I give the slay bullets from the govt. pistol a try, but this is really the worst scenario for them- the enemies have shields and decent armour. They're not going to matter here.

Our surviving werewolf gets his many, many wounds patched up by a gal.

Jade Witch annihilates another Clickor with the lasgun. That thing really seems like a hard counter to those fuckers, they go down to a single volley.

I also realize I forgot to drop the stupid cat, eating up a bunch of TU from the encumbrance. Whoops.

I try overwhelming the shields with the autogun to take a bugman captive, but no dice. Apparently we got lucky before.


I have Gumsmith try the electric rounds from his carbine as well, but those are also ineffective it seems.

Trying to figure out how to place people here is awkward. I don't want anyone inside the elevator because they could be backstabbed, but leaving them around the edges has risks too. Really what I should have done is pour out into the base and hole up in a room with one entrance somewhere.

One last parting shot before the turn ends, we cut down a cat next to the elvator. 202% accuracy sure is a relief to see in situations like this.

Our other samurai gal ducks into a side room. Might be something up those stairs but this should be a pretty safe angle to at least take the hits on the shield, and maybe even ambush them as they come down.

Or not. Fuck, that's plasma! A lot of plasma!

And we have more dire news: Our last werewolf got mind jacked and cut down our brainer gal. I'm surprised she didn't die honestly.

At least the doggo is easily put to sleep with a solid shield bash. He should be back on our side by the time he wakes up and regens some health, I think.

Luckily, that hail of plasma earlier either missed or couldn't get through the armour. Seems these robots are less of a threat than I'd initially thought, mostly serving as tanks.

Still, with how tanky they are, I decide to bring in Echidna to put some damage in on those shields with her new toy.

Apparently it sets things on fire. And also deals enough stun damage to possibly capture this fucker, which would be amazing!

We'll set up next to these doorways. If anything else is up here, I want it to deal with their evasion stats before getting a shot off.

Well, the turn rolls over and nothing came through the doors, but the robot got back up. Apparently they regen stun fairly fast. It goes down again easily enough, for keeps this time.

In other news, it's our brainer's turn to be mind controlled. Thankfully, she's not THAT dangerous compared to most of the others. OTOH, knocking her out with a shield bash would likely kill her.

We'll solve this problem by simply fucking off out of her sight. There's nobody else here for here to backstab anyways.

Gumsmith tries his hand at carving a new doorway into the base, but only manages to destroy the brick facade. Those iron walls aren't going down even to that level of demolition.

Oasis tries to sprint into the room with the little sectoid fucker and end ups eating a lot of reaction fire. There was a cat in there too apparently.

We manage to cut down the cat and even the sectoid but get severely fucked up in the process.

This is the point at which not playing this game non-stop bites me in the ass. I looked at this and though 'Well, 7 wounds is less than 13 health, so I'll survive a round at least.' Wounds deal 3 health per turn.

We hole up over here, but lack the TUs needed to properly heal ourselves or get to sometone else who can.

Meanwhile, Slut is going to switch back to that wyvern plasma rifle. Seems like a better bet than the auto gun in here.

I'd like to send Echidna all the way over here to heal up Oasis, or take down the pair of cat men at the bottom of the stairs that are going to fuck her up, but she's just too far away. We stop along the way to grab the surgery kit instead.

Luckily, one of the cats seems to be unarmed, as he runs up the stairs and tries punching us to no avail.

As the turn rolls over, Oasis loses consciousness. At least she's not dead. Perhaps she's got enough health regen from poisoner titles or something?

Nope, she's dead. :despair:
Jan 7, 2012
I didn't realize fatal wounds were 3 damage each, thought it was 1.

I feel like openXcom has every feature that anyone ever thought could improve the game, but half of it is hidden behind bizarre hotkeys. If you go to the logs in the base it also just has normal sorting, but I usually run out of inventory while looting after a mission.

Yeah, they should add a hotkey that pops up a window showing what possible hotkeys are usable on the page you're looking at.

You can also go to log->vaults to see a space breakdown.
Last edited:

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
This robot fucker down in the hangar is STILL alive. Our pistol certainly isn't going to do the trick.


This stairwell looks kind of suspect, being in the middlish of the base and having bars around it instead of solid walls. Time to send the kitty in for some recon. But also, she's probably going to need to cut down a lot of people with that plasma dagger now that we're down all the werewolves and our best gal.

Man, these turn transitions are even scarier after the troops have been whittled down a bit and morale has started going down the shitter.

Well, that's a new melee weapon in my book. I don't know why this alien has fucking Mjolnir instead of something high tech, but it has me concerned. :hmmm:

Luckily, Firey Predator was the one to find that cunt, and chopped her to bits before ducking into a side room. We're leaving our backs exposed to the stairwell here, but there are really no good options at this point, only calculated risks.

Slut tries taking down one of the cats with the plasma gun here but whiffs the shot.

Pulling back around the corner she turns to find... another green mistress. Fuck. We've only got 12 TUs left.

Gumsmith has grabbed another rocket launcher and tries his own potshot at the cats, but biffs it into a wall right in front of him. Fuck^2.

Tiffany here is the girl that he nearly blew up in the hallway, who'd gotten caught by reaction fire trying to get past them. I decide to just try run for it upstairs and luckily she didn't get finished off when she turned to open the door.

I was planning on trying to throw a stasis grenade in there but... the priming and throwing costs are just too high. This is the kind of thing you need two people to do safely, it really only favours enemies who can do it suicidally, not reserving any TUs to get away from reaction fire.


Lots of 'weird thingies' on these corpses. Average Manatee needs a better weapon for the rest of this mission.

Slut gets around this corner with 0 extra TUs to spare. I suspect the only reason she didn't get lit up in the process is the short snapshot range on the pistol held by the mistress to the north.

Meanwhile, echidna heads down towards the hangar.

This is, I think, Average Manatee getting fucked up here. Fortunately the laser weapons don't do much to chainmail. Generally.

I don't know what the fuck this is, but I suspect it cuts through chainmail like butter. It looks terrifying.

Almost as terrifying as a catgirl in hoverboots with a plasma dagger.

Target down.

Manatee moves into the hangar as well, to take out one of the clickors covering Echidna's escape.

Jade Witch scores another kill. I should have brought more lasguns. Like, all of them.

Gumsmith fires a rocket down the hallway here, at the general last known location of a mistress. Sadly, it doesn't blast any doors open like I was hoping for.

Our loyal doggo has woken up! And despite having 2 wounds! His morale and energy are all recovered too, good stuff.

I decide to use him as some much needed intel. Thats a lot of hidden enemies still around.

So, this thing has a 2x2 ammo that only carries 6 rounds? And the gun itself is 3x2? Christ I don't even want to know how badly this would overkill one of us right now.

Slut manages to land a shot with the wyvern, but the shields just stop it cold. Seems purple shields are also highly effective vs plasma. Really starting to feel like an underwhelming damage type honestly, armour penetration or not.

I try using one of the alien guns on a whim, but no dice. This is generally what you get when trying to wield a 'weird thingie'.

The 'Warhammer' works just fine though. 23 TUs to swing at only melee range, and not terribly accurate either. This thing must hit for an absolute shitton. Sounds great.

Our last werewolf getting shot down here I believe. Or maybe it was just an enemy going berserk? Hard to keep track of every little detail after this long.


Tiffany spots this fucker who has stopped in a very foolish position. He gets diced to bits by Firey Predator.


Who then explores across the hallway to find... another mistress and clickor. NOPE. Need more energy first.

Average Manatee ditches the alien gun and simply cleans up the clickors with ninja stars. Should have used these earlier; the stabbing damage ignores their shields and their armour isn't THAT heavy.

Meanwhile, the adventures of Ms. Kitty Fantastic, who I'd say is our MVP today.

Well fuck, this is dicey. Almost no TUs left and low energy to boot.

We COULD get into melee with this fucker, but they likely won't die in one hit, which is all we'll get with this 'dagger' that uses more TUs than a damned sword.

We opt instead to back up and hope the enemy won't have enough TUs to got down the stairs, open the door, and fire enough times to deplete our energy. Also we hope nobody comes from those doors to the north to shank us.

And our hopes hold true! One more clickor down.

We spy yet another of these. They seem to really like melee weapons. Which is good, because they're kind of terrifyingly hard to kill. They've got a lot of melee evasion, shields, and general bulk. Also, I'm certain at this point these are the enemies doing all the mind control shit. We haven't found any other sectoids.

Well fuck, this is awkward. At least we're in melee range so we can deflect a shot or two, but our energy is really low. But he's got some fucking huge gun that is probably meant for sniping tanks.

We test out the hammer on a wall and it punches right through. Nice!


Although maybe that was just a weird weak wall around that pillar. We don't get through this one so easily.


Another fucking Clickor. There sure are a lot of enemies here. It's incredibly frustrating having to hunt them all down, we could easily handle this if not for the voodoo bullshit wearing us out from beyond LoS.

Fucker managed to land his shots. Well, we should be fine, we're still in good shape and chainmail is VERY good against lasers.

Well, fuck, it's good but he just fired like 6 times. Our armour is melting.

And then he fired like 6 more times. This is some kind of laser minigun. Holy fuck. Most of the clickors had fairly shit weapons!

Yeah, we didn't even get a death message because after falling unconscious, he put like another 4 shots into the body with the rest of the auto fire. Holy fuck that was brutal. RIP Firey Predator.

Gumsmith tries to put the hammer to use, but he's taken an arm wound lowering the accuracy even further, making it hopeless.

Tiffany comes to the rescue with some timely backstabs. Spears ftw!


We manage to hold a little first aid pow-wow and get all our wounds taken care of. We're still low on health in a lot of cases though.

Not in Echidna's case though! Still hasn't taken a hit. She's now playing hide-and-seek with this quiran mistress with the katana. She seems rooted to that spot for some reason, even after we ran up, missed several attacks and went back to hide, and then made the same play a turn later but landed a hit.

Still some fucking cat men roaming around. These fuckers can fly by the way; not that there are many places in here it's relevant. Also, pretty much everyone we've knocked out is certainly awake again by now.

Jade Witch gets her hands on the gun that killed Firey Predator. It's named 'Fatty' and fires an ungodly amount of shots for only like 40% TUs.

The mistress finally decided to move after she started bleeding. Which is scary because now we need to open a door and potentially get shot with lowered TUs.

Luckily, the mistress was facing away from us and didn't have backup.

Putting the Fatty to use. Golden shields are strong against lasers, but honestly, nothing is strong against this much damage of any kind.

I finally managed to clip this. It's been happening a lot, mostly to Tiffany, Randy, and the werewolves, but Average Manatee got caught at some point too. It's hard to screencap these because my hotkey is alt+z and pressing alt removes the message so I need to remember to hold alt during the enemy turn before seeing anything noteworthy.

One shall stand. One shall fall.


We've covered almost the entire map at this point. Second floor is a little more spotty, but even so. We're in the home stretch!

Holy fuck this is bad news. Tac Armor does NOT have good melee evasion, letting this guy unload on us at point blank.

Yeeep. That's almost certainly going to be fatal. Morale is fucked too, so we might go berserk or run out to get shot or something.

We've got tons of TUs, but all those torso wounds screwed our energy. We can't move anywhere. At least Average Manatee showed up and killed our attacker.

We send Echidna over with the surgery kit... and spot two more mistress along the way. And one is right at a door to the hallway we need to be in.

Fortunately, Jade Witch did have a healing gel on hand, so she can at least survive an extra turn. Also, using a medic restores a bit of orale, so we're covered there too.

It's fine. It's totally fine. We got this!

We do, in fact, have this. Jade witch gets patched up pretty well with that surgery kit and some bandages from Gumsmith.


Slut ditches the fancy plasma gun for throwing stars. They'll bypass the shields on the mistresses, even with low throwing skill.

Oh, Tiffany is back under our control apparently.

...and she's dead, shot in the back by something. RIP.

We end up moving through a bunch of rooms using this formation, being concerned about having a character get berserker right next to an ally.

Eventually, Bug Hunt mode kicks in with just a mistress and cat man left. They take quite a while to hunt down, but eventually are slain without further incident.

Well shit. We 'won'. That was costly as fuck. Was it worth it? Fuck if I know. Probably, given my previous experience with letting enemy bases go unchecked. Could have gone better, but it also could have been a total wipe. Maybe the smart this to do would have been to capture a couple enemies and then withdraw and try again with better intel.

Our survivors. I think Jade Witch might be the last surviving member of our original 6 gals.

The loot. It's certainly impressive, at least in terms of soldier weaponry. We didn't get any crazy new tech though, like engines or weird miscellenous equipment or parts.

considering how good normal lasguns are, advanced ones must be absolute monsters. I think that giant thing was the microwave cooker. EMP minibombs will actually be absolutely vital for taking out cyberdisks without getting people killed. The Fatty was amazing. We'll try and do a proper inventory of the weaponry later.

Sadly, we didn't get a single god damned captive. I should have tried harder to capture that last mistress, or kept a robot alive to the end on purpose. Fuck.

Space Hero indeed. That actually unlocks some special training I think? And Jade is the new boss apparently.


We got a couple new titles. One pretty mediocre...

And the other outright bad. Well, at least it wasn't betrayer.

Also, it's on a dead gal anyways. RIP Gals. You sacrifice was not in vain.


The most interesting loot of all, of course, has yet to be opened. We got two of these boxes, so even if (when) the brainers destroy one in the process of researching it, we can open the other one. Unless that requires a special workshop. Can't wait to get a pack of grenades or a gun we can't fire!


Also, 'shallow depth' my ass! That base was fucking huge and had like 50 enemies!

Just for anyone curious, I did these last two posts back to back without taking a break. Fucking shit took me nearly two hours just for this second half.
Jan 7, 2012
That was a real meatgrinder. I agree it probably would have been better to focus on kidnapping 1 or 2 enemies with their guns and then GTFOing. Especially if it turns out that you need interrogation knowledge to actually use those guns, that would suck (not a spoiler I'm just postulating).

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
That was a real meatgrinder. I agree it probably would have been better to focus on kidnapping 1 or 2 enemies with their guns and then GTFOing. Especially if it turns out that you need interrogation knowledge to actually use those guns, that would suck (not a spoiler I'm just postulating).
Yeah I was kind of putting a lot of chips on the chance that we'd find like 'Alen Replicator' or whatever in that base and unlock some major advances. Also I thought for sure we'd get at least one or two prisoners just by sheer chance. Good thing we've got a small army of werewolves in the works.


Sep 21, 2018
where the best is like the worst
This reminds me of my first X-Com base mission when basically everyone died and I just had a guy on escape tiles and another destroying the control room so I could at least get the base destroyed.
I wonder if you can do it in Piratez


That went better than expected.

buy an autogun and upgrade it to the fancy version with the grav unit so Slut can have a proper machinegun
lol and kek... can i have a flintlock instead...?

wut? how do you have 3 aux units in a ship? when i played i was limited to 1... now the furry clown car can actually happen...

unlock some major advances
But literally every major advance in the techtree depends on some kind of item/capture/shit. Just like chainmail needs a stapler, a wrench, some guild dude... workshop, which in turn depends on some random shit...
So on one hand you are basically guaranteed to have carried out something that is a must-have.
On the other hand even if you carry out some magical cloning machine and research it - you wont be building it. Abandon all hope.


Oct 9, 2012
yeah I think you need to send a full convoy worth of troops to these kinds of base assaults. its not something the regular airbus crew should try


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
yeah I think you need to send a full convoy worth of troops to these kinds of base assaults. its not something the regular airbus crew should try
In my game I'm actually establish a base for the sole purpose of having specialized craft to swap in and out with my main base, to be able to go on all the underwater/space/small/JUST-SEND-EVERYTHING/etc missions. Although perhaps I'd be better off reducing my interceptor fleet and just getting faster interceptors so I need less of those.

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