Bradylama said:
No wait, I want to cry too!
"..Gerald -Sorry, GeralT"
I don't understand why he ever felt the need to stress this out. I can't think of any reason other than a belittling of the exoticism of a name only because it has a similar English variation which he's more comfortable with. He may find that version of the name gay of course, and if that's it, then I'm sure there are equally retarded people somewhere else, making fun of English names like Michael because they have "Mikael" in their own language. Or maybe he's just an illiterate ignorant who can only think that the name is GeralT only because the devs wanted to be "fancy-artsy".
Pc exclusive....designed to be complex and unintuitive as that the dirty console players don't ruin it for the glorious pc-gamer master race
Why the need to play PC-Supremacist card, especially when the key configuration in the game would make a perfect console controller adaptation and controls themselves are quite in the same vein with countless console action games? Just because there isn't a console version, it has to be a "hardcore commercial decision", right?
Standing mode.. combat mode..
Well.. He treats a CRPG as if it's a bastardized God of War clone, including remarks like this one through the whole thing. Isn't there something wrong with that from the very start? Or just stupid?
Read, research just to find and kill something
I can tell he's a fan of the magical quest compass, though he may have a point there, considering the dumbed down expectations from AAA CRPGs.
Box says 80 hours of gameplay, I'm sure it's because of all the boring shit
Telling from other posts in the thread, this smells of double standards.
First it was an unintuitive, hardcore PC game, now it's a simpleton MMORPG rip off? He could at the very least try to be consistent during the mere 4 minutes. Let's not forget his love for quest compass, as I'm sure the lack of one certainly contributed to him calling the game unintuitive.
Political correctness FTW! If only one game, just one more game to have masculine women with equal social standings in the game world, all the sexism in the world would have long vanished, but no, The Witcher had to support the patriarchal society!
I've seen two other reviews, or whatever he calls those shit, from him. They are about as equally devoid of substance. I don't necessarily dislike the guy. I can't say I feel anything. I just get the impression that he's indeed a moron by the "popular-culture definition" of it. Out of 10 or so remarks about the game, only 3 really had any <strike>substance</strike> relatively accurate information to it at all: Amount of reading and dialogue necessary to push the game forward even if his attitude on its dosage is superimposing; general features of the game world if bashed from a politically correct view and the combat oversimplified.
No wonder he can find a place and make a name for himself with followers in world full of morons.
ghostdog said:
Well, Yahtzee is good at making underground adventures and good at bashing games in his zero punctuation reviews, I mean thats what his reviews are all about , making fun of new games. Apart from his obvious love for classic adventures it seems that he doesn't like RPG's in general and in fact I belive he prefers some mindless action over them. I'll forgive his Witcher review since "5 Days A Stranger" was a great game.
Making fun of games is ok as long as there is some point to it. For all I see, he could just as well make fun of any game because of any made-up reason. If he's better with other types of games, sticking to them would lower the impression of a moron he gives.