Rad Codex
Rad Codex
There are 7 articles associated with this tag:
16-Jan-2024 | [Game News] Kingsvein Released |
4-Apr-2023 | [Game News] Reclaim an infested subterranean city in Kingsvein, the next tactical RPG from Rad Codex |
21-Apr-2020 | [Codex Review] RPG Codex Review: Horizon's Gate |
9-Mar-2020 | [Game News] Horizon's Gate is a seafaring tactical RPG from the creator of Voidspire Tactics |
8-May-2017 | [Game News] Alvora Tactics released, still needs Greenlight votes |
27-Mar-2017 | [Game News] Alvora Tactics, the next game from the developer of Voidspire Tactics, now on Steam Greenlight |
14-Oct-2016 | [Review] [Quickie Nr. 006] Jack Dandy’s catch-up on – Voidspire Tactics |