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Tyranny Dev Diary #8: Companion Overview - Lantry

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Tyranny Dev Diary #8: Companion Overview - Lantry

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Wed 10 August 2016, 18:32:01

Tags: Matt MacLean; Nick Carver; Obsidian Entertainment; Tyranny

This week's Tyranny development update was supposed to be about the game's setting, but apparently they didn't have time to write that. Instead, Obsidian have delivered another companion overview, describing Lantry, the elderly spellslinger from June's gameplay preview. Although he's a bit more flexible than that. I quote:

Lantry is a Sage of the School of Ink and Quill. He’s a man of letters and numbers, a student of magic and nature, and an archivist obsessed with the accurate accounting of important people and events. His school is famous throughout the Tiers for amassing knowledge from all throughout the known world, but the Sages are even more famous for rarely sharing this treasure trove of learning with outsiders, despite their claims of preserving knowledge for the betterment of mankind. The Sages revel in knowing a little bit about everything, and Lantry is no exception – in his long years he’s learned the Sage’s traditional Preservation magic, as well as the arts of Healing and Concealment – styles of magic long ago pilfered from other Schools and Guilds that the Sages now boast as their own.

His life’s work has been contributing to the Chronicle, the running archive-of-all-things built over the ages through the long work of hundreds of Sages. Lantry uses his arcane training to witness history where it happens, as it happens – for him, magic is a tool to gain access to the battlefields, backroom dealings, and hidden ceremonies that most have to read about after the fact. For Lantry and other Sages driven on this pursuit often seem to live very long lives – a fact most Sages will laugh away as the byproduct of loving your work, but is in truth the mystic side effect of decades of use and practice of Preservation magic.

As a student of history, Lantry has a certain adoration for Kyros, for no one has the power to define the unfolding march of events quite like the Overlord – nobody in recorded history even comes close. So when Kyros’ armies came to the Tiers, Lantry was one of the Sages to argue for surrender – but his was the dissenting voice among the elders, and the Sages fortified their library stronghold of the Vellum Citadel in defiance of the Overlord. Old enough to know a suicidal plan when he hears one, Lantry fled the Vellum Citadel before the full force of Kyros’ wrath descended upon the Sages, in the form of an Edict of Fire that turned the mountainous archive into lava-soaked ruin.

Combat Role

Lantry was designed to be an efficient support character and a “jack-of-all-trades” of sorts. Being a well experienced Sage and learned traveler, he is the only companion to possess three unique talent trees. While these paths of specialization are not as deep as with other companions, they allow Lantry to be far more diverse in the development of his abilities.

Lantry is also an experienced spellcaster, which further adds to the flexibility of his kit. While capable of performing a number of roles in the party very well, we expect many users to find Lantry’s ability to heal, buff, and support the party to be extremely valuable.

In Combat, Lantry is skilled at wielding thrown weapons. He favors a set of iron throwing knives etched to resemble writing quills.

When designing Lantry’s talent trees, we wanted players to really feel like Lantry could fill nearly any gap in the party structure. Lantry’s Preservation tree focuses on supporting the party from the back line by buffing allies with renewing magic, healing them, and even bringing them back from the brink of unconsciousness. His Sage tree excels at emphasizing the use of spells and abilities that debilitate foes to aid the party. Finally, Lantry’s Quill tree shifts him into a deadly offensive thrown weapon specialist.

Below are some of the abilities available to Lantry:

Charged Throw: Lantry gains the ability to passively channel magical energies into his Quill as he throws it. Charged Throw makes Lantry’s thrown critical hits trigger explosions of arcane energy, damaging all nearby enemies.

Quillstorm: Raising his hands to the sky, Lantry forms a writhing cloud of arcane quills. With a wave of his hand, each quill is sent raining over his enemies, cutting deep and causing a lasting Bleed effect.

Stance: Mage Slayer: Lantry’s knowledge of workings of magic have also taught him how to quell it. While in this stance, each of Lantry’s attacks can silence enemy spellcasters and apply a lasting penalty to their magical abilities.

Watcher’s Judgment: The wrath of a Sage brings with it many levels of magical debilitation. With Watcher’s Judgment Lantry can charge his weapon and unleash a burst of energy on impact. This attack severely diminishes the enemy’s defenses against magical attacks. If Lantry can perform this action from stealth, the enemy is also Paralyzed.

Renewal: Lantry uses Sage magic to restore the party’s weapons and armor to pristine condition, increasing the protectiveness of armor and the ability for weapon’s to penetrate enemy defense.

Second Breath: Producing a small vial from his garbs, Lantry moves to a fallen comrade to revive them in battle.

Lantry has the answer to nearly any problem. Abilities like Renewal and Second Breath are largely helpful and can sway the tide of battle or even help to find victory in the face of defeat. With so many options available to him, one of the greater challenges when playing Lantry is simply deciding which area of the battle he is needed most and how to get him there. While a well-timed Silence attack might prevent a powerful spell from being cast, there may also be an ally nearing defeat who could use healing. Positioning Lantry on the battlefield where he is both safe from danger and can respond to as many opportunities as possible is key to playing him effectively.

Through flexibility, support, and high impact decisions, Lantry is an invaluable companion and a boon to any party.
With this update, we've now learned about all three companions from the preview. We do know that there are at least two more. If they're going to introduce them all before the game's release, it looks like it probably won't be out before October.

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