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Tyranny Dev Diary #9: Beasts and Bane

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Tyranny Dev Diary #9: Beasts and Bane

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Thu 8 September 2016, 00:48:44

Tags: Brian Heins; Megan Starks; Obsidian Entertainment; Tyranny

After taking a month off because of Gamescom, the Tyranny team have apparently set aside their plans for a "Bronze Age and itemization" update and moved on to something new. Today's dev diary update describes two of Terratus' monstrous races - the semi-intelligent Beasts, who we already know a bit about, and the Bane, predatory wraiths who feed on magic. I quote:

Beasts of Terratus

The Beasts of Terratus are a race of partially-humanoid creatures whose history is as disputed among humans as it is between the various Beasts’ tribes. A race of hulking, hairy monsters who value predatory strength and skill above all else, these territorial hunters once ranged the whole of Terratus, but due to Kyros’ encroaching conquest, now thrive primarily in the Tiers.

Though the truth of their legends cannot be confirmed, by and large the Beasts believe that rather than evolving from smaller, four-legged carnivores, they are a more developed version of the human race, shaped over thousands of years by the magic of the land, sea, and sky in order to become tougher, fiercer, and more deadly—in order to be better predators than their hairless, blunt-clawed ancestors.

Regardless of the veracity of who’s evolved from whom, there’s certainly little dispute regarding these creatures’ ties to the land, as seen by the varied adaptations distinctive to each tribe. Dark and sleek as a starless night, the Shadowhunters were clever, agile predators who killed from the shadows, whereas the Stonestalkers tend to larger builds and can be as dull-witted as boulders. The Mantaborn of Stalwart’s coast are a semi-aquatic tribe, rarely if ever seen outside their nests.

Beasts do not think the same as humans do. As wild, animalistic creatures, their experience of the world is extremely visceral and sensory-related. They consider themselves apex predators and take great pride and exhilaration in their ability to stalk and kill creatures of all types, humans sometimes included. However, they form strong emotional ties with their own kith, and will often express a range of complex, intense feelings within their speech, from thrill to fury to easy-going contentment.

The tribes themselves are split amongst fiercely-fought-for territories—a pride of relatives led by a single, strongest female called the Prima, her rank won through bloodshed and dominance and just as often lost the same way. While Beast tribes are often matriarchal due to the fact that females are typically larger and more aggressive than the males of their race, it’s not completely unheard of for a male to lead a smaller hunting pack within the larger tribe.

Humans often worry Beasts have a larger agenda—but their goals are as fragmented as their tribes. Survive. Thrive. Kill all humans. Become the dominant species.

Who knows what they’re really after?

The Magebane

Little is known about the Bane, as few are strong – or lucky – enough to survive an encounter with them. The Sages of the School of Ink and Quill know that these creatures are a mix of the arcane and the mundane – capable of both physical and magical attacks. Accounts from survivors of Bane attacks say that they first attack any mages or fighters wielding weapons and armor imbued with magic. The Sages speculate that the Bane somehow need magical energy to survive – feeding off of the life force of spellcasters. This belief has given these creatures their name – the Magebane, though it is often shortened to ‘Bane’.

Though Bane can be found throughout Terratus, they are most commonly located near the Oldwalls and Spires. Something about these ancient structures draws the Bane near. Many historians believe that, rather than any property inherent to their nature, it is the presence of the Bane that gave these structures their reputation for being unlucky. Regardless of the cause, Kyros’ law forbids any from entering the Oldwalls. Given what lurks inside, most believe this law entirely unnecessary for only the mad or suicidal would willingly enter.

Wisps: The weakest form of Bane, their form more diffuse than other types. Wisps are slow-moving, making them the easiest of the Bane to outrun. While a single Wisp can be defeated easily by a trained soldier, they are rarely found alone. Where a Wisp is found, the Scourge and Malice are not far behind.

Scourge: The most common – and aggressive – form of Bane is the Scourge. These vicious creatures travel in swarms, surrounding their prey with whirlwinds of tearing claws. Entire villages have been wiped out by a single pack of Scourge.

Malice: Rarely seen – at least, not by those who lived to tell of the encounter. A Malice’s touch can drain and corrupt the living, taking their strength to empower the Bane.

Havoc: Legends tell of an incredibly powerful form of Bane known only as the Havoc. There are no recorded sightings of a Havoc in recent centuries, so little is known of their abilities. Legends and campfire stories say that if a Havoc is seen, kill any other Bane present to deny the Havoc strength. No one knows why this advice has survived for centuries.
I wonder if you'll really benefit from equipping non-magical weapons and armor against the Banes or if that's just fluff.

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