The Outer Worlds Feature at Game Informer: Art, Companions and Tone
The Outer Worlds Feature at Game Informer: Art, Companions and Tone
Interview - posted by Infinitron on Sun 24 February 2019, 00:41:32
Tags: Carrie Patel; Leonard Boyarsky; Megan Starks; Nitai Poddar; Obsidian Entertainment; The Outer Worlds; Tim CainTime for a roundup of the rest of this week's The Outer Worlds features at Game Informer. On Wednesday there was an article about the game's visuals, offering a glimpse at some of its concept art, character models, and most notably, loading screens inspired by Arcanum's famous newspapers. On Thursday there was an article about the game's companions that introduces three of them - Ellie the easygoing mercenary pirate and Felix the brash young rebel-without-a-cause, both of whom we also saw in December's gameplay video, as well as Parvati, a naive mechanic. Finally, on Friday there was a surprisingly extensive interview with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky about the game's comedic tone. Tim and Leonard's goal is to have a good balance between comedy and seriousness, and apparently they're exercising a good deal of oversight to make sure the writing team gets it right. The video of the interview was uploaded to YouTube today:
So that was the third week of Game Informer's Outer Worlds bonanza. One more week to go.
So that was the third week of Game Informer's Outer Worlds bonanza. One more week to go.
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