RPG Vault likes HotU and prestige classes
RPG Vault likes HotU and prestige classes
Review - posted by Vault Dweller on Sat 27 December 2003, 15:07:42
Tags: Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the UnderdarkRPG Vault has finally decided to review Hordes of the Underdark
This is a huge expansion. It offers a truly epic story, many new features such as large scale battles, and lots of added content that the module builders in the community have been asking for in order to continue and expand their efforts. It's really quite difficult to find anything significantly negative about the title...Is it really? Hmm, then again, the reviewer thinks that prestige classes “add exceptional depthâ€, and I’m sure that phat loot add some phat depth too.
This is a huge expansion. It offers a truly epic story, many new features such as large scale battles, and lots of added content that the module builders in the community have been asking for in order to continue and expand their efforts. It's really quite difficult to find anything significantly negative about the title...
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