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Game Informer's Fallout 3 Q&A

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Game Informer's Fallout 3 Q&A

Interview - posted by Vault Dweller on Tue 26 June 2007, 02:28:53

Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Fallout 3

The Game Informer's <a href=http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-36173560&pid=918428>Fallout 3 Q&A session[/url] has been posted on the GameSpot forums.

While staying true to the game universe, Bethesda seemed to indicate to me that they are trying very hard to create a game that new and old fans alike will be able to enjoy.​
Sounds awesome. It's great that Bethesda doesn't forget the old fans and is trying to stay true.

Sure, Fallout 3 plays primarily from a first-person perspective like Oblivion...

...and conversations with NPCs use a similar [to Oblivion] style of dialogue tree...

I’d be surprised if every skill, perk or trait is exactly the same as before.

Fallout 3 plays in both real time and a paused tactical combat mode. It’s not really turn based, however. Instead, you can pause the real-time action in order to make aimed ranged or melee attacks on your opponents

...players have the option to play the game very much like an RPG, but with a good bit more action than traditional RPGs.

The post-WWII, Cold War feel of the franchise is very much intact...

Alternately, pretend you had an unstable nuclear bomb, and you put it outside the Dark Brotherhood hideaway and blew it up. That’s the level of <s>retardedness</s> open-endedness they’re shooting for with Fallout 3.

If you are a fan who is adamantly against some significant changes to the way gameplay occurs in the Fallout series, I’m going to tell you right now and save you the disappointment: I don’t think you’ll like Fallout 3.​
It really does sound like a true Fallout game, doesn't it? I doubt that even Tim Cain himself could make a truer game.

Anyway, as any other Bethesda game, Fallout 3 promises a lot:

In many ways, Fallout 3 is being designed to be more open-ended than Oblivion, offering choices to players that alter the course of the game world in dramatic ways.

...combat, questing, character creation and most importantly the tone and style of the gameplay shares more in common with Fallout 1 and 2 than Oblivion.

...if you’re a fan of the Fallout universe, of the unique look of the world, of the moral ambiguity, of the dark and often violent humor, and the invigorating branching story paths, then everything about what I’ve seen of Fallout 3 should please you.

...they’re trying to build multiple solutions into almost any quest or situation you encounter, and that using stealth and diplomacy were very useable routes to overcome different obstacles.

In the demo that was narrated throughout the article, the character chose to arm and detonate a nuclear bomb in the town of Megaton. This choice effectively closed off a whole slew of events and quests that could only be found in Megaton. Go back to that town afterwards for the rest of the game and all the people, homes, and shops will be gone, replaced by a big irradiated hole in the ground. However, having blown up Megaton, a previously unfriendly settlement that your employer is affiliated with might open up, and new quests, (probably some pretty evil ones) might become available. Had the character not blown up Megaton, there are all sorts of quests there that would open up in Megaton, but that other town and its quests might never become an option.​
I have only question left: how did Bethesda manage to make such an amazingly awesome game?!!

With the larger market and potential sales that are possible with a console release, a developer is often able to make a bigger, better game than they would if only making for the PC.​

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