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New Codex Eternity Rewards: In-game Presence, Chris Avellone Trolls and Signatures

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New Codex Eternity Rewards: In-game Presence, Chris Avellone Trolls and Signatures

Information - posted by Crooked Bee on Thu 4 October 2012, 01:59:23

Tags: Chris Avellone; Codex Eternity Fundraiser; Kickstarter; Obsidian Entertainment; Pillars of Eternity

UPDATE 15th Oct: $8,146.01 USD raised!!

UPDATE 14th Oct: $7,344.21 USD raised. Ooohh!

UPDATE 13th Oct: $6,593.21 USD now raised, 132% of the initial goal! Can we get to the $7,000? Can we?!

UPDATE 12th Oct: $5,699.21 USD now raised, can we reach the $6,000?! Stay tuned!

UPDATE 11th Oct: Success! We have now raised $5,045.71. I've also had a look and we can donate directly to P:E from the Codex' PayPal account through Obsidian's website. Previously I would have had to transfer the funds to my own account (3-5 days) and then from there, pay the KickStarter. As we can do it directly - and as the PayPal option is likely to be open for a while longer yet - we'll let it run for those few of you who still reckon you're going to contribute.

As you know, we have this ongoing Codex Fundraiser for Project Eternity that you can donate to. I'm pleased to announce that Obsidian Entertainment have agreed to provide even more bonus incentives for Codex donors, in the form not only of custom trolls drawn by Chris Avellone (that you can use as your forum avatar or just to show it off to your friends) but also personal forum signatures written by Chris and unique in-game presence within the confines of the Codexian party of adventurers. Also, custom trolls are now a bit more affordable, and Obsidian Entertainment will give us 30 digital copies of the game so we can distribute it among top 30 donors. Aside from that, here's the full list of what you get when you donate:
  • Donate $50 or more: You¹ will be mentioned in a book, scroll or letter that the Codexian party is carrying
  • Donate $100 or more:You¹ will become a part of the backstory (lore description) of an item/piece of equipment belonging to the Codexian party
  • Donate $150 or more: You¹ will become a standard (non-epic) item that a party member is carrying
  • Donate $200 or more: Custom troll drawn by Chris Avellone + You¹ will become a (non-epic) piece of equipment, excluding weapons, that a party member is carrying
  • Donate $250 or more: Custom troll drawn by Chris Avellone + Short humorous forum signature written by Chris Avellone + You¹ will become a (non-epic) weapon that a party member is carrying
  • A digital copy of the game if you're among top 30 backers (currently you need to donate at least $21 to be in top 30)
  • All donors will receive the
    campaign tag, so that you can be clearly identified as a backer forever! See Jaesun's profile for example
  • One month ad-free Codex browsing for every $5 you contribute (So $15 = 3 months ad-free and so on)
¹ "You" = a fantasy variation on your forum or real name, or any name of your choice suitable for a fantasy game. You can think it up yourself, or just provide Obsidian writers with your forum/real name and let them do their job.

NB: Naturally, you'll get to voice your wishes on the design/description of your item/weapon/equipment.

If we fail to reach $5000, we'll go for one or two NPCs that can still be the locus of your in-game presence, according to the above tiers.

And FFS include your username in the note / message area.​

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