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Codexian Wasteland 2 Location + Statue Fund-Raising Drive

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Codexian Wasteland 2 Location + Statue Fund-Raising Drive

Competition - posted by DarkUnderlord on Wed 14 March 2012, 07:22:28

Tags: Brian Fargo; Codex Statue in Wasteland 2; Kickstarter; Wasteland 2

Carrying on from this thread (and as suggested by this thread), the Codex is aiming to raise $5,000 for the Wasteland 2 KickStarter currently being run by inXile. If successful, this will score us an in-game statue (we're going for the Codex Troll as created by MCA) and a Codexian-based location.

Brain Fargo, CEO of inXile has confirmed that he is willing to work something out for us if we can raise the cash:

If your group puts 5k together I will find a way to make sure there is a shrine for a codex shrine or something else if you have a clever idea. I'm am quite flexible and I know at the end of the day I really want groups like yourselves to be happy with this game.​

On the left-side right-side of the front-page is our current tally. It's updated manually so don't expect it to actually change often (once every day, turns out this is quite time consuming).

March 15 UPDATE

We've almost broken the $4k mark, with just $1k left to go. Chris Avellone has also thrown in this offer as an extra incentive:

If you need further incentive for members, you can let folks know that anyone who donates more than $250 to the Codex cause I'll draw them a personal Codex troll they can use for their avatar or for a quick-and-simple emoticon.​

If we raise more than the $5k target, we'll see if we can wrangle enough digital copies for everyone who donated.

March 16 UPDATE

We have officially reached our goal with just under $7,000 raised. The list of donors has been updated. As soon as I transfer some of my own funds, we will reserve a statue place in the KickStarter for the RPG Codex (under the Codex' name). Due to possible tax / PayPal and transfer fee issues, we're putting in $6k towards the KickStarter for now and will hold the rest until we know for sure how much those charges will be.

We are currently confirming whether we'll be able to score enough extra digital copies to cover everyone who donated. And if we can get everyone's name in a special thank you section in the credits.

We will continue to hold this competition open until the end of the KickStarter on 22nd April, giving everyone the chance to contribute to the Codex statue / location if they wish...

... and we're now taking ideas on what to do with any extra funds raised. Options are to aim for the $10k goal and see if we can gate-crash the party - or hold some for a server upgrade (which we're pretty much going to need shortly). And of course you can still donate to wrangle a Chris Avellone troll!

We now need ideas as to what this Codexian Location / Statue in Wasteland 2 should involve. Add your suggestions here!

March 17 UPDATE

Updated the donor list. Also, be aware that a potential tax issue has arisen. PayPal start asking for things when we pass certain limits in the account - things we don't necessarily have for a website run by friends in our free-time... Just be aware we're looking into it and will update when we know something for sure.

March 18 UPDATE

We've worked out PayPal fees for the amount raised so far and they run at about 5% once you factor in the currency conversions and what-not. The updated tally reflects this. Actual dollar amounts are at the bottom of this page.

Also, astute users would note that our PayPal donation page has changed some-what. Previously, the PayPal donations went to a friend of Taluntain's in the US - who passed the money on to us (and has been doing so for the past 10 years while Taluntain has been unable to setup PayPal in his backwards hole of a country). However, this is obviously not ideal so I've gone ahead and created my own PayPal business account (under my company name of Greg Martin Enterprises). This means that from now on, all payments come directly to me (and it's all working, so yay!). That means I can issue refunds / handle matters as necessary. It also means my Accountant can handle any tax issues.

This will probably be the last of the updates that comes with text - from now on I'll just update the donor list and amounts as required.

March 20 UPDATE

After much discussion, it has been decided that we will target $10,000 as our donation goal, at which point we will end the fundraising drive. This guarantees us a shrine in the game and 50 digital copies, as well as attendance at the Wasteland 2 donors party (baby arm will be attending on behalf of the Codex). This lets us be proud that we took out one of the largest packages in the KickStarter program for Wasteland 2 and achieves our aim of having a shrine built to our yet-to-be-determined specifications.

March 23 UPDATE

With our goal reached, our fund-raising drive for Wasteland 2 is officially over! Just as soon as the funds clear, we will make our contribution to the KickStarter on behalf of the RPG Codex - we'll let you know when that happens. A big thank you to all those who participated. Over the coming days I'lll sort out who gets what ad-free status and how much of it (Lesson for the Future: Make this automated) but for now, the final list of donors is below, in order of amount received - and where amounts are the same, by date donated.

I did try and put through the donation now (given the credit card isn't charged before April 22) but was rejected by Amazon. So I'm now sorting out what's gone on there (presume it's just lack of funds in the account) and will update when we've made our contribution.

March 28 UPDATE







Yeah, so it turns out $10k is the maximum. So why does KickStarter lie and say $10,000 or more?

How you can help!

All donations that we receive from now until the close of the Kickstarter on April 17 will go towards this great and worthy cause (unless specifically requested otherwise by the donor). Simply click on the big fat donation button top right and visit our donation page. Once there, choose to either "purchase an account upgrade" (in which case all your details should be grabbed auto-magically) or to give a large amount, click on the "Anonymous Donation" button down the bottom. If you choose anonymous, on the page with the "Submit donation" from PayPal, there is a small "+" sign that, if you click it, expands into a text entry box where you can type a note to the donation recipient (that's where you should enter your forum name).

As a thank you from the Codex, everyone who donates will get at least a months ad-free for every $5 donated to the cause.

What will we do with the goodies?

All the physical goodies (medals, books, signed copies of underpants, all important blood sausage) will be held in the Codex Vault until we figure out what to do with them. Maybe we'll sell them on E-Bay as a fund-raising thing or give them away in competitions or something... or I'll just put them on my shelf and laugh at you all. If the game turns out to suck and is full of bugs, there may be a ritualistic burning of the Collector's Edition - with video posted on YouTube. So either way you win!

... and of course, everyone will get to share in the joy of having something like this in Wasteland 2 (click for the full glory):

If you have suggestions as to what we can do for the location, post them in any one of the threads about this. We'll have some sort of vote on all the proposals when we get closer to our goal.

What do we get?

If I've done this right, this is the full list of all the loot we get for $5k:
  • Your party will start with a unique and quirky skill. (It won't affect game balance.)
  • Downloadable DRM free digital soundtrack by Mark Morgan
  • Early release episodic Novella (Part 1) on the Wasteland 2 world created by Mike Stackpole, a member of the original Wasteland story team.
  • Early release episodic Novella (Part 2) on the Wasteland 2 world created by Mike Stackpole, a NYT bestselling author and member of the original Wasteland team.
  • PREMIER ACCESS TO AN EARLY PLAYABLE BETA ON STEAM [We'll make sure to review this for the Codex].
  • COLLECTOR'S EDITION PREMIUM BOXED VERSION which of course contains cloth map and oldschool instruction book. But additionally comes with Wasteland miniature, Wasteland 2 faction badge. AUTOGRAPHED BY BRIAN FARGO, ALAN PAVLISH, MIKE STACKPOLE and other key development team members.
  • WASTELAND DOOMSDAY PREPARATION SURVIVAL KIT. All your doomsday needs in a themed Wasteland collectible bag.
  • Limited Edition numbered collectible coin.
  • lv1 Desert Ranger medal of honor (real metal medal) limited edition collectible.
  • lv2 Desert Ranger medal of honor limited edition collectible.
  • lv3 Desert Ranger medal of honor limited edition collectible.
  • lv4 Desert Ranger medal of honor limited edition collectible.
  • lv5 Desert ranger medal of honor limited edition collectible.
  • AN EXPLODED BLOOD SAUSAGE Wasteland limited signed and numbered collectible figurine.
  • Signed and framed actual original concept art from the game.

And of course the all important:
  • BECOME AN NPC, WEAPON, OR LOCATION in the Wasteland 2 world! We will get your name and (if relevant) a picture of you to add your general likeness to the actual shipped game.
  • We will BUILD A STATUE, in your honor. After getting a picture of you, we will carefully craft this in game statue. You are now forever a part of Wasteland history.
  • Name in the credits in a special thanks section [Hopefully we can get in everyone's name who donated].
  • 30 50 digital copies of Wasteland 2.

With a bit of luck, that might be enough digital copies to give one to everyone who donated (some people who have donated have advised they are already donating individually as well for their own copy). If not, we will give one copy to each of the 30 highest bidders (see list below).

If we fail to reach the $5k mark in time, we'll donate what we can and try and sort something out then. If we hit our target and raise more than $5k, we'll put as much as we can into the KickStarter or we may hold some for our server upgrade or something? Depends on how far over we are. If we get the $10k, we'll find someone to send to the exclusive party (hmmm... or maybe we should donate $5k twice and get two statues?).

NOTE: We do get hit with some PayPal fees (about 1% or 2% - so about $50 to $100 on the full $5k) and due to the amount, there might be a bit of tax that PayPal will take out of our account. Any amount we raise will need to cover that as well but it shouldn't be much. We'll let you know the final break-down at the end.

FINAL List of Donors

In order of amount received, the following people have donated (Note: Where forum usernames are unavailable, parts of e-mail addresses have been used - contact us if that's you). The top 30 of them (at the end of the competition) will be offered one of the digital copies (unless we score some extra and can give everyone a copy):
  1. Temaperacl¹* (Are you done dolling out money on everyone's behalf now?)
  2. Lonerville¹*
  3. Michael Ellis¹
  4. Chris Avellone¹
  5. Deus101¹
  6. Harpsichord¹
  7. Crooked Bee¹
  8. denizsi¹
  9. Haba¹
  10. Ed123¹*
  11. DarkUnderlord¹
  12. Takeda Kenshi¹
  13. hakuroshi*¹
  14. Rane
  15. mindx2*
  16. skuphundaku*
  17. oldmanpaco*
  18. Spectacle*
  19. toro
  20. PorkaMorka*
  21. Random Word
  22. Sitra Achara*
  23. LeStryfe79*
  24. Vaarna_Aarne
  25. Stauff
  26. Alex*
  27. TripJack
  28. 4too
  29. Lord Rocket*
  30. Sulimo
  31. Mrowak
  32. HanoverF*
  33. Aeschylus*
  34. Kthan75
  35. wesmo
  36. ChumBucket*
  37. felipepepe*
  38. Icewater*
  39. Palikka*
  40. serch*
  41. 20 Eyes*
  42. Aldebaran*
  43. Pegultagol
  44. Angthoron
  45. moraes*
  46. Nex*
  47. Yaar Podshipnik*
  48. Muty
  49. Country_Gravy*
  50. Rohit_N
  51. krist2
  52. Admiral jimbob
  53. quasimodo*
  54. airhead
  55. Atomic
  56. thesisko
  57. grotsnik*
  58. Foxtrix
  59. Markman
  60. Brayko*
  61. Krraloth
  62. Marquess Cornwallis*
  63. Joff1981*
  64. mugarod*
  65. Phelot*
  66. Hiver*
  67. Morkar*
  68. Executer*
  69. Azael
  70. Tolknaz*
  71. [Cedric]
  72. Mangoviir*
  73. OldSkoolKamikaze*
  74. Beautiful Clown Painting
  75. Dr. West
  76. ksjav
  77. kentable*
  78. Commissar Draco*
  79. meeneque
  80. skallagrim*
  81. Descent
  82. zMonk
  83. VonVentrue*
  84. VentilatorOfDoom*
  85. Infinitron
  86. Carrion
  87. CappenVarra*
  88. Kitako
  89. St Toxic
  90. Fachoi
  91. TwinkieGorilla*
  92. Darth Roxor
  93. Bluebottle*
  94. Denim Demon
  95. good little toastboy*
  96. [hmuryj]
  97. majestik12
  98. Kersey*
  99. Xor*
  100. Angelo85
  101. MurkyShadow
  102. [j09gott]
  103. [d_flip_flop]
  104. [Simon]
  105. tarkin
  106. Jaedar
  107. nihil
  108. Toffeli
  109. Azalin*
  110. Abraxas*
  111. MaskedMan*
  112. Soilent Green*
  113. meh
  114. trais*
  115. evdk*
  116. Outlander
  117. Matt7895
  118. codexian reject
  119. TehGary
  120. Lexx*
  121. fumffup
  122. Marshall Malibu*
  123. CrimsonAngel
  124. MessiahMan
  125. Livonya*
  126. Ulminati*
  127. kgreene
  128. Turisas
  129. Lupus
  130. Gold*
  131. Antares
  132. WhatsHisFace
  133. boger
  134. Mortale
  135. kazgar
  136. treave
  137. Occasionally Fatal*
  138. Cypreana
  139. asper*
  140. Aikanaro
  141. CormagMacD*
  142. Ion Flux
  143. jiujitsu*
  144. golgepapaz
  145. poxmaster (missed from the original entries)
  146. Kosmonaut
  147. Falkner
  148. Alex_Steel*
  149. Suchy*
  150. J_C*
  151. [horatiu]
  152. Lockkaliber
  153. EG
  154. Kingston
  155. Tramboi
  156. MightyHoax
  157. [Christer]
  158. Morol
  159. Churrasco*
  160. Hamster*
  161. Azrael the Cat
  162. grzyboslav
  163. G.O.D*
  164. Quanti*
  165. Kime
  166. Elwro
  167. Sovard
  168. DwarvenFood
  169. LibertyRansom
  170. sick
  171. CSM
  172. Dryngar
  173. [j.dab12]
  174. Konjad
  175. Havoc
  176. Syril
¹User is eligible for custom Chris Avellone troll!

*Has advised that, if eligible, they do not want one of the Codex' digital copies as per the Official "I (DON'T) NEED A WASTELAND 2 COPY" thread.

A name in [Square Brackets] means I don't know your username. PM me plz if this is you (so I can setup patron status / contact you later for your loot if necessary).

Funds Raised:
  $   7,900 Check from Taluntain
  $   2,423 Available in GME Account
  $  10,323 Total Available (Statue Drive Funds)
- $  10,000 Maximum that KickStarter actually lets us donate.
= $     323 for drugs & hookers for baby arm to take to the party.

  $  10,829 Total Donations (Manually Added)
- $  10,323 Funds Available
= $     506 PayPal Fees & Charges

As of now, to get your name into the top 30, you need to donate at least: $51. Note that we are combining multiple donations, so if you've donated previously and then kick in an extra $20, it will be added to your total.

Now technically, to get your name into the top 30 you still need to donate at least $51 but there's not too many of those before we run into the $55's, $60's and then the $100's. To get your name into the top 50: $51

NOTE: The top 50 have been sorted by amount donated and then by time donated. (EG: Donating $50 on day one will mean you beat someone who donated $50 on day two). As 7 people in the top 50 have indicated they do not want one of the 50x digital copies from us, that means the top 57 people will score themselves a digital copy from the Codex (if this thing ever actually comes out that is).

And yay! We already have enough to at least get a measly location name. Now onto the blood sausage and epic glory! | We're pretty damn close now. If we get more than our target, we'll try and get digital copies for everyone who donated - no guarantees though, as it depends on what we can work out with inXile.

We've reached our goal and are working out what to do with it! Including estimated fees of 5%, we're $580 short of our $10k goal.

If you've donated and your name is NOT in the above list, PM me (or your name is but you want your account name instead). This is all a manual process so we're bound to have stuffed something up somewhere.

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