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  • Holy hell! Just watched The Ninth Gate. Great movie. Johnny hits it out of the park with his performance, especially in the beginning. As an additional bonus the whole flick felt like I was playing an adventure game while watching it.

    There must be more adventure-game-feely-movies out there. Give me their names you beautiful person. I'm certain I will want to watch something this specific in the very near future.
    Got the sudden urge to watch Dexter. Can't wait to watch one godawful episode of season 8 and disregard the show for the next six months.
    I vaguely remember certain episodes of Dexter, but nothing beyond that.
    Some were good, others not so much.
    Is it really that good of a show?
    The first few seasons are extremely good. They are more grounded in reality and you really get the feeling that Dexter is meticulously careful about not getting caught. Later on the show gets "more Dexter" and he gets away with simply ridiculous things.
    I'd say it's worth a try. You'll know when to stop.
    Guys, is there a roguelike you can recommend? I'm looking for something like Hades. Or maybe Curse of the Dead Gods.
    Pillars of Eternity a bad game? Don't make me laugh.
    Pillars is good. - I fixed your comment for you, friend.
    Lady Error
    Lady Error
    White March expansions were good. And so was Deadfire.
    Somebody gets it.
    There's very good stuff in the base game as well but some of it is buried beneath some somewhat averageish content.
    Too much vidiya, vices and girls makes it hard to keep track of onefself.
    sober up sober up
    sobering up...
    Mostly sober now. Back to usual. Took awhile.
    Everybody on the Codex loves/hates a different thing. But it seems pretty universal that Torment: Tides of Numenera is trash.

    Why? Is it a bad sequel or just a bad game?
    A nice way to dive into the past is playing older games. However, at times the sequel outshines the original by too much. You've already played the better version so it's normal not to want to chew on something similar but worse. So it's better to play the whole series instead.

    Do you think the above is valid for - BG, ID, DA, DOS, Pathfinder, KOTOR, PoE. Or just paly the best entry in the series?
    Kotor 1 and 2 is tough.
    Gonna go with Kotor 2.
    The first Dragon Age is the only game truly worth playing.
    I don't really see how a sequel can outshine an original to the point where it's unplayable, unless it's literally the same game.
    Tweed What about Pathfinder as an example? Most people suggest skipping Kingmaker and going straight for Wrath. Clearly the better game, uses the same systems, you can say that it's better in sound/story/video as well.
    Finished Wrath of the Righteous. Very happy with what I got. Not really sure I needed to know what Anevia's gender was/is, but all of this is forgiven with the Abyss chapter. Kudos to Owlcat.

    100hrs+ for a first playthrough. Even cutting it in half would be a big undertaking for a second one. There's so much I want to try in this one and so much others I want to play. But alas my time will be spent elsewhere.
    Cat Headed Eagle
    Cat Headed Eagle
    The kingdom bit threw me off but all in all Kingmaker just seemed like a wholesome D&D adventure. We shouldn't take those for granted. I'm assuming The Last Sarkorian is the roguelike DLC for the second game, right?
    Yeah, the kingdom management is... something special. The way it fucks with the pacing of the game is just...
    There's a crusade mechanic in Wrath but it's much better than the one in Kingmaker. Wholesome is a good way to describe Kingmaker.

    Last Sarkorian is the shifter companion DLC and Midnight Isles is the roguelike one.
    Cat Headed Eagle
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