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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.
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  • The joke is that he threw RAILWAY workers under a BUS.

    I'm telling u this to save u further mockery from ur peers
    People can mock away. When it falls flat it gives people an opportunity to revisit their false priors, which is my aim.
    Some of the trails I go on with my boys have iffy cell coverage. If Elon would get off his ass and fix this there would be no double posting.
    What’s one thing gays and lesbians have in common? They both secretly want to sleep with straight men
    Gays want so sleep with men "secretly"?????
    Stop double posting, you dumb cunt.
    There is no us. Just you, Scruffy. We’re specifically smarter then you. As you say, *much* smarter.
    Of course you are! And so knowledgeable about everything! Much more knowledgeable than anyone! Keep going!
    Now that isn't the case. I just prefer to post on things I know about rather than engage in idle speculation - not that there's anything wrong with that - so it can appear that way.

    Codex attracts a lot of knowledgeable folks, what with believing there is something real to know. You seem pretty knowledgeable yourself.

    Just a little slow.
    Hey ho. Good to see you again.
    Just in time to see Wrathfinder break its own ankles in the latest patch.
    What again?
    Before it was a mild ligament tear, now we're looking at a career ending injury, especially considering Russia's economy is slated to return to 1999 levels.
    Killed himself over his failure to find the perfect build after the 258th Pathshit run.
    Pissed off VOD and got temp banned then decided to stay on the Owlcat forums.
    Hey, man, you are the best poster in the owlcat forums! Dont go away, you will be missed by lots of people.
    "And we must remember: The power of hell, while strong, is limited. God is the ultimate judge and decision maker."
    tfw when you have your Codex and Unz Review tabs mixed up but decide to just roll with it
    Sry, no mix up. No man, or forum, is an island.

    What exactly is your beef? Not much for passive aggression. Be a man and say it.
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