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  • Looking forward to your book. Read some of it, but didn't want to spoil too much. Will I able to buy it printed or is it digital only?
    why isn't Sir-Tech article in your book mentioning the mighty 'thal at all?
    Let's see if Grimoire is released before I finish the book... then I'll mention it there. Otherwise, it goes to the "unfinished/canceled RPG" list.
    a Goat
    a Goat
    Oh so I guess in the "unfinished/cancelled RPG" there will be Cleve's Wiz8 as well.
    I bow to your article about NWN community, disappearance of Vault and many other important things. You are one of bringer of Codex incline for me, sir. :salute:
    I cant remember if I asked this but do you read Japanese fluently?
    You never asked, and I don't read fluently... I can barely play Pokémon. :P
    Ahh ok. Somebody mentioned to ask you about doing translations. Wanted to get somebody started on Wizardry Empire I while I got these other projects going on.
    E ai mano, onde estas? Não te vejo no tópico BRBR heheheheheuheuheu e em maior parte do fórum. Virou Guerreiro da Justiça Social e abriu uma conta na RPGWatch?
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    É, mas há uma diferença entre uma grana decente e horas de trabalho boas, e trabalhar feito um condenado pra ganhar miséria. É por isso que eu não faço História e viro professor.
    A grana é pouca, mas as horas de trabalho são excelentes. Na minha condição atual, prefiro assim.
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    É, eu não me importaria em ganhar pouco se eu tivesse ótimas horas.
    It's really disappointing seeing you join the anti-gamer side like this, but then again I don't blame you for looking out for your own self interests. Good luck with your ventures.
    Oy, how's the proofreading work coming along?

    I could volunteer in about a week's time if you need.
    I've decided to wait a bit, to collect all the reviews then edit the book as a whole, for a cohesive reading experience. Then we proofread it. ;)
    Great, hopefully I'd not be burdened with work when the time comes.
    I like how the image you posted is named 'brazil_heritage.png' instead of '0123494_jas3414.png'. Classy.
    Wanted to add to your already monstrously huge pile of admiration and respect from Codex for the cool Top 70 list.

    I don't give out genuine praise very often so you should feel truly special.
    Congratulations! You are eligible for an original 1989 copy of Wasteland. Contact me via conversation to let me know whether you want a GOG key, Steam key or don't want / need one at all (remember, you can take it and use it as a gift because what the fuck are we going to do with them all?).
    hey bro has your avatar remained unchanged? i could swear it was a little different.
    I had drawn a codex red troll version of this ghost, but evil DU removed it. D:
    Hey do you mind if I use your Star Citizen patch for a KSP flag? I'm pretty bad at the whole art thing
    Good luck in your japanese studies! You'll need it if you ever want to learn the first basic 1000 kanjis needed to read anything ;-)
    Do you plan on getting your JLPT n5 anytime soon?
    Thanks! I'm going beyond thunderdome bro, and applying for a scholarship to do my master's degree in Japan! :D
    Hot damn! A girlfriend of mine did the exact same thing, it was the best year of her life :)) She had to come back in France afterwards, but still, t'was a one-of-a-kind experience!
    Our two alts together finally surpassed The Jew in Brofists!
    Finally! He may be jew, but he aint two!
    That's a killer rhyme :)
    What the hell happened, last I checked your page you had 1000 brofists. ._.
    Now it mysteriously quadrupled!?

    You must be the broest bro there's ever been.
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