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Jason Liang
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  • I'm upset that you didn't hold firm to "No RPG could break into a top 25 combined game list" It should be top 100- The list of games better than every RPG ever made begins with Midway Williams and does not end until at least 2004, and even then that's talking about smuggling the absolute best ones into 80-90th place.
    Jason Liang
    Jason Liang
    Yeah I agree but a few like BG2 and Bloodlines really are exceptional.

    Besides the way I framed it, its not listing a top 25 but rather your personal favorites out of a top 100.
    Declared public health emergency in US

    Asymptotic transmission confirmed.

    Any US citizen Hubei province subject to 14 days mandatory quarantined (facility).

    Any us citizen returning from rest of mainland china previous 14 days, proactive health screening selected ports, self-quarantining (7 airports).

    Temporarily blocking foreign nationals who pose a threat. Denied entry into the US.
    Being 39 sucks. All the bitches you knew got knocked up by someone else
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    You should scout out other bitches anyway. Less baggage.
    Sorry bro, honestly meant to pull out... but you know how it goes :(
    How many chinese-americans still preserve their chinese culture?
    They're still insectoids infiltrating everything they can and reporting back to the CCP getting butthurt at Taiwan and Hong Kong whenever possible, so I'd say they're doing really good.
    Jason Liang
    Jason Liang
    Rice and chopsticks mostly. Most chinese-americans I grew up with never observe Chinese New Year (or any of the Chinese holidays), most only know very basic or only a few words and phrases in Chinese. Weddings are usually Western weddings.
    Sorry if thread came of as crass, particularly the reference to you - it was just something I made up on the spot that was meant to be a dig at me, not you, nor did I mean to imply any truth to it. Edited it out of the post regardless.
    Kyl Von Kull
    Kyl Von Kull
    wait, what did you say that was so bad you deleted it? The world needs to know!
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    This is a low quality bait.
    I am curious mate. Are you Chinese or a guy working in China?
    Kyl Von Kull
    Kyl Von Kull
    Are you still in Wuhan? There's a lot more to do for fun in the tier one cities or some of the tier two cities along the coast. It's weird to even talk about China as a cohesive thing when Shanghai's downtown looks like a science fiction movie yet many rural areas don't have indoor plumbing.
    Jason Liang
    Jason Liang
    I've lived in China for over 10 years and been all over. Wuhan has some nice areas but this year has been tough since the local diet doesn't agree with me (mostly fried foods). I'm here since I found a position teaching film studies here. The school's kind of shit though.
    Kyl Von Kull ,perfect mix of fantasy and sci-fi,you could say that he lives in ELEX.
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