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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.
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  • Ok,so you are also a jew. So do jews wash their asses like kebab or wipe their asses like white supremacists? Genuinely curious.
    Inquiring minds want to know.
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Then make the white man their butts while fucking the kebab.
    Jews are soooo secretive about their religious practices,they don't even want to answer such a simple question.
    I am proud of you mate,you gave me friendly instead of bad spelling. There is progress in you.
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    So you're saying he's essentially a progressive. Veiled insults are the best!
    Well he clearly is a racist given how many racist rating he had got....whole two.
    Why are you not posting more,german?
    This one again....you only read and rate. Is it because you live in a liberal dystopia and you are afraid to not get sidefucked by screech crowd :)?
    Tens of thousands of ratings, 200 posts. A man that likes to click the shiny buttons but knows he has little to say.
    Remember the Alamo
    Yep... that's a good beer yep... that dang ol' crockett knew how to brew yep...
    would :friendly: if could.
    Hahahaha you really must be a german. Seeing how you mistake a joke for a butthurt :).
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    Everyone mistakes jokes for butthurt now. Essentially if the joke is not funny to them it is butthurt. I see the logic.
    Lots of thanks to you for the FRUA support. If you haven't yet played the game, I suggest you do a seach for Jaesun's thread on how to get it working on modern rigs, and give it a try.
    Rating my post 'retarded' shows only that you're the one suffering from retardation, if you didn't see the sarcasm.
    butthurt detected
    Nah, I'd just prefer to receive a counter-argument instead of just smashing the button.
    I was going to call you a fucking, retarded white knighting beggar faggot hypocrite as you REEEEE like a spastic, but don't even want to actually BUY Cleve's game to help him out, but once I saw your wall, full of 'well wishers' I figure you are a sad and suicidal loser and I'd rather not be responsible for your death. Even though of course what I was going to say is true. :smug:
    Fuck off, idiot.
    I had to put him on ignore. He bad rated every single one of my posts without actually ever replying. Since he's from Texas he's obviously southern bourgeois , the same type of retard who brainwashed southern plebs into fighting their retarded Confederate war.
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    Can you make a sentence without using the word bourgeois
    It's only the greatest threat to America and perhaps the world at this moment in history. Kind of difficult to shake it, being a patriotic American.
    Oh Hi, another ratings bot... with 49 parrots and joined Jan 30, 2015, always nice being judged by people so low T they can't even speak.
    Heh, had a ton of them after me when i dared to criticize prime cunta. Pathetic.
    He's a little cuck what do you expect?
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