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Warcraft III: Reforged - now with lowest user metacritic score of all time


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Aiur is in the Koprulu sector according to the wiki. It's weird but according to lore basically the entire strength of the Protoss and Zerg race is contained in a relatively small section of the galaxy fighting a small fringe element of humanity on the other side of the galaxy from Earth. At least according to lore the high protoss were always around Aiur and the majority of the Zerg swarm were concentrated to invade Aiur. At most the forces of Protoss and Zerg significantly outside the Koprulu sector amount to some Dark Templar and some scattered Cerebrates who broke free from the Overmind.

It very well might be, but that just indicate that Koprulu Sector is a rather huge swath of space, if Zerg weren't able to find Auir despied looking for it for how long exactly? Millenia? But it also in no way contradicts the fact that Overmind wasn't interested in expansion in Koprulu for the sake of expansion itself, but rather singularly focused on planting its spiky butt on Aiur. Because Xel'naga or something, something.

I can also buy that Humanity as a whole is way bigger and more powerful than Protoss and Zerg combined. After all, Khalai Protoss are the old, stagnant isolationist empire with no natural rivals to challenge them and spur them into action. Other than the Zerg of course, but they managed to keep them in check up until events of the game. Or at least they were convinced they were keeping them in check. E.g. Those walls of text between missions in Terran SC campaign, were describing how protoss fleet was cruising around Terran colonies, glassing every planet that got infested with the Zerg. Which could explain why Zerg wasn't overrunning the whole sector either, with possibility of Overmind simply wanting to keep Zerg real strength and numbers as a surprise.
And with Protoss being high tech race with advanced AI and robotic constructs doing any heavy lifting for them, I can see how they might had, at some point in the past, decided not to bother anymore with all this "colonizing other planets" nonsense, which Terrans are so universally fond of.
Jan 7, 2012
The Zerg haven't been in the Koprulu sector their entire existence. They originated near the center of the galaxy whereas the Koprulu sector has to be near the edge (since it's 60,000 lightyears from earth). They've been searching a long time and assimilating new races the whole time while searching. I'm not exactly sure what happened in between their original creation and finding Aiur and reading the wiki brings up a lot of bullshit that SC2 rewrote that I'd rather pretend didn't exist.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
The Zerg haven't been in the Koprulu sector their entire existence. They originated near the center of the galaxy whereas the Koprulu sector has to be near the edge (since it's 60,000 lightyears from earth). They've been searching a long time and assimilating new races the whole time while searching. I'm not exactly sure what happened in between their original creation and finding Aiur and reading the wiki brings up a lot of bullshit that SC2 rewrote that I'd rather pretend didn't exist.
Yeah, I got the feeling in the first game that the zerg had been looking for a long time, and weren't from too close (they're inspired by the tyranids after all). In sc2: heart of the swarm they retconned it so that the overmind was a chump and that the zerg basically existed as is on their original homeworld, no tinkering or assimilation needed. Which is very dumb.

And on the topic of sc1 lore, I got the feeling that the UED invasion fleet actually was a pretty significant part of the UED's total forces and not just a handful of battlecruisers and the schematics for nano-sutures (or whatever it is medics use) and valkyries. And that using local rebels and material was more out of expediency and a desire to limit "important" casualties. I also got the impression that they were at least somewhat concerned the zerg might be or become a threat to them, which kinda limits the size of the directorate to not that big.
Jan 7, 2012
Trying to figure out the UED's strength is hard. Everything suggests they should be massively powerful. They should have colonized a lot and had orders of magnitude more people than the Terrans. They are depicted as wholly united militaristic empire ala Starship Troopers. The know enough about psi-stuff to directly control the overmind and the swarm. You'd expect them to, if not win efficiently, be willing to exhaust massive amounts of forces to overrun the sector and put a stop to any eventual threat.

On the other hand, as far as I can tell it's not actually stated anywhere that the UED is anything other than Earth. So... the UED just sat there on Earth for ~250 years since the Terrans started colonizing the whole Koprulu sector, doing nothing?


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I also got the impression that they were at least somewhat concerned the zerg might be or become a threat to them, which kinda limits the size of the directorate to not that big.
My impression was that UED viewed Zerg exactly the same way Wayland-Yutani viewed xenomorphs.


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Trying to figure out the UED's strength is hard. Everything suggests they should be massively powerful. They should have colonized a lot and had orders of magnitude more people than the Terrans. They are depicted as wholly united militaristic empire ala Starship Troopers. The know enough about psi-stuff to directly control the overmind and the swarm. You'd expect them to, if not win efficiently, be willing to exhaust massive amounts of forces to overrun the sector and put a stop to any eventual threat.

On the other hand, as far as I can tell it's not actually stated anywhere that the UED is anything other than Earth. So... the UED just sat there on Earth for ~250 years since the Terrans started colonizing the whole Koprulu sector, doing nothing?

Maybe the UED were fighting wars either with humans or other aliens and then wanted to prevent whatever was brewing in the Koprulu to impact them; but then it's just speculation
Jan 7, 2012
On the other hand, as far as I can tell it's not actually stated anywhere that the UED is anything other than Earth.

I recall something about DuGalle and/or Stukov making a name by pacifying rebel colonies before. Something of the usually popular crowd, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, etc, etc.

That reminds me, the opening cinematic of BW. The UED unleashed zerg on one of their own colonies. The UED must have had some kind of contact or control of the confederacy when they were hiding info about the zerg and experimenting on them.


Aug 1, 2013

So I've never actually played Warcraft 3, and recently I've had a hankering for a fantasy RTS with no bullshit that's just straightforward base building -> unit training -> chucking them at the enemy, but as I keep looking around for something to scratch that itch I keep coming back to Warcraft 3. But from what I can find you can't get the old version anymore, or it's shackled to the Reforged clusterfuck. Are there ways around this, or would this require alternate "purchasing" methods? Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?


Oct 19, 2018


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
So I've never actually played Warcraft 3, and recently I've had a hankering for a fantasy RTS with no bullshit that's just straightforward base building -> unit training -> chucking them at the enemy, but as I keep looking around for something to scratch that itch I keep coming back to Warcraft 3. But from what I can find you can't get the old version anymore, or it's shackled to the Reforged clusterfuck. Are there ways around this, or would this require alternate "purchasing" methods? Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?

Official bought version right now I think are all Reforged.

If you want you can find older/classic install on some sites and just use CD-keygen or if you had the official one use yours.

a certain russian torrent site pretty much has the latest version of pre-Reforged WC3


Nov 1, 2018

So I've never actually played Warcraft 3, and recently I've had a hankering for a fantasy RTS with no bullshit that's just straightforward base building -> unit training -> chucking them at the enemy, but as I keep looking around for something to scratch that itch I keep coming back to Warcraft 3. But from what I can find you can't get the old version anymore, or it's shackled to the Reforged clusterfuck. Are there ways around this, or would this require alternate "purchasing" methods? Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?

Not possible to get at this point legitimately. Even if you have the original discs, you're stuck on 1.0, which had a lot of issues with it. There's no way to actually get the most updated WC3 build without it autoupdating to Reforged without engaging in high seas fuckery.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?
It depends on which one we are talking about. Spellforce 1 doubles down on the RPG elements, while the other two have more RTS in them, but I don't recommend Spellforce 2. Either go for 1 or 3.
Last edited:


Glory to Ukraine
Jan 18, 2017
Failsaw, Failand

So I've never actually played Warcraft 3, and recently I've had a hankering for a fantasy RTS with no bullshit that's just straightforward base building -> unit training -> chucking them at the enemy, but as I keep looking around for something to scratch that itch I keep coming back to Warcraft 3. But from what I can find you can't get the old version anymore, or it's shackled to the Reforged clusterfuck. Are there ways around this, or would this require alternate "purchasing" methods? Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?

Not possible to get at this point legitimately. Even if you have the original discs, you're stuck on 1.0, which had a lot of issues with it. There's no way to actually get the most updated WC3 build without it autoupdating to Reforged without engaging in high seas fuckery.

Not to mention the fact that you don't get all the content with bare discs.
The orc campaign in the Frozen Throne was released in stages along with patches.
Jan 7, 2012
It can't be that hard to arrr the latest non-reforged version, right? With how universally reviled reforged was I'd assume that there would be ample sources and signs pointing towards the non-reforged one.


Nov 1, 2018
It can't be that hard to arrr the latest non-reforged version, right? With how universally reviled reforged was I'd assume that there would be ample sources and signs pointing towards the non-reforged one.

It's not hard as far as I understand.

What little competition there is at high levels uses the original graphics. A number of pro players straight up REFUSE to play in tournaments with the 'updated' graphics because they're such dogshit and it makes it significantly harder to actually tell what the fuck the units are DOING.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
Blizzard fucked up the game even before Reforgery. The patches that they released prior to Reforgery added bugs to the Reign of Chaos campaigns. For example the audio cuts out during cutscenes and sometimes the hero's inventories disappear.


Nov 1, 2018
Step 1: Pirate the last non-reforged version.
Step 2: Get Eurobattlenet, tell Blizzard to suck dicks.
Step 3: Incline.

Blizzard fucked up the game even before Reforgery. The patches that they released prior to Reforgery added bugs to the Reign of Chaos campaigns. For example the audio cuts out during cutscenes and sometimes the hero's inventories disappear.

How can someone even be this incompetent like lmao.

I suggest collective suicide as a solution.

It's what happens when the people that made the game great are long gone, and the only ones left to 'update' it is a group of talentless woke hacks who have no fucking clue why the original was great.

For fucks sake they didn't even do the models themselves, which is why the model animations are so pants-on-head retardedly disconnected from the actual actions they're taking.

But hey guys, they got that female death knight and demon hunter models, so the project was GREAT SUCCESS!!!!


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2

So I've never actually played Warcraft 3, and recently I've had a hankering for a fantasy RTS with no bullshit that's just straightforward base building -> unit training -> chucking them at the enemy, but as I keep looking around for something to scratch that itch I keep coming back to Warcraft 3. But from what I can find you can't get the old version anymore, or it's shackled to the Reforged clusterfuck. Are there ways around this, or would this require alternate "purchasing" methods? Or should I just give Spellforce a try, even though that looks like it's a bit too much of an RPG to me?

you can also try Armies of Exigo


May 6, 2018
Souffrance, Franka
Has any other game been disfigured and dismembered like Warcraft III before ?
Sometimes you get a shitty remaster, or a shitty port. These happen quite often, even. But has any publisher ever literally fucked up the whole game like Bliz did there ?
And i'm not talking about online games which eventually get bad because of continuous addition of content. I mean, a perfectly fine game, which plays perfectly fine, suddenly turning to rot for absolutely no good reason.


Jan 6, 2012
The latest patches will automatically update your WC3 into Reforged trash. You have to use a Battle.net substitute (PvPGN server - Eurobattle.net is really the only populated one) with the 1.28 patch to avoid being on Blizzard's latest cancer. If you purchase new downloads somewhere it will all be reforged trash on the latest patch. You'll either need old CD-ROMS or just have to pirate it if you want WC3 non-Reforged.

If you want the fantasy RTS experience you can try Warcraft 2 though. I don't think they reforged that one into the ground and the campaign is more fun. WC3 is for people who like sitting in custom maps all the time mostly. The RTS aspects in WC3 are fine, but somehow not as engaging.

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