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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
On the note of retarded, evoking the "current year" as an argument doesn't really hold much water when we're talking about Japs, arguably the most backwards, quote-hire tier game devs there is. The graphics of Jap-slop DD2 look so washed out and lifeless the game has probably gone through more washing cycles than your underwear.
Fuckin jack wagon. If you compare a nearly decade old remastered AAA game's visuals against a modern day AAA game's, 9 times out of 10 it's gonna lose. I'm not autistic enough to reinstall Witcher 3 just to prove I'm right. I'll go with the odds. There's alot of things people like to bitch about in DD2. The visuals aren't one of them. 'Tis you who is being a sperging retard.
May 31, 2018
The Present
Carceri So is casting still good in this game? I'm a little iffy with how they cut out all of the dark magic. To me it seems like spellcasting might be a bit stale in DD2. What's your take?


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Its hilarious how they've made set clearly inspired by fancy clothing worn by Landsknechts (there is also hat there but i didnt found it), you know the mercenaries known for their usage of huge twohanders, yet the only vocations that can use those items are Spearhand and fucking Mages, Sorcerers and Archers of all other classes but not Warriors or even Fighters, lol.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Speaking of armour. Why is it that the Marcher's armour is one of the best looking sets in the game...but utterly useless beyond being used as a disguise?
I guess when it was designed it was mostly made for guards, no need to consider its position in armor sandbox or even to what vocation should it belong so probably it was implemented at the later stage of development on a whim. It serves the same function as 1 item sets from DD1, without even quest usage like Guard Armor in DD1 (though maybe you can walk normally in castle at night without any guard problems?) and that set was also badass looking and average in stats.


Sep 4, 2015
killed flying reptile and fiki-fiki duke's wife. did dragon with kb+m. it's just better to run away and shoot than with gamepad.
will just do everfall and save bbi for ng+.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I like the dungeons in this game. I wish they were more visually destinct but the design of them is better than in most other modern RPGs. I've encountered many that aren't simply a straight line ala Skyrimjob, and most of the ones I found have some verticality. Multiple high/low levels with a few branching paths, and often times the exit leads to a different area of the open world. It's not just "welp, hit a dead end, time to backtrack".


Oct 24, 2019
though maybe you can walk normally in castle at night without any guard problems?
Can confirm, in DD2 if you wear the guard set at night in the castle the "sneaking" music stops and you can walk without problem. I think the devs expected players to disguise themselves as there are two full sets you can get in the castle, one of them in the direct path of the quest (after the female guard lead you to the side entrance, in the guard restroom, just as you enter there is a chest at your right with a full set), the other is hidden on a well, close to the jail tower (another part of the palace players would want to sneak in).

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Aw shucks, Lich just murdered my hired fighter. I liked her. I don't know wtf it's called but the tornado spell is crazy powerful. Not the first time I lost a pawn to that shit and I've almost been killed by it.


Annnnnnd my pawn just killed herself. It was kind of my fault.
I'm in the Misty Marshes and it's night time. Can't see a fucking thing
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2023
An excellent review from our beloved youtube creator

Whatever you do, you’ll never be able to fully avoid many excessively long hikes. Towns are spaced out to where traveling between them can take at least twenty minutes, and it won’t be time spent eventfully. The awful map is merely a web of noodly paths that respawn enemies and traps in the same place every time you’re backtracking through them which you’ll spend 75% of your playtime doing.

Oh, and because this game can’t hate its audience enough, Dragon’s Dogma decided stamina should drain out of combat, and should do quickly, which means you can’t even keep sprinting.

I’ve been playing Rise of Ronin at the same time as this, and the difference is night and day.

Not only does Ronin have free fast travel, but its warp points are liberally and conveniently placed. On top of that, you get a horse, a glider, a grappling hook, and infinite stamina when exploring. I once found myself hesitant to pick up a crafting material, then remembered I wasn’t playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 where you can become too heavy if you pick up enough feathers. Then I laughed, laughed, laughed.

Rise of Ronin was developed with the thought that people playing it shouldn’t have their time treated as valueless. Every part of Dragon’s Dogma 2 seems to be designed with a very different thought in mind:

"Fuck you."


H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024

As if that fat disgusting unfunny douche couldn't get any worse. I refuse to even give him the satisfaction of calling him a tranny. All the lazy fat bastard did was slap a wig and makeup on his head. That is below the bare minimum of faggotry.


Jan 16, 2017
If I were in charge of DD2 changes to be made, I would 'value his time' even less.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I left a comment. Lettuce see what happens when an unstoppable force meets a morbidly obese object that can't be moved without a forklift.


Sep 5, 2014
The contrast of going from an endgame world slaughterer that mows down waves of enemies, back to a fresh character is really funny. Playing with just the main pawn a fight against any more than like 3 goblins is a bloody struggle, since any hit staggers you and then you get locked into a 5 second wombo combo of getting slapped around by the little fuckers.
Makes you appreciate the feeling of becoming progressively stronger more, if that happened more gradually it could've been :5/5:


Apr 8, 2015
I cant be the only one who thinks that there are too many ruined riftstones around the world? It reminds me of how close DS3 bonfires were, there is just too much of that stuff.
I am still in the Nothwestern region of Vermund and so far I've only encountered 3
I don't know how's their density in other regions
But here it's fine, they are each in separate parts of the region and are well hidden
They are further rewards for exploration and also don't act as normal Riftstones, containing instead unique pawns (so perhaps they're accessible even in offline play?)


Jul 3, 2007
Carceri So is casting still good in this game? I'm a little iffy with how they cut out all of the dark magic. To me it seems like spellcasting might be a bit stale in DD2. What's your take?
I did not get around to playing the sorcerer vocation yet. Some things that I instinctively don't like: only 4 spell slots, dark and holy magic seems to no longer be a thing and the fact that sorecerer cannot enchant weapons with elemental buffs anymore. On the other hand the skill that regenerates stamina and the one that stores/makes casting faster might be enough to make the vocation feel more involved (lack of a better word). Spellsync is still in, right? But, I don't know, I have to play it myself.
From what I can tell the spells Augural Flare, High Hagol and Maelstrom are absolutely busted.


Apr 8, 2015
So I was able to get my laptop running it at 50fps on average, last monday
I now have 17 hours, I think I'll play it until next sunday before unnistalling and only picking this up again after getting a new desktop (sometime in August or later, but before the end of the year)

Explored most of the northwest region of Vermund
The game is very free with climbing, got to a couple of elevations I wasn't supposed too
Killed the Cyclops and the two caves near him
Currently level 11, Figther lvl 4 - Main Pawn level 10, Mage lvl 4
Doing the Waterfall cave and Ser Beren's quest (wonder if he's a Warrior trainer)
The Waterfall cave was a surprise - went there to take a better pic of the Griffon now that I can run the game adequately - it's a good size and I've already gotten to the other end, now I am trying to kill the Saurian nest and the Asps guarding the loot
Saurians overall are far more effective figthers than DD1, where I didn't even need to use the shield against one, now they can consistently poise break me

By the way, after getting out the cave for the time I got a quest update of "In Dragon's Wake" as completed, but I was still supposed to accompany Ser Gregor to the capital.
So is that stage of the quest on a time-limit, or is it simply some kind of completion flag which activated if the player reaches a certain region of the map?

I've also noted on how much the dialogue between pawns changes depending on their inclination - so far my favourite combo is Kindhearted (my main pawn) and Simple, they bounce of each other quite amusingly
Plus there's alot more chatter in reaction to the present locations, quests and your actions
So far the only annoying chatter are the: "We've not had a Thief among our party for quite some time" ; "Ladders Arisen" ; "I don't have pertinent knowledge about this quest" ; "Buying stuff huh" - they just repeat too often, tone that shit down

Also the Gobblin cave just bellow the Cyclops
Ever since I cleared it, no new gobblins have respawned on that area
Is there an association between these two, or am I jumping to conclusions and there's some other reason?


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Did anyone here found any dungeon simillar to Watergod temple or Catacombs from DD1? All dungeons that i found are just caves or mines, rarely small crypts or caves with crypt elements, Vermund is practically clear and i didnt found anything really unique.
That early mix of cave with chimera and crypt with lich still remains the best dungeon that i found in Vermund, maybe except that secret mountain pass to Battahl but its hard to call that a dungeon. I guess maybe i could have missed something in that misty marshes area but besides that i think i will clean up remaining quests and finally move to properly explore Battahl, maybe i will find something decent there.
I really hope that we will be able to properly explore that NOTBluemoon Tower on Volcanic Island, it would suck massively if all of that were just some scenery piece.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Did anyone here found any dungeon simillar to Watergod temple or Catacombs from DD1? All dungeons that i found are just caves or mines, rarely small crypts or caves with crypt elements, Vermund is practically clear and i didnt found anything really unique.
That early mix of cave with chimera and crypt with lich still remains the best dungeon that i found in Vermund, maybe except that secret mountain pass to Battahl but its hard to call that a dungeon. I guess maybe i could have missed something in that misty marshes area but besides that i think i will clean up remaining quests and finally move to properly explore Battahl, maybe i will find something decent there.
I really hope that we will be able to properly explore that NOTBluemoon Tower on Volcanic Island, it would suck massively if all of that were just some scenery piece.
Misty Marshes felt like a dungeon to me. I don't think it's fair to only consider the caves dungeons. There's parts in the overworld that feel like unique dungeons. It's not all cave diving.


Formerly known as Oracsbox
Nov 1, 2021
Finally finished it after 102 hours.
Loved it
Had only one bug when the floor disappeared but immediately rectified itself on a reload.
First game where escort quests didn't annoy me..actually took a few on a long route with a camping stop or two.
Lots of emergent gameplay and things to do
Plenty of loot and hidden secrets
I find every vocation interesting to play

Thief is the most OP, 'formless feint' makes you invincible, 'skullsplitter' kills bosses at high speed and 'implicate' let's you knockdown enemies.
I can solo the game with this class, it has no weaknesses and easily kills anything incl Dragons.
If you don't use 'formless feint' it becomes a more reasonable vocation

Lots of little things added to my enjoyment like the big monsters you've killed decomposing over time, until it's just a few bones on the ground.

Just started a new game+ and have already found a quest I missed before and finished another in a completely different way


Dec 22, 2018
By the way, after getting out the cave for the time I got a quest update of "In Dragon's Wake" as completed, but I was still supposed to accompany Ser Gregor to the capital.
So is that stage of the quest on a time-limit, or is it simply some kind of completion flag which activated if the player reaches a certain region of the map?
Idk about flags for reaching regions and shit, but for me the quest autocompleted when Gregor fell into the water and got eaten by Brine

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Is it worth the misery of having to play as mage for it's final augment? It's tempting, like sucking a dick for a billion dollars. Just not sure I could live with myself afterward.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Interesting, it seems that pawns can get scars related to dragon aids, those appear after brining sick pawn. This would explain why i found one on my pawn even if i never added any, i also remember reading some 4chan post that mentioned pawn talking about scars healing when visiting hot springs so i guess that is how we can remove those scars maybe?
I really like details like these in games, in my opinion it adds so much to the feel of the game, especially when many mechanics and secrets are still unknown to the wider audience.

Hmm i wonder if wandering pawns can spread the disease.

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