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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"


Dec 22, 2018
You know what I'm fucking tired of? Faggots like somedrunkqueer telling you this bitch runs on his 2$ apple that he bought off goodwill. Fucking pathetic.
It's 2024, if you're a poorfag unable to buy a proper PC, you can always pay Nvidia jews few bucks and play in cloud.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
These MFers clueless. Capcom doesn't dabble in "definitive editions" and all that bullshit. If they view something as useless they will cut it off and abandon it and pretend it never existed. They are thee most notorious for that. Enjoy your discounted definitive edition faggots. It's never coming. You fucked up.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Drake fights are frabjous. I've lost every single time and enjoyed it. Video games aren't about always winning. I almost just had this fucker ded.

Imagine if dragons were this tough in og Skyrim. Game would have sold 100 units LOL!


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I ran to Vermont as fast as possible and scored the warrior gig. Ok, let's go back to Melve and see what I missed. And I get promptly waylaid by a Griffin.
Sure it runs off in a bit(can't imagine why, barely scratched it) and I go to Melve. And then I climb the tower there and I see the selfsame fucker zooming around.
Doesn't look like the ballista there has the range to catch this dude though...
Wait, hang on, gonna have to test that tonight.


Aug 17, 2006
Maybe you should have supported this game at launch



Sep 4, 2015
most recent drake went full retard. no grabbing pawns, no hovering. just roundkicks, flame breathing, fast charges and wing flapping. forget climbing, even moving close to smack his heart was a challenge.

also constant "fuck da beast, i'm picking loot!" screams from supposed cleric pawn i hired didn't help either. did i mention there was tons of "loot" from dead gobbos and hobgobbos lying around to entertain her?

still it was worth it - finally dragonforged my daggers. maybe i should finally visit bbi and upgrade them further.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
most recent drake went full retard. no grabbing pawns, no hovering. just roundkicks, flame breathing, fast charges and wing flapping. forget climbing, even moving close to smack his heart was a challenge.
Drake fights in OG feel like child's play compared to this shit. Here it's like going up against an otherworldly god, as it should be. In the first game it was just a thing you needed to level up for. Dragons are scarier in DD2.


Dec 22, 2018
most recent drake went full retard. no grabbing pawns, no hovering. just roundkicks, flame breathing, fast charges and wing flapping. forget climbing, even moving close to smack his heart was a challenge.

also constant "fuck da beast, i'm picking loot!" screams from supposed cleric pawn i hired didn't help either. did i mention there was tons of "loot" from dead gobbos and hobgobbos lying around to entertain her?

still it was worth it - finally dragonforged my daggers. maybe i should finally visit bbi and upgrade them further.
I hired a fighter pawn with a skill that can throw friendlies in the air. Retarded nigger pretty much refused to fight, just ran to me every fight to repeatedly fucking throw me in the air, interrupting my spellcasting. I wonder what's the truth about Pawns learning behaviours from their arisen and shit (a lot of people says it's a myth) because I had a pawn with this skill before, and she only offered to use it to help me climb high places, and sometimes boosted my other thief pawn in combat, but this nigga was just fucking obsessed with using this skill on me, literally did nothing else.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I was gonna post something about this too eventually but there's definitely something to the "learning". Pawns from the rift, for the most part, seem far more intelligent than the Capcom drones that wander around the world or ones that come from hidden riftstones. Almost every non-arisen player pawn has either walked off a cliff or did some other dumb shit in my game. Player pawns seem to learn.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The pathfinding in DD2 is probably more advanced than any tech in the games you mentioned.
The last part is also funny in the context of that game list.
This. DD2 is doing far more advanced shit in terms of AI. And those games do not objectively look better. Cyberpunk 2077 isn't even very good looking imo. Elden Ring is beautiful artistically but technically speaking it is nothing special. Somebody made a comparison video between it and Demon's Souls remake and ER looks straight up last gen by comparison.

The character and monster design is fine. However the environments are a dissapointment so far. Very basic, very repeatable.
This has nothing on the Witcher 3.

Also, "advanced AI"

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
The character and monster design is fine. However the environments are a dissapointment so far. Very basic, very repeatable.
This has nothing on the Witcher 3.
I only messed around with the upgraded Witcher 3 for maybe an hour. It looked really good, similar to DD2. Still it's a 9 year old game with a bunch of modern makeup smothered over it. Seems like a goofy comparison. It can't compete ya dork.


samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Witcher’s scope felt huge but completely lifeless; I had no urge to explore the world. DD2 doesn’t feel much better as I sink into it’s deeper ends.. it’s more lively and how I picture a dnd adventure in my mind, and I also feel a much greater urge to RP in it - but damn do I really want a big dungeon to feel hopeless in instead of a 5 minute cave or fetch-quest back across spaces I’ve already traveled..

I also feel punished traversing the world mostly as a warrior; sure I can fling my pawn onto an area I can’t reach, but most the time they don’t care and jump back down. Mage, Thief, Spear etc all have traversal options that vastly outweigh mine when it comes to how the map is laid out vertically.


Dec 22, 2018
Witcher’s scope felt huge but completely lifeless; I had no urge to explore the world. DD2 doesn’t feel much better as I sink into it’s deeper ends.. it’s more lively and how I picture a dnd adventure in my mind, and I also feel a much greater urge to RP in it - but damn do I really want a big dungeon to feel hopeless in instead of a 5 minute cave or fetch-quest back across spaces I’ve already traveled..

I got quite a lot of "hopeless" adventures, being pretty low level and just running towards the interesting shit I see from afar. Just today I wanted to make it to the border town to finish a quest, but instead got distracted, made my way into some creepy misty area, found sound amazing loot, got ambushed by a fucking gryphon and then in the middle of a fight with it got ambushed by a fucking drake, had to leave my pawns to die and run, barely made it out alive, then I found another drake in my way, had to sneak past it then ran into a shitton of reskinned goblins which rolled like 10 fucking boulders at me and cost my exhausted alone Arisen his last 2 wakestones, then it was night and fucking ghosts and undead started spawning everywhere and I was out of oil in my lantern, and I literally hid on top of some rock formation and stayed there for a whole fucking night hoping the undead won't come close enough to aggro on me. I survived until the morning, snuck around few groups of enemies, and miraculously made it into the border town. Was fun.
I also feel punished traversing the world mostly as a warrior; sure I can fling my pawn onto an area I can’t reach, but most the time they don’t care and jump back down. Mage, Thief, Spear etc all have traversal options that vastly outweigh mine when it comes to how the map is laid out vertically.

Yeah, lack of movement options on some classes suck. There are those harpysnare beacons you can use for harpy rides if you can't make it somewhere, but ofc using limited consumables suck compared to spammable movement shit other classes get.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Witcher’s scope felt huge but completely lifeless; I had no urge to explore the world. DD2 doesn’t feel much better as I sink into it’s deeper ends.. it’s more lively and how I picture a dnd adventure in my mind, and I also feel a much greater urge to RP in it - but damn do I really want a big dungeon to feel hopeless in instead of a 5 minute cave or fetch-quest back across spaces I’ve already traveled..

I also feel punished traversing the world mostly as a warrior; sure I can fling my pawn onto an area I can’t reach, but most the time they don’t care and jump back down. Mage, Thief, Spear etc all have traversal options that vastly outweigh mine when it comes to how the map is laid out vertically.
WItcher 3 is the same style as Ubishit, just done way better. It shares the static boring open world shit of Elden Ring but they are BEAUTIFUL *Cristinah aghulahrah song begins playing*. But if you don't connect with Gerald of Rivia or Soulsborne shit then there ain't shit. DD2 does it's own thing, has it's own rules. Modern gaymers can't into. They want everything to remain static, obvious, and convenient. Fuck the worthless niggers. Drive off a cliff!!


samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I think it's just that at levels 20-35 there's been a huge reversal in those hopeless moments that lead to great stories. When I first started out I was dead-scared to run around at night, especially when a caravan got jumped by an inordinate amount of different type of enemies. Now.. it's a bit different. Though I will say the physics/knock-down/dazed effects are still huge factors. I think running solo will be a very difficult choice with how that works vs. DD1. Imagine running a solo Archer in DD2..


Jun 14, 2016
Codex+ Now Streaming!
most recent drake went full retard. no grabbing pawns, no hovering. just roundkicks, flame breathing, fast charges and wing flapping. forget climbing, even moving close to smack his heart was a challenge.

also constant "fuck da beast, i'm picking loot!" screams from supposed cleric pawn i hired didn't help either. did i mention there was tons of "loot" from dead gobbos and hobgobbos lying around to entertain her?

still it was worth it - finally dragonforged my daggers. maybe i should finally visit bbi and upgrade them further.
I hired a fighter pawn with a skill that can throw friendlies in the air. Retarded nigger pretty much refused to fight, just ran to me every fight to repeatedly fucking throw me in the air, interrupting my spellcasting. I wonder what's the truth about Pawns learning behaviours from their arisen and shit (a lot of people says it's a myth) because I had a pawn with this skill before, and she only offered to use it to help me climb high places, and sometimes boosted my other thief pawn in combat, but this nigga was just fucking obsessed with using this skill on me, literally did nothing else.
In first game you had to be careful to never give commands to pawns because it altered their behaviors to probably unwanted ones. I don't know in DD2.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
In first game you had to be careful to never give commands to pawns because it altered their behaviors to probably unwanted ones. I don't know in DD2.
In the original Dragon's Dogma, it was simple to fix the Main Pawn's inclinations by purchasing a few potions from the merchant at the Encampment. It was generally a good idea to periodically employ these potions to reset the Main Pawn's primary and secondary inclinations to the desired ones, overriding any undesirable changes that might have been accumulating as a consequence of commands from the Arisen.


Jul 3, 2007
In first game you had to be careful to never give commands to pawns because it altered their behaviors to probably unwanted ones. I don't know in DD2.
In the original Dragon's Dogma, it was simple to fix the Main Pawn's inclinations by purchasing a few potions from the merchant at the Encampment. It was generally a good idea to periodically employ these potions to reset the Main Pawn's primary and secondary inclinations to the desired ones, overriding any undesirable changes that might have been accumulating as a consequence of commands from the Arisen.
Not only commands, but what generally the arisen was targeting first. If you encountered, let's say a cyclops with goblins around, if you target the goblins first, that's mitigator inclination behavior, while doing the cyclops first it's scather inclination. The pawn will transition over time from mitigator to scather, or the other way around based on what type of monsters you target/kill first. Not only that, but the inclinations will change even if you kill a particular type of enemy in large numbers. For example, fighting a lot of dragons for a longer period of time, will promote the scather inclination, which is associated with stronger enemies. Bitter Black Isle usually is known for making pawns scather as it contains mostly powerful enemies. It always annoyed me that there isn't an option to lock the inclinations in place once you set them up the way you like. What's the point of setting my ranger pawn, for example, to clear the trash mobs first while I aggro and tank the boss if after a while the pawn will start fulfilling the exact same role? Feels kinda redundant.

So far in DD2 looks like the inclinations are not dynamic like in the original game.


Oct 24, 2019
I think it's just that at levels 20-35 there's been a huge reversal in those hopeless moments that lead to great stories
There is something fucked up about the power level curve in the game. I'm replaying the game while trying no to buy gear and just use what I find, so I played for a long while with upgraded basic gear (trusty sword, Chainmail shirt, some pants I bought from the military camp) and similar case with my pawn. Also I'm going alone with my pawn. At the beginning even a group of goblins was fucking scary and had to run away from minotaurs and trolls cause I dealt almost no damage even when my pawn used explosive arrows and enemies destroyed me in a few hits, for not talking about inflicting so much loss that in one occasion I was dying in a single hit. But each fight you could really appreciate the design of the monster and the combat shined due to having to play smarter, using the environment and all tools at my disposal. DD2's combat is truly fantastic.

But, without even buying new gear, just by leveling up, it soon went from hard to just right and now it is starting to become easy. Not quite so bad as a regular playthrough, but a far cry from when I started. It seems you gain too much power through leveling and monsters in Vermund just can't catch up. I won't exaggerate if I say that perhaps it would have been better if you didn't level up at all and all your power came from your equipment and vocation level. The economy of the game is harsh, buying and upgrading good gear requires a significant investment, if all your power came from gear, then those armors and weapons you find while exploring or receive from missions would suddenly be more valuable and feel more rewarding. The challenge of monster would be greater for longer and at least you could always equip low level gear to have a harder time.

I think, above all, the biggest flaw they should address in DD2 is the difficulty, it is really the main flaw of the game that brings down the experience. Even the low variety of monsters start being less of an issue when even a pack of wolf makes you shit your pants, or you notice how going up a hill slows you down even while sprinting and you consume more stamina, so now those two hobgoblins at the top throwing rocks are a fucking menace. Hell, due to being weaker this playthrough I have noticed even more stuff about the monsters. Trolls now can grab a party member, and instead of start munching on them, they will sometime keep fighting with one hand. If you run out of stamina when grabbed by a wolf, you cannot escape by yourself and it will kill you unless someone save you. If the same happens when a phantom possess you, you will loss shit ton of health and incur massive Loss. Minotaurs can chain their hits into a combo (which fucked me up sometimes as I don't know what triggers them going from single hits to chains of blows) and have an attack where they turn around, kick you and then start their charging attack. They really put a lot of care into the monsters.

If the damage monster did were higher, DD1's hard mode level of damage, I'll wager that game would actually be pretty fucking hard. Also, they should make it so if you die you had to start on the last inn you rested. It just makes sense with the loss and camping system, and now dying has very heavy consequences.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
People seem to like my pawn as her "adventures" in the other worlds has granted me great rewards. I can't help but feel guilty though because I fear her adventures involve black dicks and bukkake. Haven't gotten a single badge despite her popularity.

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