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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
So I kind of just brute forced my way through the gate leading to Battahl. Hopefuly I didn't fuck shit up and lock myself out of a bunch of quests. Guard was bitching about me not having a permit and conveniently a fancy oxcart approached the gate. The gate opened so I just waltzed on in and the guards turned hostile. I killed the MFers because how dare they stand between the Arisen and her conquest? Unfortunately a civilian was killed in the crossfire. Ohwell.


I turned pure savage. Demolished the fancy oxcart a ways down the road because they were showing fear, then I executed all the travelers. Also a Griffin. Will post video later. I'm starting to get Dark Lord feels deep down in muh soul.
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H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Lol okay, I can see how Battahl trivializes the fuck out of the game if you head there early. You're pretty much engaged in constant combat and even the lesser enemies give decent XP. I haven't been leveling up this fast since the early parts of the game. I'm glad I held off coming here for so long. The enemies do seem stronger but not enough to account for my character level rising up like a 12 year old's dick.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Yeah, my first few hours in Battahl has been the first time in the game (40 hours in) that I've been annoyed by the enemy density. It's pretty insane, and really not necessary in terms of progression. I get what's trying to be conveyed: it's a wild and completely untamed land. But it's seriously like every 20 feet.


Apr 6, 2023
Yeah, my first few hours in Battahl has been the first time in the game (40 hours in) that I've been annoyed by the enemy density. It's pretty insane, and really not necessary in terms of progression. I get what's trying to be conveyed: it's a wild and completely untamed land. But it's seriously like every 20 feet.
This is actually nice to hear.


Sep 4, 2015
I did not get around to playing the sorcerer vocation yet.
i never played any dress wearing or "mystic" vocations in dd. at all. in all those years. maybe will finally play knight or archer versions in ng+ this time to see what's this all about.
or maybe even mage to see if levitate better than double jump.


Jul 3, 2007
I did not get around to playing the sorcerer vocation yet.
i never played any dress wearing or "mystic" vocations in dd. at all. in all those years. maybe will finally play knight or archer versions in ng+ this time to see what's this all about.
or maybe even mage to see if levitate better than double jump.
You have access to levitate as a sorcerer, mystic knight and magic archer, as long as you equip a staff on the last two.


Apr 6, 2023
Is it worth the misery of having to play as mage for it's final augment? It's tempting, like sucking a dick for a billion dollars. Just not sure I could live with myself afterward.
you already fucked a cat. after this anything is a fair game.
I did not get around to playing the sorcerer vocation yet.
i never played any dress wearing or "mystic" vocations in dd. at all. in all those years. maybe will finally play knight or archer versions in ng+ this time to see what's this all about.
or maybe even mage to see if levitate better than double jump.
The epic triple-post. Bravo. Also, H.P. Lovecraft's Cat on suicide watch after that.
Nov 23, 2017
More and more, the notion that DD2 was rushed to be included in Capcom's 2023 fiscal year reports seems to hold true
Apparently, the rubble on certain entraces in caves is a repurposed asset, because someone clipped through it and found Godsbane Gates on them.



Now, even if this notion is true, DD2 didn't got it as bad as DD1, as the former evidently has much more content than the latter (better designed as well)
But it is now quite plausible that Crapcom pulled a repeat of the first game's development and cut the devs time and/or budget partway through - forcing them to cut corners - because of retarded and arbitrary office politics

The game was pushed back two years from the pre Covid schedule.


Aug 12, 2023
On the note of retarded, evoking the "current year" as an argument doesn't really hold much water when we're talking about Japs, arguably the most backwards, quote-hire tier game devs there is. The graphics of Jap-slop DD2 look so washed out and lifeless the game has probably gone through more washing cycles than your underwear.
Fuckin jack wagon. If you compare a nearly decade old remastered AAA game's visuals against a modern day AAA game's, 9 times out of 10 it's gonna lose. I'm not autistic enough to reinstall Witcher 3 just to prove I'm right. I'll go with the odds. There's alot of things people like to bitch about in DD2. The visuals aren't one of them. 'Tis you who is being a sperging retard.
You're arguing in binary, relativist terms. Jap-dev is not equal to Western dev, or Korean dev for that matter. Compare Black Desert and FFXIV, two games released at the same time to the same genre and market. One looks vastly more advanced, and the other is developed by Japs. Japs are at least a decade behind the rest of the developed world. Maybe you'd know this if you actually played games.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Is it worth the misery of having to play as mage for it's final augment? It's tempting, like sucking a dick for a billion dollars. Just not sure I could live with myself afterward.
you already fucked a cat. after this anything is a fair game.
I'm using mental gymnastics to cope. If you really think about it technically it's fine because she's like 99% human. I only fucked like 1% cat if that.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
On the note of retarded, evoking the "current year" as an argument doesn't really hold much water when we're talking about Japs, arguably the most backwards, quote-hire tier game devs there is. The graphics of Jap-slop DD2 look so washed out and lifeless the game has probably gone through more washing cycles than your underwear.
Fuckin jack wagon. If you compare a nearly decade old remastered AAA game's visuals against a modern day AAA game's, 9 times out of 10 it's gonna lose. I'm not autistic enough to reinstall Witcher 3 just to prove I'm right. I'll go with the odds. There's alot of things people like to bitch about in DD2. The visuals aren't one of them. 'Tis you who is being a sperging retard.
You're arguing in binary, relativist terms. Jap-dev is not equal to Western dev, or Korean dev for that matter. Compare Black Desert and FFXIV, two games released at the same time to the same genre and market. One looks vastly more advanced, and the other is developed by Japs. Japs are at least a decade behind the rest of the developed world. Maybe you'd know this if you actually played games.
I'm going to take a wild guess. A shot in the dark. You haven't played DD2, have you?

And your argument is retarded. REmake 3 looks better than any western game I ever seen. Games made in the RE engine typically look superior to most things.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Okay I lied. I didn't realize Bluepoint Games are American. By that metric Demon's Souls remake is the most impressive looking thing I've ever seen in person. They are an outlier.


Oct 24, 2019
Compare Black Desert and FFXIV, two games released at the same time to the same genre and market
I think that examples actually proves his point. FF XIV, the original release, was in 2010, but it began development in 2005. The game was famed also by its difficult development and being released too soon in an unfinished state. Black Desert was released in 2014, and it started development in 2010. So there is a 5 years gap of difference, which actually supports Lovecraft's cat's point about time being a big factor in how technically impressive a game is. Also you missed the context that, once FF XIV was transformed into ARR, it suffered graphical downgrades and was released on consoles, including PS3, while Black Desert wouldn't receive console ports until 2017, and it was on PS4 and XBOX one. I think it is not a very good example, and it may be better to look for Korean MMO's release on 2010 and then compare. Maybe Vindictus would be the closer example, but still not realy that differently from a technical standpoint, and not that good of comparison as Vindictus is closer to MH in structure, with small hubs where you meet other players, form a party and go to levels, instead of being open world with numerous player playing on the same map at the same time. If I find a better example I'll post it.

Japs are at least a decade behind the rest of the developed world. Maybe you'd know this if you actually played games.

I don't know, I find that it isn't about being japanese or western and more about specific companies. Companies like SQ has some of the best particles effects on the market. The Yakuza series was doing realistic faces for quite a long time. Even in older generations you had shit like Silent Hill 3 and 4 that looked almost like early PS3 games. In Western companies you also have examples of gorgerous looking games like Ghost of Tsuhima and not so good looking AAA games. In Capcom's case, the REngine offer incredible photorealistic graphics, is highly modeable and flexible, being created for slow horror games and ended up being used for hack'n Slash (DMC 5), ARPG like MH and now Open World DD2.

In the topic of DD2, technically speaking is an AAA game made by 1/4** of many other AAA games, and still delivers incredible quality and technology, specially on the physics based combat, all while being a multiplatform release. If that is not a showing of technological ingenuity, then I don't know what is (for modern game development at least)*.

Edit*: added final parenthesis for clarification.

Edit 2**: There is talk that those credits may be incomplete, still not confirmed. If that turns out to be the case, I'll edit and change the post to avoid misinformation

Update on Edit 2: It has been, in fact, confirmed that more people that the fore mentioned had worked on the game, as I have posted here.
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Nov 23, 2017
On the note of retarded, evoking the "current year" as an argument doesn't really hold much water when we're talking about Japs, arguably the most backwards, quote-hire tier game devs there is. The graphics of Jap-slop DD2 look so washed out and lifeless the game has probably gone through more washing cycles than your underwear.
Fuckin jack wagon. If you compare a nearly decade old remastered AAA game's visuals against a modern day AAA game's, 9 times out of 10 it's gonna lose. I'm not autistic enough to reinstall Witcher 3 just to prove I'm right. I'll go with the odds. There's alot of things people like to bitch about in DD2. The visuals aren't one of them. 'Tis you who is being a sperging retard.
You're arguing in binary, relativist terms. Jap-dev is not equal to Western dev, or Korean dev for that matter. Compare Black Desert and FFXIV, two games released at the same time to the same genre and market. One looks vastly more advanced, and the other is developed by Japs. Japs are at least a decade behind the rest of the developed world. Maybe you'd know this if you actually played games.

When do you think Final Fantasy XIV and Black Desert came out? And what markets do you think they were originally made for?

Final Fantasy 13 is a 2013 redo of a 2010 game. Black Desert came out in 2015, and the studio that made it started around the time the first version of FF13 came out.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I find the claim, that 392 people are involved in a game's development is somehow a testament to the efficiency/ingeniuity of the staff, incredibly funny.
Some of the best computer games were made by order of magnitude smaller teams.

If anything, it just shows how crazy bloated the other development teams are...


Oct 24, 2019
Somehow I find it extremly funny to claim that 392 people involved in a game's development is a testament to the efficiency/ingeniuity of the staff.
Some of the best computer games were made by order of magnitude smaller teams.

If anything, it just showcases how crazy bloated the other development teams are...
Not that you are wrong, but is in part a result of companies giving to much importance to graphical fidelity and bloat of content (more sidequest, bigger maps, etc) which end up requiring very big teams. Hollow Knight is done by a very small team, and is better than many AAA games, but is clear that the game itself doesn't require the sheer manpower a triple AAA game does. Relativelly speaking, it is a remarkable showing from Itsuno's team, specially in the topic of discussion (Japanese game development advancements and craftsmanship compared to contemporary Western and Korean developers, key word contemporary.).
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H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I find the claim, that 392 people are involved in a game's development is somehow a testament to the efficiency/ingeniuity of the staff, incredibly funny.
Some of the best computer games were made by order of magnitude smaller teams.

If anything, it just shows how crazy bloated the other development teams are...
So now we're comparing DD2 to games like DOOM. Wonderful.


Apr 8, 2015
big monsters you've killed decomposing over time

Well that's just fucking awesome

Yeah, my first few hours in Battahl has been the first time in the game (40 hours in) that I've been annoyed by the enemy density. It's pretty insane, and really not necessary in terms of progression. I get what's trying to be conveyed: it's a wild and completely untamed land. But it's seriously like every 20 feet.
Yup, on /vg/ some anons have been calling Battahl as open-air BBI


Oct 24, 2019
Yup, on /vg/ some anons have been calling Battahl as open-air BBI
Yeah, is not as crazy a jump in difficulty, but first time I got there wasn't pretty, poison harpies and Saurians are a bane for the loss gauge and they put some nasty encounters with big monsters there. Very dense map and harder to navigate than Vermund in general.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Is it worth the misery of having to play as mage for it's final augment? It's tempting like sucking a dick for a billion dollars. Just not sure I could live with myself afterward.
you already fucked a cat. after this anything is a fair game.
I'm using mental gymnastics to cope. If you really think about it technically it's fine because she's like 99% human. I only fucked like 1% cat if that.
Any % cat just makes you a furry dude. One drop rule and all that.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Also its a cool place to look at, local architecture works nicely with canyons and valleys, it reminds me of a mix of ethiopian stone churches and ancient pajeet temples, shame that Bakbattahl is mostly just a bunch of inhabited caves so architecture is not used to its full potential.

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