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Review Oblivion spooge at GameSpot(Xbox360 version)


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<A href="http://www.gamespot.com/">GameSpot</a> has posted a <A href="http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/theelderscrollsivoblivion/review.html?sid=6146657&page=3&q=&q=">review</a> of <A href="Http://www.elderscrolls.com">TES4: Oblivion</a> on their XBox site. Since the XBox360 version and PC version are pretty much identical, right down to the shitty, large ass interface which someone should get their eyes ripped out for inflicting on PC owners, I figured I'd post this anyway. Score is <b>9.6/10</b>. Here's a bit about the downside of the AI:
<blockquote>However, the more believable a game is, the more believable you want it to be, and it's true that the artificial intelligence in Oblivion doesn't always put on a good show. You can break into someone's home and wake them up for a chat, and they'll chat with you like nothing's happened. But the guards still might suddenly show up, seemingly without notice, but probably because one of them saw you crack the lock on the front door. Sometimes you'll battle alongside computer-controlled allies, but while these guys may be likable, they really aren't good at self-preservation, and you'll probably catch yourself mourning their loss more than their comrades will. Also, you can't bash stuff open, and no bathrooms are to be found anywhere in a world that's otherwise so finely detailed that it genuinely seems lived in. But the things about it that aren't always realistic or believable can still be amusing and entertaining. You're free to do whatever you want. Why not find out what happens if you try to pickpocket the pants of the Count of Skingrad? You can always load your saved game, and you can save quickly at any point.</blockquote>
It's kind of funny, they praise the AI for things like people calling guards when you're seen stealing, which is something that you should really <b>expect</b> to happen in any game that has the concept of stealing and ownership, but then let things like that slide when they score the game? Wasn't the AI the huge hyping point of this game?
Thanks, <b>SanguinePenguin</b>!


Feb 17, 2006
Saint_Proverbius said:
<A href="http://www.gamespot.com/">GameSpot</a> has posted a <A href="http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/theelderscrollsivoblivion/review.html?sid=6146657&page=3&q=&q=">review</a> of <A href="Http://www.elderscrolls.com">TES4: Oblivion</a> on their XBox site. Since the XBox360 version and PC version are pretty much identical, right down to the shitty, large ass interface which someone should get their eyes ripped out for inflicting on PC owners, I figured I'd post this anyway. Score is <b>9.6/10</b>. Here's a bit about the downside of the AI:

Like I said in the other thread, Greg has really disappointed me. I'm sending him an email about it now.


Jan 27, 2006
Don't forget:

"You can actually role-play in this game, something that the vast majority of role-playing games have stopped offering in recent years. Unlike in a massively multiplayer role-playing game filled with people acting out of character, or a typically linear Japanese role-playing game in which you're more of a spectator than an active participant in the plot, in Oblivion the world will often respond to you as you'd expect. Characters will ask you if you're feeling well if you've been diseased. They'll hail you as a hero if you save their town from one of the looming oblivion gates that are threatening the world. They might be apprehensive toward you if you approach them with a weapon drawn, and they'll yell at you and summon the guards if they catch you stealing."

Knowing what the Codex has been saying, and then after reading this, I couldn't stop laughing.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
sheek said:
Like I said in the other thread, Greg has really disappointed me. I'm sending him an email about it now.

Is he the guy that was playing it in that streaming video? If so, he pointed out a LOT that was wrong with oblivion in that stream. The fact he was luring enemies out of rooms one by one was brought up several times by him. Not to mention them yelling, "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE OUR WRATH!" or whatever as they were fleeing from him and then clumping up in the middle and just allowing themselves to be slaughtered without a fight after that.

Wonder Cheese

Nov 1, 2005
Wahhh! How can this be happening? We here at the codex have determined that this game sucks! I mean, we've posted more negative articles and criticized this game for over a year now! What is wrong with everyone else!


How can these even be reviews? Doesn't the video game world know that the 40 people who forum masterbate regularly here determine what is good and what isn't? Well, it's finally confirmed. Everyone else really is wrong, it's just us that's right. The across the board, consistently positive reviews for this game prove it. We are the tastemakers of the RPG WORLD! Why haven't we even been consulted? Why do people keep their distance when I'm around? I haven't showered in weeks, but I can't smell that bad, they, THEY are the weird ones!

"we're not making a game just for you and ten other angry guys with tastes that are narrower than a hallway in a camp of pygmy dwarves."


Jan 4, 2005
Wonder Cheese said:
Oh Mommy! My entire reason for living, the only thing that gives my tragic little life any meaning, my Oblibion, is being HURT by those BAD CODEX PEOPLE. They point out flaws and reasons why it's nowhere near as good as the hype, just like Black and White was (despite that game getting 9s and 10s from all the mainstream reviewers). Please make them stop mommy, I want to be a HERO and SLAY everything in ONE BLEW with my DADRIC AXE. The graphics really are the BESTEST EVAR and I really, I truly like the big blobby hills and how there's now no parallax mapping or shadows and how light comes streaming through the windows inside in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT


Wonder Cheese

Nov 1, 2005
Twinfalls said:
Oh Mommy! My entire reason for living, the only thing that gives my tragic little life any meaning, my Oblibion

From just the front page:

"Oblivion spooge at GameSpot(Xbox360 version)"

"Games Domain has entered The Best Blowjob competition"

"Have they got no shame? Oblivion and the media"

"IGN: Gothic 3 owns Oblivion"

"GameRadar has posted their review of TES4: Oblivion, following the long march of glossing over mediocrity"

"Oblivion loved by AtomicPC...Hey, you got a little something there on your chin."

Who's reason for living is Oblivion? It's gone from bizarre to creepy.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Holy shit! You're totally right! I mean, it has nothing to do with the fact that Oblivion was just released a few days ago and this is a topical site that covers CRPGs! We're just OBSESSED with Oblivion.


Oct 23, 2002
Characters will ask you if you're feeling well if you've been diseased.

I liked that in Morrowind.

Morrowind Drone 327A said:
Ah fuck! You have an incurable and contagious disease, that turns people into hideous monsters! As such, your reputation has decreased temporarily by a few insignificant points, and I'll still gladly socialise with you in any manner you decide. Oh, get away, you! <giggles>

They'll hail you as a hero if you save their town from one of the looming oblivion gates that are threatening the world.

That one's kind of cute, but it's not as though scripting NPCs to account for the player's progress through the linear main quest is groundbreaking or even impressive. It should be a fucking given.

They might be apprehensive toward you if you approach them with a weapon drawn, and they'll yell at you and summon the guards if they catch you stealing.

Again, these are basically bare minimum features. Here's a couple of other hypothetical (read: pathetic) examples:

Holy fucking shit! I attacked an NPC, and they attacked me back!

This FPS is incredible. On the screen there's a hand holding a gun, and when I press the fire button, the gun shoots! Fuck me, that's incredible! This game is without a doubt, the greatest game of all time.

Although to be fair, the reviewer did say "the world will often respond to you as you'd expect." So he's saying "it meets expectations", whereas you seem to be trying to use this acknowledgement as a counter-argument to countless criticisms from people who had higher expectations. ;)

franc kaos

Aug 4, 2005
On the outside ~ looking in...
Wonder Cheese said:
Wahhh! How can this be happening? We here at the codex have determined that this game sucks! I mean, we've posted more negative articles and criticized this game for over a year now! What is wrong with everyone else!
How can these even be reviews? Doesn't the video game world know that the 40 people who forum masterbate regularly here determine what is good and what isn't?
Perhaps it's a great game but a shit (aka RPGcodex) RPG? Just a thought...

Tho' in my head it's a halfway getting there decent action CRPG. It has consequences, it has alternative quest endings, decent (so far) story, interesting NPCs, <some> stats that determine the outcome of what the PC is doing, dungeons and <apparently> non linear pathways: Dressup Doll and sandbox notwithstanding...

Update: The modders have bettered the console (12 items showing as opposed to 6), enhanced the compass (either just your current quest, or simply nothing), and stopped stolen horses disappearing (+ others)...
All in 2/3 days.


Jul 19, 2003
I'm at least glad it was reviewed by Mr. Kasavin, whose opinion I tend to respect more so than Bob Colayco, for instance. The guy does claim the original Fallout to be his favorite game of all time, after all.

Maybe there is something to like about Oblivion, it's just too bad that I have no intention of getting an Xbox360 and refuse to pay a dime to upgrade my computer to play the game.


Oct 21, 2004
Wonder Cheese said:
Wahhh! How can this be happening? We here at the codex have determined that this game sucks! I mean, we've posted more negative articles and criticized this game for over a year now! What is wrong with everyone else!


How can these even be reviews? Doesn't the video game world know that the 40 people who forum masterbate regularly here determine what is good and what isn't? Well, it's finally confirmed. Everyone else really is wrong, it's just us that's right. The across the board, consistently positive reviews for this game prove it. We are the tastemakers of the RPG WORLD! Why haven't we even been consulted? Why do people keep their distance when I'm around? I haven't showered in weeks, but I can't smell that bad, they, THEY are the weird ones!

"we're not making a game just for you and ten other angry guys with tastes that are narrower than a hallway in a camp of pygmy dwarves."

They're often saying one thing and then giving a contracting score, just for the usual media sucking-up to a big name game and/or publisher.


Oct 21, 2004
SanguinePenguin said:
Don't forget:

"You can actually role-play in this game, something that the vast majority of role-playing games have stopped offering in recent years. Unlike in a massively multiplayer role-playing game filled with people acting out of character, or a typically linear Japanese role-playing game in which you're more of a spectator than an active participant in the plot, in Oblivion the world will often respond to you as you'd expect. Characters will ask you if you're feeling well if you've been diseased. They'll hail you as a hero if you save their town from one of the looming oblivion gates that are threatening the world. They might be apprehensive toward you if you approach them with a weapon drawn, and they'll yell at you and summon the guards if they catch you stealing."

Knowing what the Codex has been saying, and then after reading this, I couldn't stop laughing.

Thats extra funny because it would mean Gothic 2 is more of an RPG than Oblivion, since Gothic 2 had a ton of stuff like that. Guards going hostile when you draw your weapon in town and yelling at you to put your weapon away, people chasing you out of their homes when you enter while they are awake, stuff like that.


Sep 11, 2005
People who give Oblivion big scores aren't sucking up to Bethesda, they are liking it. Like 90% of their readers. Or do you suggest that they should write reviews for the 2% who want deep, dialogue driven, Fallout-like RPGs, resulting in their sales reducing by 98%?

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Lumpy said:
People who give Oblivion big scores aren't sucking up to Bethesda, they are liking it. Like 90% of their readers. Or do you suggest that they should write reviews for the 2% who want deep, dialogue driven, Fallout-like RPGs, resulting in their sales reducing by 98%?

Maybe they could write reviews which reflected both the game's successes and failures in gameplay as well as their personal appreciation without letting the later overshadow the former? It isn't hard to express this, really.


Dec 2, 2004
Well in regards on how people react to you.

Outcast must be a great RPG game, because in that game, everybody reacts to you if you have a weapon or waves/boos at you if you're careless.

Wonder Cheese

Nov 1, 2005
Saint_Proverbius said:
Holy shit! You're totally right! I mean, it has nothing to do with the fact that Oblivion was just released a few days ago and this is a topical site that covers CRPGs! We're just OBSESSED with Oblivion.

Very perceptive. I wasn't pointing out the over-the-top negativity. Nor was I pointing out the positive reviews in your headlines, with the only negative from the review actually shown. No, no, all I was pointing out was the frequency of Oblivion headlines. Again, not the frequency of accusing positive reviews as being felatio for Bethesda. Just the fact that there are lots of Oblivion topics. You hit the nail on the head Proverbius.

I mean, any objective person could have come here over the past year and seen how un-obsessed this site was with Oblivion bashing, right?


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Lumpy said:
People who give Oblivion big scores aren't sucking up to Bethesda, they are liking it. Like 90% of their readers. Or do you suggest that they should write reviews for the 2% who want deep, dialogue driven, Fallout-like RPGs, resulting in their sales reducing by 98%?
No, that's our job. Hence the angle we take on our news posts.


Feb 17, 2006
LlamaGod said:
Thats extra funny because it would mean Gothic 2 is more of an RPG than Oblivion, since Gothic 2 had a ton of stuff like that. Guards going hostile when you draw your weapon in town and yelling at you to put your weapon away, people chasing you out of their homes when you enter while they are awake, stuff like that.

Gothic 1 had that...


Oct 21, 2004
I never played 1 since JoWooD or Piranha Bytes or whoever discontinued making it.


Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
You're not missing much. There's no reason to play Gothic 1 once you've played G2. G2 fixes most of Gothic's problems, and then ratchets its badassness up a dozen notches.

The only cool thing about Gothic 1 is just that feeling once you're flung into the colony. You look around and see all this stuff (the abandoned mines, dead bodies etc) and it just gives off that great atmoshpere.

Other than that, it just becomes a linear hackfest complete with lever and jumping puzzles.

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