For the Witcher 2 part: FUCK YOU!!!!!
J_C said:Oh and if Deus Ex: HR is not technically an RPG, why is Minecraft on the list at all?
Also: Too much praise of DX:HR (which was shit, though too few noticed it).
And yet you willingly play Cyanides Game of Thrones spew.
And yet you willingly play Cyanides Game of Thrones spew.
So far it's a lot better than DX:HR. Like, in every department. Can't think of a way in which DX:HR is better. It's still not going to win any awards though, it's mediocre at best. Say a lot about DX:HR.
And yet you willingly play Cyanides Game of Thrones spew.
So far it's a lot better than DX:HR. Like, in every department. Can't think of a way in which DX:HR is better. It's still not going to win any awards though, it's mediocre at best. Say a lot about DX:HR.
No lie? I might be tempted to pick it up for cheaper price.
And now... I believe in magic. Not the bubble, bubble, toil and trouble - throw in some eye of cat and paw of dog and mix yourself up a love potion sense. I mean in the sense that you say a few words - you cast a spell so to speak - and something happens. Someone falls in love, someone gets hurt, someone leaves forever. Clearly those words have to be said to the person in question (I don't think a whimsical ditty said alone with some candles is going to do shit) but words are powerful things. In fact, words are power themselves.
Of course all of this has made me question whether our "freedom of speech" policy is really such a good thing after all. Under normal circumstances, I'd say "of course it is!" but that relies on a simple caveat: That we are sane, stable individuals who are able to logically assess each other's position and accept or dismiss words as necessary. But what happens if we're not? Is it really healthy to let a bunch of mentally unstable people talk to another group of mentally unstable people? How can that end in anything but disaster? In fact, should I be allowing any of you to actually have a discussion here at all? Maybe we need some sort of test before you get entry to the Codex? Maybe we need to see a certificate of sanity before you're allowed to post here.
Apart from anorexics, you have some people in the bodybuilding threads who may also have some body dysmorphic disorder and obsession with appearance.
What kind of well meaning friend would make the sort of highly personal disclosure that one would not want preserved anywhere on the internet, let alone here where its being posted helps elevate thread into retardo sticky status?
Good write up.
What thread was posted back in april that promped you to register after nearly 4 years of lurking, yet not post in it?After four years of lurking all i want to say; i love this place even with all weirdos around.
Great read.
What thread was posted back in april that promped you to register after nearly 4 years of lurking, yet not post in it?
It seems to be pretty relevant to his point.Ya. I don't really know why DU mentioned that shit in the post. Unnecessary.
I'm not sure that's the same thing, though. Not that they don't creep me out, but at least they're...not...a danger to themselves and others? Yeah ok, I dunno. I suppose to some extent it draws in the lonely and the lonely are more often crazy than regular folk. So yeah. Alright.A thousand talimancers on the Bioboards prove otherwise.
And don't even get me started on the Oblivion Bondage Mods or the Garrus porn.
Wait, Black Cat was gang raped?
Quoted cause it bears repeatingAll of this has lead me to a simple conclusion: There's something about role-playing games that attracts a certain type of persona. Bluntly, the people who play these games ARE NOT SANE HEALTHY PEOPLE. Maybe they're all looking for something they don't have, escapism, whatever but something needs to be said to the RPG developers of this world: You are making games for the mentally ill. You are writing games for people who have deep psychological problems. We're talking lala-land here. Loony bin territory. If you met these people in the street you would wonder who let them out of the asylum. If you were a mental health professional, you would LOCK THESE PEOPLE UP.
RPG fans are mentally ill individuals. All of you. Every. Single. Fucking. One of you. YOU'RE. ALL. FUCKING. INSANE.
Wow, Black Cat is like a perfect storm of fucked up teenaged girl shit. I'm not sure how this makes me feel.
Wow, Black Cat is like a perfect storm of fucked up teenaged girl shit. I'm not sure how this makes me feel.
Far too much vocabulary , far too long sentences for a teenage girl, and no typos . No shes good story teller , 30+ years easily .