chasing a bee
Tags: Dragon Age
<p><a href="http://rampantgames.com/frayedknights/" target="_blank">Frayed Knights</a> is so obviously near completion that Jay "Rampant Coyote" Barnson has time to throw away playing <strong>Dragon Age</strong> and <strong>Might & Magic 1</strong> to decide which is the <a href="http://rampantgames.com/blog/?p=1728" target="_blank">"More Compelling Role-Playing Game"</a>.</p>
<blockquote>The only answer I have right now is that with the twenty-four year old Might & Magic, I’m playing a game. One I’m familiar with on some levels, but in a new (to me) and exciting world. In Dragon Age, I’m playing through somebody else’s script. This doesn’t usually bug me very much – after all, I’m a fan of many jRPGs. And I can’t say it actually bugs me here, either. But when I noticed that all respawns and XP-gaining opportunities were used up about fifteen experience points shy of level three in the backstory sequence, and feeling an incredible sense of deju vu with the core gameplay (I’m not sure why I didn’t get that with Might & Magic – by rights, the mechanics should feel far more tired), the game just feels like the interactive equivalent of a “popcorn movie.” Enjoyable, but ultimately forgettable.</blockquote>
<p>Jay earns 10 Kodex Kool Kredits for choosing M&M over DA, but loses 1,000 for admitting to be a "fan of many jRPGs". Grown men just shouldn't say that sort of thing in public.</p>
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<p><a href="http://rampantgames.com/frayedknights/" target="_blank">Frayed Knights</a> is so obviously near completion that Jay "Rampant Coyote" Barnson has time to throw away playing <strong>Dragon Age</strong> and <strong>Might & Magic 1</strong> to decide which is the <a href="http://rampantgames.com/blog/?p=1728" target="_blank">"More Compelling Role-Playing Game"</a>.</p>
<blockquote>The only answer I have right now is that with the twenty-four year old Might & Magic, I’m playing a game. One I’m familiar with on some levels, but in a new (to me) and exciting world. In Dragon Age, I’m playing through somebody else’s script. This doesn’t usually bug me very much – after all, I’m a fan of many jRPGs. And I can’t say it actually bugs me here, either. But when I noticed that all respawns and XP-gaining opportunities were used up about fifteen experience points shy of level three in the backstory sequence, and feeling an incredible sense of deju vu with the core gameplay (I’m not sure why I didn’t get that with Might & Magic – by rights, the mechanics should feel far more tired), the game just feels like the interactive equivalent of a “popcorn movie.” Enjoyable, but ultimately forgettable.</blockquote>
<p>Jay earns 10 Kodex Kool Kredits for choosing M&M over DA, but loses 1,000 for admitting to be a "fan of many jRPGs". Grown men just shouldn't say that sort of thing in public.</p>
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