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Tags: Expeditions: Conquistador; Kickstarter; Logic Artists
The developers of Expeditions: Conquistador have asked us nicely to interview them, and we answered by throwing a bunch of questions at them.
They still have more than two weeks to reach their goal, so get out your wallet and help them reach that kickstarter goal!
Read the full article: Expeditions: Conquistador Interview
The developers of Expeditions: Conquistador have asked us nicely to interview them, and we answered by throwing a bunch of questions at them.
4. The Kickstarter description for the game claims that every character has a set of combat abilities. How many of them are there going to be, both per character and in total? Are these abilities determined by class or uniquely tailored for each character? Do you unlock them via some kind of skill tree?
At present there are three abilities per character type plus one ability for the Sergeant rank and one ability for the Lieutenant rank (you may only have two Sergeants and one Lieutenant at a time). Since we have 5 Spanish character classes, that adds up to 17 abilities. Some of the Native classes share a few abilities with their Spanish counterparts, but most of them have different abilities, and if you allow a native character to join your expedition, you'll get to use those abilities as well. We really want to add character ability trees so you choose between 2 or 3 abilities when you promote a character, but it's a stretch goal - it depends on how much money we get from the Kickstarter. This is because all our abilities are active abilities, they're never passive, so they're somewhat time-consuming to implement.
They still have more than two weeks to reach their goal, so get out your wallet and help them reach that kickstarter goal!
Read the full article: Expeditions: Conquistador Interview