ZION follows the story of six very different people struggling against a futuristic dystopian alien government known as the Rammus who tracks their every move and punishs them severely for even the smallest mistake. Even more fearsome are their own personal demons they also struggle against.
The game is a turn-based strategy RPG - if you’ve played Final Fantasy Tactics, then you have a good idea of the gameplay flow found in our game. Players will be able to do such diverse tactics as spreading retroviruses to enemies, hacking or disabling their implants, shooting them with futuristic weapons, using psychic powers to convince them they’re 10 year old girls, and loading them up with and getting them addicted to mind-altering drugs. If you can think of a way to whoop some butt, chance’s are you’ll be able to do it in Zion. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here, we’re just trying to make that wheel was fun to play as possible.
Please excuse my poor drawing skills!
A troubled young woman from the late 20th century, Sandra lost both of her parents, both research scientists, when a biological weapon the American government created was released in a lab accident. She has since lived on the streets of New York City as a thief. Having become addicted to heroin, she has been disowned by the rest of her family and has become lost on the streets until, in a strange incident, she is pulled forward in time several centuries into a prison riot. Rescued by another inmate, Eric, she has been swept into events she could have never imagined and may be more important than she realizes.
A strong young man, Eric grew up in Brooklyn of New York City and formed a small street gang with his childhood friends. His father was a smalltime businessman who was killed by some Rammus soldiers who believed they were in the right when they insisted he remove some human patrons so that they could sit down. Since then, he has done anything in his power to cause harm to the Rammus and has slowly become more and more brutal, his personality traveling over the edge at times. When his gang hacked a Rammus corporation mainframe and later bombed one of their power plants, Eric stayed behind and provided cover so the rest of his gang could escape. He was wounded and then sent to a high security jail on death row.
Ken is Eric’s best friend and the leader of their street gang. His parents were members of the Northern Tribes who moved to the city because they wanted their young son to go to the University there. While studying at the university, his parents, friends of Eric’s family, were killed in the same firefight which resulted in Eric’s father’s death. His specialty is hacking, though he seems to have an… unhealthy love of machines. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses some alien DNA which could prove to be both a boon and a danger to him.
Coyote is a tribeswoman of the Elonta that live near the tribe Eric’s family came from. Filled with a fervent love of nature, she is a warrior for her tribe and fights with her advanced psychic powers. As part of the Rammus government’s attempt to take the Wilds under control to tap their resources, they attack Coyote’s tribe by sending their elite, anti-psychic force, the Gaz. Coyote and her kin defend the village and kill many of their force but they ultimately lose and Coyote is taken prisoner. The Rammus greatly fear human telepaths and psychics and thus she is being tortured at a security station when Ken’s gang attacks it.
Troa is a Rammus who worked as a security officer at the station where Coyote is being tortured and rescues her when his conscience gets the best of him. He finds himself in a sticky situation when the other officers get his back against a wall, but is “saved” by Ken’s gang. They take him prisoner as they escape only to need his help when they get pinned down by Rammus reinforcements.
Kira is a space pirate, the captain of a spaceship which scours the galaxy in search of technology from before the Apocalypse and plundering the Rammus Empire when possible. Eric has kept in contact with her since she saved him from death during the battle in his father’s restaurant. Of the six main characters, she alone knows the true history of the galaxy and Earth.