DLC 15 has been released, and can be found
Instructions: Copy all files and place into your Academagia install folder (same folder as Academagia.exe). For example: C:\Program Files\Academagia\Mods\Content.mdm (Please overwrite all files.) Begin a new game, checking 'Chaos and Regeneration', to use DLC 15.
N.B.: It is very important that you update your copy of Windows before using Patch 114/DLC 15. The memory streamlines require updated .NET components found in the update.
N.B.: This DLC and Patch was made using a new version of the Mod Tools. It is possible that there may be some unforeseen consequences of this change- please report any suspicious behavior.
Before you Install: DLC 15 does not require you to create a new game, but if you wish to have certain fixes, you will need to create a new one.
This Patch is cumulative, and contains all previous Content Patches, Code Patches and DLC.