The first case establishes the mood of not-Tibet, where everyone is zealot of their religion vaguely inspired in real ones, as well as how rigged, unfair and messy these magical visions are, as even a regular thug could confuse the priestess who's a typical tsundere and pretty princess cliché combined.
The second one is good despite having Apollo and the annoying yellow chick, and introduces the new prosecutor. He's certainly vile, arrogant, aggressive, DELIBERATELY hides information crucial to the case (and thus break the law, technically), and seemingly has off-screen teleport to be able to move around so fast. Some last-minute character growth is done to explain that nope, he's not a shameless asshole that immediately picked on a weak girl, but I don't like that guy so fuck him. Apollo happens to be so dull his past is messed with and retconned AGAIN to make him interesting, and still comes off as weird. The case itself is fun and not bad for an introductory case, compared to the ones of the previous game.
The next case, the one with rakugo, is shit and boring. Not much to explain, other than pretend Athena matters, and have her utterly destroyed by Shamandi, to the point that good old friend edgelord Blackquill steps in to do actual work for the case. Despite all of the work to discover the hidden personality inside that actor, it's all for naught and feels like a waste. The clown lookalike is obviously the murderer, big surprise.
The fourth case, introduces the plotdevice that only those with spiritual power can use that is not used much, if at all, as well as talking about the strangely peaceful revolution forces. Mostly peaceful, anyone? Either way, it's overdeveloped as usual, but it shows that mediums can indeed channel spirits of the opposite gender, temporarily altering their bodies, which becomes a plot-point, surprisingly.
The final case is LONG, practically two in one, with the first part having a memetic Russian army nerd, who of course turns out to be a little blonde girl who's crippled (OF COURSE!), and has you law-fighting against Phoenix Wright himself. As expected, he utterly dominates you by showing up evidence you didn't expect, momentarily making you feel what your prosecutors do. Sadly, it doesn't last long, and Apollo's growth is nullified since it turns out Phoenix was being blackmailed.
The second part of the final case is overtly long, dramatic, over-complicated, and wasted potential. The bratty princess is retconned to be the daughter of the revolutionary, because we couldn't have morality issues in a AA game. The queen literally rewriting the law was over-the-top, but is based in reality, since "freely interpreting the law" is pretty much what happens in shitholes like say Spain, Mexico, India, any mudslime region and so on. It ends up with the queen being dethroned, Apollo being shown as if he was to replace Wright... Then quickly backpedaling to assist this not-Tibet region, conveniently putting him far away enough so that he doesn't have to show up in the next game if necessary. Athena funnily enough unintentionally shows off her irrelevancy by pretty much yelling that she won't have much to do without Apollo around.
Then Wright returns to his cold, manipulative persona of the 4th game right at the last minute of the game.
Overall, better than the previous title, but weaker than the Great Attorney game.