I was a huge fan of TES:Oblivion
I was a huge fan of TES:Oblivion
wrong thing to say here, since it's leading the charts of the worst 50 rpgs ever.
Well with a $10,000 goal maybe you won't have to fire your pixel artist before they even start. That art is atrocious. It's practically a crime against humanity. If your game is that niche you should be looking for talented third world artists and programmers who don't have huge living expenses. Learn what all the big corporations have already figured out. Eastern European companies (not quite third world maybe but still) have a huge advantage in that sense.
ajrs84: Looks great. I'm a bit curious about the pricing though: In the Kickstarter you are offering the full game for $15. Now, when you release it to the general public, how much will you price it to them? Same price, or more expensive? If you plan to have it on Steam, they typically price indies below $10.00.
Just saying that perhaps it would have been a good idea to price the game cheaper to Kickstarter backers, say $10 or so OR offer more goodies that people would not be able to get commerically OR if they do get it then, they pay more. Acts as an incentive to early backers.
Lastly, there is still time to add in stuff like feats/talents to make characters deeper and leveling up more fun, isn't there? Or would that add in to dev time too much??
ajrs84, have you considered making character graphics for all four directions/views? For my eyes it looks a tad odd when you always see characters from front.
ajrs84, have you considered making character graphics for all four directions/views? For my eyes it looks a tad odd when you always see characters from front.
In order to achieve the massive scale we're aiming for, it was necessary to limit the scope in certain places such as with the directions of character graphics etc. From our standpoint, it was an obvious tradeoff.
Addedskuphundaku This is on Greenlight now http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=112263741
We're shooting for 100+ hours of game play.
I don't know about this. This is the type of game where, as long as the combat is varied and interesting enough, I want a lot of it. I loved KotC and that was all combat. This game seems to tend towards combat encounters, not unique locations, dialogue, etc. at least what I've seen to this point.I like that project, but better aim at a version that has 10-25 hours of dense atmospheric gameplay with cool encounters, story elements and NPCs. A version with 100 hours of gameplay with less story density and repeating content/monster/graphics doesn't help anybody.