Klytus, I'm bored
Gimme my foiled Militiades!
People he knew from real life as VP Marketing, if I recall correctly.I wonder where Vault Dweller found prototype for this guy.
Is the game complete or is there going to be another patch?
Is the game complete or is there going to be another patch?
New update is out. New items, expanded thievery, steam trading cards, expanded ending slides and more.
It seems by using console commands to teleport out of the arena I have fucked the primary arena questline. Is there a console command that starts the post-fight dialogue with the Arena Master?
I've also been waiting for the last patch for the virgin playthrough. Is this it?
Used to work with him. From an older post:
An Irish gentleman who could sell you a trashcan full of garbage and make you feel like you struck quite a bargain. He had crazy eyes, especially when drunk, and he firmly rejected the concept of personal responsibility or regret for any wrongdoings, which were quite numerous (especially when drunk). He always had this awesome scheme going and he had 2-3 more ready to go when the current "it can't go wrong" scheme would go wrong.
It seems by using console commands to teleport out of the arena I have fucked the primary arena questline. Is there a console command that starts the post-fight dialogue with the Arena Master?
Elhoim has posted on Steam the correct command to exit the Arena:
It's an old save, if by that you mean it was started before the most recent update.
Developers, please be more considerate of the lack of vertical space in 16:9 resolutions.
I guess this is a case of needing to support 4:3 and 5:4 without having custom UI but men that initiative order would be so much better on the left or right side of the screen.