1.) The echo chamber effect is taking place. Since more casually racist folks and those whose primary motivation is to fight the culture wars have congregated on the codex since Gamergate caused moderation to tighten up regarding those topics at most other sites, that has caused a real and noticeable shift in the discourse and it has actually driven away other posters who disagreed with that or found it distasteful. We have had several public instances, and I am sure many more that never bothered making a thread or post about it. Especially given how vitriolic and hostile some are with it (which is true of the codex in general). This has actually weakened the diversity of different viewpoints being presented for discussion on the codex.
Pretty much this. Over the last 6 years when more and more sites were putting a leash on certain subjects stirring up nothing but hate, RPCGodex has served like the filter that collects the filth from the internet.
You can propose your ideas how you want to rid of that. I would just throw away the filter and install a new one. Freedom of speech would never be touched. All topics can still be discussed in an adult manner but one needs to make it clear that degenerate posting habits are not welcome anymore so the subjects either give up and head somewhere else, or learn to behave like human beings again.
A split would imo be a clean solution. The people who want change back to civility could go to the new site, and the ones who like the place as it is now can stay here and take care of legal issues by themselves. For example Lady Error could buy the old site from DU, register at the NIC under her real name and run a server from West Sahara. Then they could try to maintain their envisioned free speech site about astrology, antisemitism, inceldom and anticapitalism while people like me do not have to be uncomfortable that their posts are hidden among all that filth.