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Inactive AURORA: The Great Game - Gauging interest


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Nothing like good old fashioned warfare to heat things up a bit before you guys start backstabbing each other in outer space.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
India urges all parties to calm down, minimize casualties and openly state their intentions regarding North Korea. Matters like this should be discussed in the open, not schemed in the dark. To prevent a bigger war from starting over this battle. Every power with military heading that way ought to give a full explanation of what they are going to do once North Korean army is inevitably overwhelmed.
And for North Korea to come up with full explanation of the alleged sabotage accusations if they want to get any sympathy from the global society.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Second Korean War
11th July 2013


Third day of the renewed Korean conflict has seen the DPRK units gain some ground south of the DMZ, though their advance has not been anywhere near as rapid as it was in 1950. The EAF units facing them have proven themselves in combat it seems and have apparently caused some serious casualties to DPRK forces already.

The bombardment of Seoul continues, though EAF air forces are trying to locate and strike the artillery and missile positions responsible. DPRK does not seem to care about civilian casualties.

Meanwhile, the international outcry has had no effect on DPRK who have not made any further public comments after releasing a video showing the execution of ten alleged saboteurs.


Fears of the war expanding gained new wind after observers spotted Russian formations that are usually garrisoned in western Russia arriving at Vladivostok. The town of Khasan, on the very border, has been closed to foreigners and media. The European Union has also pledged military support for the EAF, though units would likely take several days to arrive to the Korean peninsula, whether they are allowed access through Russia or they are ferried by sea. Whether DPRK assumes these powers are bluffing remains to be seen.

It is also unknown what is the exact purpose of PLA troops that are also concentrating on the border of China and North-Korea. Will China repeat history here?


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Second Korean War
17th July 2013


After over a week of fighting, EAF seemingly has caught up with the DPRK forces and has now pushed them back, beyond the DMZ, advancing north. The seemingly endless missile and artillery barrage of Seoul has also stopped. For the last two days no explosions have been heard on the capital of South-Korea, a great relief to the civilian population. Local opinion seem to be quite hopeful about the eventual outcome of the war.


Russian troops have invaded North-Korea from the north-east successfully and are advancing south and south-west. Meanwhile, anonymous sources from the Pentagon confirm that Chinese forces have also entered North-Korea but seemingly not as allies as there has been fire fights and even air strikes by the People's Liberation Army against DPRK garrisoning units.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
The Imperial Herald

Official Voice of Japan, Greater East Asia and the East Asian Federation

North Korean Invasion Crushed - Allied Forces on the Offensive!

The Imperial Herald is pleased to announce that all invading forces have been defeated and driven back across the Demilitarised Zone. The North Korean menace has suffered heavy casualties, all while our own military losses have been negligible. Seoul, although damaged by the North Korean onslaught, is finally safe. The East Asian Federation army is now advancing north with its sight set on Pyongyang, the hiding place of the terrorist coup-makers. Liberated North Koreans hail our troops as heroes, grateful to finally be free from the oppression of the extremist rebels. Korean reunification is finally underway.

Meanwhile, allied Russian Federation forces have penetrated North Korean defences in the north and northeast, and expeditionary forces from the European Union are preparing for a final assault on the North Korean army. In the northwest, Chinese forces are believed to have taken out several North Korean military installations, among them possibly the North Korean Missile Complex. Final victory is clearly imminent.

Memorial Service for Members of Diplomatic Mission

A memorial service was held in Tokyo early today, commemorating the brave and hardworking members of the East Asian Federation diplomatic staff who were recently executed by the North Korean regime. That the regime in question would resort to such barbaric methods only serves as a further testament to their complete lack of ethics and morality. It also makes it perfectly clear that peaceful coexistence with these cruel and inhuman coup-makers is entirely out of the question.

In a speech addressed to the people of Greater East Asia, President Umeki vowed to pursue and punish those responsible with utmost rigour of justice. We are a fierce, proud people, and we will never give in to acts of terrorism. The North Korean regime is to be removed from power, she said, and all of Korea must be unified.

The victims of the atrocity are as follows:

Sugisata Mayako, Ambassador
Minamoto Kazuko, Minister
Ryang Aei-Young, Minister-Counselor
Ippitsusai Manzo, Counselor
Kitabatake Haruko, Military Attaché
Isobe Matsu, First Secretary
Kurosawa Namie, Second Secretary
Takarabe Suki, Third Secretary
Takamura Saeko, Technical Attaché
Yoshitomi Namiko, Assistant Attaché

All members of the mission have been enshrined at Yasukuni in recognition for their service.


Mar 28, 2009
An Address by the Pseudo-Emperor-God/King Robert Mugabe in Response to Aggressive Provocation by Certain Asian Entities-


We have witnessed a great orchestration of violence and expansionism from the ESF, as well as some surprising and disappointing actions from our dear friends in China and Russia. It is true that the North Korean regime may have started this conflict, but it was in their best interest to do so considering the deplorable conditions they are left in due to Western and ESF foreign policies.

Let it be known that the AU is no longer a weak and pitiful rag tag set of nations, but one force united, and we will use our advanced technology to defend ourselves and our best interests.

I would also like to confirm the validity of a leaked video of advanced AU technology, video is seen below:

The AU is leading in developing mechanized human DNA which allows for advanced weapon systems to be integrated into humans. These weapons are already operational, though at this time the technology is not for sale.

Thank you.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Second Korean War
18th July 2013


A cease fire descended upon the battlefield yesterday and today the signatories of East Asian Federation, Russian Federation, European Union and the People's Republic of China met to announce together the formal annexation of former North-Korea into EAF. Further details were not provided. GNN will keep you updated as the situation develops.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I'll write "status of the nation" reports for all players on 1st January 2014 so you can make sure your files are in-order. I won't go into details with all the personnel, just writing their names down. If you need further information on anyone/-thing, let me know. Also, only Brazil turned their generic land units unique by sending suitable names to me.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
December events sent to player.

The "Status of the Nation" packets are being written. Game will not continue until everyone has acknowledged to continue their current orders AND/OR given me new ones.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here

It is now possible to train more ground units. The only two varieties possible are Low Tech Infantry Division and Low Tech Armour Division. Think of our modern armies and you get the picture. For this purposes, all players have received a single Ground Forces Training Facility because I realized that it's fucking stupid to think that existing bases couldn't be used for space marine training with little modifications, plus since the game is somewhat slow, some players might want to beef up their conventional defences.
GUs are built separately from everything else with following costs.
  • Low Tech Infantry Division (LTI) - 6 months time and 2,000 M$, no TN-minerals
  • Low Tech Armour Division (LTA) - 6 months time and 6,000 M$, no TN-minerals
This is because technically Aurora does not support building of pre-TN GUs, so I'll have to create a neutral "race" on Earth with large enough population that they will have plenty of GUs and then transfer them to players who wish to buy&train them. Thus it takes just as long to build both of them so I won't have to hassle with bookkeeping too much. The cost is unrealistically high but this is the only way for me to differentiate with 1st World and 3rd World nations as stats-wise the units will be identical. Now the rich countries can buy lots of LTA while the poor countries can still trudge along with LTI every now and then - this somewhat reflects the gigantic performance gap between, say American military and your typical African military.
Only one unit can be under "production" at a time. Send me your orders if you want to build these. Money is subtracted immediately, unit is available after the time period.
Also, pre-TN GUs can be converted into training cadres and thus help build post-TN GUs.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya

I took the liberty to update Destroid's excellent world map.

Changes: Sri Lanka is now part of India, French Guiana is marked as EU territory, North Korea has been united with South Korea and Mongolia has joined forces with the People's Republic of China.

Neutral countries are now in light grey, to help differentiate them from water zones.
Nov 15, 2009
Third Reich from the Sun
Should have your input soon enough, but it'll be a lot since I'll be gone over the weekend. Should be enough to just let you continue the game for that time with out me. Well unless there is a war I suppose.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
The Imperial Herald

Official Voice of Japan, Greater East Asia and the East Asian Federation

United Korea Formally Joins Federation

Our successful liberation of now defunct North Korea was a tremendous victory, not only for the Korean people or our Federation as a whole, but also for mankind's inviolable human rights. The savage criminals responsible for the outrageous atrocities against Greater East Asia were brought to justice, and the North Korean military was completely integrated with the United Korean Homeland Defence Army.

In the weeks following our grand victory, plenty of more successful endeavours have followed. Our people have been hard at work rebuilding, reforming and improving the general quality of life on the Korean peninsula. These efforts have not gone unnoticed - United Korea, the free, independent country created through the union of north and south - has now formally applied for membership in the East Asian Federation.

President Umeki, who was recently awarded the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum by our Heavenly Sovereign the Emperor, has graciously accepted the application. The East Asian Federation is now stronger than ever before.

Pyung Kyung-Min Appointed as Federal Prime Minister


During a grand ceremony held in the Imperial Capital today, the immensely popular Pyung Kyung-Min of United Korea was officially sworn in as the very first Prime Minister of His Imperial Majesty's Federal Government. The office entails overseeing the internal affairs of the East Asian Federation on Earth, allowing President Umeki to focus her efforts towards global diplomacy, military matters, off-planet enterprises and, eventually, interstellar expansion.

At the age of 21, Kyung-Min is the youngest politician so far to hold office in our Federation, a fact that several opposition leaders have eagerly attempted to capitalise upon. Criticism from conservative and reactionary forces has thus far been firmly rebuffed by the Presidential office.

"Prime Minister Kyung-Min may be young", President Umeki said, "but she is a bright and inspiring force in politics, an invaluable asset to our administration. I am confident that she will bring nothing but hope and joy to the citizens of our Federation."

The Imperial Herald readily salutes this forward-thinking initiative from our most trusted government.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
And it's straight from the game as well. The ages are randomized but having two females in a row, first one 23 and the second 21 is quite "lucky" for Kalin.

Got input from Merk and Phelot, so three people still need to send their plans and orders.

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