Fuck Codex has declined badly. Post like yours would give you Bethtard tag 10 years ago.
1.) You haven't even been here for 10 years.
2.) Look at my join date. Notice that I'm user #4. You might think being here for 9 years makes you an oldfag, but you're still a newfag to me.
3.) Which part of "I don't think Bethesda can really call themselves a AAA CRPG developer anymore" was confusing to you to the point where you think that's an endorsement?
Skyrim is a shit CRPG. Is it a bad game? Not really, there's plenty to do in the game but exactly how much of that has to do anything with how you made your character? Not much at all. How much of the character system has Bethesda stripped between Skyrim and Oblivion? Now go back to Morrowind or Daggerfall. There's very little left of the Daggerfall character system left. Fallout 4 gutted SPECIAL just like Skyrim gutted the Elder Scrolls character system that Daggerfall put in place in a similar fashion. Hell, both games completely removed ATTRIBUTES, a staple of RPGs since the 1970s. As much as people shit on Diablo, it still has attributes.
They basically removed what inane prowess a character might have due to his "nature" aspect, his genetics. What's the difference between Player A's Dragonborn with a few ranks in axe skill and Player B with the same ranks? Absolutely nothing, because they got rid of the physical innate characteristics of their character system. Fallout 4 is even worse, because they still claim to have attributes, but they're really not even though they left in some mechanics from the previous games. It's like some cobbled together Frankenstein of a mess with missing pieces and applied to things that shouldn't be changing that much over time.
Because they stripped down the character system with the bathwater, they also threw out any ability to flesh out meaningful options you can have within the world. When lockpiocking goes from a scale of 1% to 100% down to four or five levels, that essentially means there's only four or five different locks possible in the game. You strip the depth. That's not just lockpicking, that's every single "skill" in both games. You piss away something nuanced like a 60% Speech check, since there's only 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 now.
And all that is
beyond how it's no longer fun to level up.
Maybe because when you leveled up, wolves, bandits and guards leveled up too, making your short level-up dopamine rush almost worthless.
No, but that's a problem as well, but it has more to do with anticipating what you can do on level up and what you're really working towards when you only have 1 point to spend every level. You look at where you want to be early in the game and you start thinking, "I'm going to need 13 points to do that." So, eventually, you slide in to the line of thinking that the next level up won't really matter towards your goal because you're only moving that bar by 1 each time. The incremental changes feel like they have much impact when you plopping down 10 skill points, and Fallout's SPECIAL also had Perks which can also help towards those goals. You look forward to the levels when you get a Perk.
You took what should be the one thing you're looking forward doing and just screwed it up completely. And yes, you're right, level scaling doesn't help this at all.