Darth Canoli
And I didn't enjoy a single solitary minute of it.
Let's finish your personality test, what about PoE 2 ? 1 hour ? 2 maybe ? More ?
Do you flog yourself every night because you have impure thoughts about TB cRPG ?
And I didn't enjoy a single solitary minute of it.
You think that's masochism? You gentlemen must not be familiar with our resident Mico Selva's LP, are you?I literally rolled a new character every time I died. It's why I have 90 hours on BG1 and I finished it once.
You're a real masochist, aren't you ?
And I didn't enjoy a single solitary minute of it.
Let's finish your personality test, what about PoE 2 ? 1 hour ? 2 maybe ? More ?
Do you flog yourself every night because you have impure thoughts about TB cRPG ?
Yes, that was supposed to be a factor in 2E, as mentioned in the DMG:There are two more reasons why "everyone" is not returned to life:
1. Priest does not want to do it.
2. Priest's God does not want it done.
Convincing the NPC to Help
Assuming the player characters know of a capable spellcaster, there is still the problem of convincing the NPC to cast the desired spell. Often the NPC won't even have the spell ready when the characters need it. After all, it isn't every day a cleric needs to cast a raise dead spell. He will need a day just to rest and memorize the desired spell.
Religious Differences: The faith of the player characters and the ethos of the NPC's religion may pose an even greater problem than spell availability. It is quite possible for a cleric to refuse to cast a spell to aid an "unbeliever,'' "heathen,'' or "heretic.'' Some may agree, but only at the cost of a donation, service, or conversion. A rare few accept any and all without passing any judgment. In general, it is best to seek the services of a like-minded cleric than to go to a stranger.
Money: For some clerical spellcasters and most nonclerical types, spellcasting is more a matter of finances than philosophies. If the characters find a capable spellcaster, they must be prepared to pay (and pay dearly) for his services. For a desperately needed service, the NPC knows he has the player characters over a barrel and will bargain accordingly.
* This spell is normally cast only for those of similar faith or belief. Even then a payment or service may be required.
In general, the costs of purchasing a spell are such that it is far better for someone in the party to learn the spell. In general, the mercenary use of NPC spellcasters should be discouraged whenever possible. The player characters are supposed to face challenges on their own!
In 1E, Elves couldn't have Raise Dead or Resurrection cast on them because they have spirits, not souls. In 2E, the restriction remained for Raise Dead (though the PHB said the DM could allow more races), but was removed for Resurrection.Also if I remember well, in 2E elves could not be brought back from dead, they had a thing against resurrection magics.
I have 280 hours of Dragon Age Inquisition played.
People talk liked diamonds grow in trees when, in fatc, they exist in mines, and the only mines in the game are corrupted and poison. How many diamonds does the player find in BG1?
An English coverage on that rumor: https://sparkchronicles.com/baldurs-gate-3-could-be-presented-with-google-stadia/
Baldur’s Gate 3 Could Be Presented with Google Stadia
12, so 85% chance of success. Reincarnate/Reincarnation and Wish wouldn't need the check, though.That said, the RS roll would be a tough thing to get by. Gorion is an old man. How high is his con?![]()
The only important thing worth noting about Stadia is that their servers run Linux meaning a lot more games will get Linux releases.What is Stadia and why do I have to care?
It's Google's next step in their plan to destroy the tech industry.What is Stadia and why do I have to care?
What? Do we want to tell him, he seems so happy atm :DHaving played it recently I must say that this game should play like Temple of Elemental Evil. Just focus on making interesting encounters. They did it in DOS1, so I think they can replicate it.
They have a great engine for that. If they can make the art not look cartoonish and retarded blizzard style, this game can be a landmark. Who doesn`t want a good AD&D based turn based RPG.
Alea jacta est. Both incline and decline are possible in this one.
PD: no Diablo style loot, please. That's disgusting.
I don't. AD&D is phase-based, so I'd rather have that.Who doesn`t want a good AD&D based turn based RPG.
I'd rather developers invent new things instead of repeatedly trying and failing to adapt a game designed for being played at a table to a digital medium.Who doesn`t want a good AD&D based turn based RPG.
Only 2 out of the top 10 games in the recent 'best RPGs' poll were direct adaptations of tabletop rules. You can bump it up to 3 if you want to make the argument for VTMB, but they took some serious liberties when implementing it.Except the best RPGs in terms of mechanics have been adaptations of table-top rules.
I didn't lie, I specifically said it was 3.5 and agreed with the first person who pointed out the discrepancy. At the most I was being misleading, and only out of laziness (I'm more familiar with 3.5).I just checked anyways. It is moot. 2E Ressurection doesn't require a diamond. L0L That said, the RS roll would be a tough thing to get by. Gorion is an old man. How high is his con?And, raise dead makes you auto lose con so how many players playing BG would simply reload than 'suffer' a con loss? Not many, I imagine.
Raise dead also makes it impossible to do anything for days and catsing ressuretcion causes the priest to not be able to cast any spells or fight for days making it a huge risk to cast while adventuring. Plus,e vlves can't get raised (but resurrected). Then you need the dead's 'permission'.
Raise dead/ressuretcion is not as simply as spamming spells. LMAO