Not to play devil's advocate, but I think preparing what you want to react with is better. Giving us manual reactions every time would mean always having the right reaction for every situation, which turns it into an automatic and rote button to click every time. When you have to prepare, you have to at least think about and anticipate what the opponent might do and try to counter that in advance.Reactions don't seem to be limited to Attack of opportunities but they are executed automatically in some conditions, could be good if you can micro-manage the conditions but still why not just make it manual?
Going with a BG1-style level scope shows restrain and actual understanding of the system. D&D goes bonkers at around lvl 10+ anyway, so gameplay-wise this is preferable. Not to mention BG1 is better than 2, so good job, Swen. Having a level cap of 10 doesn't mean a shorter or cheaper game, BG1 is humongous.No. I'm just expecting a lot more from a studio with triple a funding and 250 employees than a developer from 20 years ago who were making one of their first games ever.
D&D goes bonkers at around lvl 10+ anyway, so gameplay-wise this is better
They actually do suck. That's why low level BG1 is superior to BG2.Larian announces levels 1-10. "The higher levels suck anyways".
Going to be really interesting to see how Solasta and BG3 shape up when Solasta is also doing a level 1-10 campaign.
The only difference between them is about 200 employees. I'm disappointed that triple AAA development includes full voice acting rather than levels 10-20.
That's fucking pathetic . Narrating your own ass, Swen, what's the actual fuck?Swen said:redditor said:Writing and storytelling is a major point of contention in discussions surrounding Baldur's Gate 3. While there has been speculation about the plot, the player responses when interacting with other NPCs have been specifically noticed. Many agree that the first person, past tense style of the writing is jarring and breaks immersion. Is this the style you wish to continue forward with or is this still being worked on?
There’s several reasons we’re doing it this way. Of course there are story reasons but it also allows you to get closer to your character; their thoughts, their feelings and moments of introspection allowing you to truly understand their motivations. We’ve experimented with several styles when starting development but this was the one that at the end of the day stood out and we’re actually quite excited by what we can do with it. It turned out to be an excellent way of allowing players to tell their own story and role-play their character on a deeper level. I think it’s a wonderful tool for role-playing and story telling and when you’re playing it’s like you’re narrating your own adventure.
It's not that there's too much happening, it's that the stakes become too absurd and the encounters too easy unless the dungeons are masterfully made.D&D goes bonkers at around lvl 10+ anyway, so gameplay-wise this is better
TBers can't handle multiple things happening at once and now they can't handle levels 10+. Maybe RPGs just aren't for you.
I have not payed attention to the 5e rules, so I wouldn't know. Even in the prior editions however, the rules felt like they fell apart beyond 20.
Multiclassing rules will follow closely the 5e DnD. On level up characters will be able to continue with their current class or choose a new class, provided they meet the requirements. Multiclassing is not going to be available in Early Access at launch, we're planning to add it later.
As for the Ranger, we will be implementing alternative variants of Favourite Enemy and Natural Explorer features that are not limited to specific monster and location types. When we were working on these changes, we went to WotC for their approval and it turned out that we were completely on the same page. Mike Mearls shared some of their playtesting material, and we’re rolling with that.
BG2 held well though.Low level DND is praised by Gygax himself, you can see how he despises 10+ with his Tomb of Horrors module. This new generation really needs some education.
For me it was the first class, I've ever played in PnP, for 1. And 2, they were pretty strong in the face of idiot DMs that disarmed or liked to use fancy magics and poisons.What's this weird fetish some of you have for monks?
Ok. Crisis temporarily averted. But I shall remain vigilant.Swen confirmed all PHB classes in the game at full release.
What's this weird fetish some of you have for monks?
Any time I DMd I capped magic at level 5. However nowadays I'd cap it at level 3 and make mix of level 4-5 spells ingredients/rituals only.Instead of a spell circle very 2 levels, they could've made the progression like that until the 3rd circle and then the next circle after 3-4 levels