That it's set in Baldur's Gate rather than a continuation of Bhaalspawn adventures is good news to me. Other information is a bit worrying.
Baldur's Gate 3 will be at the PC Gaming Show
After making our 2017 Game of the Year, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Larian Studios set its sights on the biggest name in RPGs: Dungeons & Dragons. And not just any D&D story, but the D&D story, at least when it comes to PC gaming. The developer has teamed up with Wizards of the Coast to bring back Baldur's Gate with its first new game since 2001, and you can find out more about Baldur's Gate 3 at the 2019 PC Gaming Show.
Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke and Wizards of the Coast President Chris Cocks will be appearing at this year's show to share more about the relationship between Larian and WotC, and how it evolved. or on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Over 25 games will appear at this year's show—for a taste of what to expect, read more here.
She uses a blocklist. Don't trust anyone who puts their pronouns in their profile, that's a social signal.Is anyone else here blocked on twitter by this lady; never interacted with her before.
the worst part is playing in a world where my Bhaalspawn didn't have the guts to kill minsc and aerieThat it's set in Baldur's Gate rather than a continuation of Bhaalspawn adventures is good news to me. Other information is a bit worrying.
Their knowledge of the old games' rule-set is only relevant if you expect this to be a faithful game made just like those, which at this point is a silly expectation. The question now is larger scale DoS (think reboot Xcom but an RPG) or Dragon Age.
So if this turn out to be Fallout 3 of DnD, does that mean Obisidan will get to make a Baldur's Gate: Deep Water or something?
So if this turn out to be Fallout 3 of DnD...
There's the BG purists who want RTwP, the D&D purists who want turn-based, and others, I don't think there's a consensus as such.I've seen some heated discussions in a lot of places since the announcement. so what's the concensus on codex? RTWP or turned based.
It wasn't even the in-game NPC that ticked me off, that merely elicited a knowing eye roll. It was the post that got bandied about from that beambard chick who made no secret of the fact that she wanted to shove diversity shit into the game, regardless of whether it fit or not. Given that your primary audience for SoD are the old guard who played & enjoyed the Infinity Engine games many years before the socjus cancer infested entertainment media, publicising her intent to inject that shit into the game across the internet just prior to release doubtless did the game no favours. Sure, you may have got some retweets from a few socjus acolytes but as the poor sales show, they don't buy games and most assuredly have no interest in expansions to decades old games. Making it an expansion rather than standalone certainly didn't help, as the original Shadowrun Dragonfall demonstrated.Sod is the most underrated game on the dex and there's good reasons for it.You have to get the EE baldur's gate wich is just milking the license and not adding much. It makes everything to trigger the average codexer. First it gives all your gold to refugees and you can do nothing to prevent it, second it push some political agenda with an extremely poorly written trasngender npc. You can completely avoid that npc of course, its not such a big deal to me but people started to hate them for that. I only played it recently so maybe they patched most of the cringe and lecturing. Environments are very good, stand with originals, combat is really good and challenging, good ol' 2E .Enough to forgive a bit of cringe, this time its 100% original work.SoD was ok.
The dungeons were really good and probably the highlight of the game along with itemization(a lot of unique items that really stood out.)
Writing was poor and a lot of the outdoors areas were rather small.
All this post shows is why it's bad to "hoard" your IP like this. Let multiple developers all take a crack at making a game and the players get more options.
Their knowledge of the old games' rule-set is only relevant if you expect this to be a faithful game made just like those, which at this point is a silly expectation. The question now is larger scale DoS (think reboot Xcom but an RPG) or Dragon Age.
There are PAGES of ways to prolong life in D&D. Pages.Hows minsc alive after 100 years?isnt he human?
I was convinced this would be tb with them reusing their dos engine, but boy was I wrong. Sven is mighty cagey responding simple questions like is it isometric and how will the combat be... That can only mean that it won't be either and it will be a huge departure from their previous games and the series itself.
I'm thinking third person action adventure, mass effect, dragon age inquisition, Witcher 3 style. With 2 companions in active party and cool down based abilities.