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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Yeah, making a game so brainlessly easy that even fantadomat can finish it takes a special kind of effort. Swen could never do it.
Come and tell me that after you finish a single game lol.

"Complex like RTwP" lolololoolololololoolololololololololololololololoolololololol
It seems germany is having an affect on you mate. Fuck,they do have top level brainwashing.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Yeah, making a game so brainlessly easy that even fantadomat can finish it takes a special kind of effort. Swen could never do it.
Come and tell me that after you finish a single game lol.
Good point. By the way, how's your KotC playthrough going?
Slow,the animations are a bitch. How is yours going? :smug:
It is amusing how your example is exactly what people don't like in tb games,slow animations and simple repetitive combat.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
"Complex like RTwP" lolololoolololololoolololololololololololololololoolololololol

It is a lot harder to make a rtwp that feels and looks good than a turn based game (e.g. character responsiveness, pathfinding, and visual clarity are a lot more important)


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Name me a RTwP game with all those things done well. It's one thing to be hard, it's quite another to be impossible.

Lilliput McHammersmith

Name me a RTwP game with all those things done well. It's one thing to be hard, it's quite another to be impossible.
- Character responsiveness
- Pathfinding
- Visual Clarity

Aside from the ambiguity of “character responsiveness” I think Pillars 2 does all those quite well.


May 25, 2006
Nope -

Like I've mentioned before, they did indeed nerf them by not granting them Devour Intellect. That is what makes them dangerous to lvl 2 parties, but they are quite toothless without it. Shitty stats, shitty saves, etc.
Sorta. Even without eating brains intellect devourers are dangerous to low-level parties. They have a decent attack, a fair amount of HP and resistance to nonmagical damage. 3 un-nerfed devourers would be almost impossible to beat for 2 first lvl characters in a straight fight.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
- Visual Clarity
This one it doesn't really. But to be honest here,it is a feature that is dependable on the player,some dudes could read a situation better than others.

I really can't remember an RTwP game where it is actually bad. Tho it still depends on the player. Ohhh scratch that,i remembered NWN2,it had the worst AI pathfinding in a fucking game.

Lilliput McHammersmith

- Visual Clarity
This one it doesn't really. But to be honest here,it is a feature that is dependable on the player,some dudes could read a situation better than others.

I really can't remember an RTwP game where it is actually bad. Tho it still depends on the player. Ohhh scratch that,i remembered NWN2,it had the worst AI pathfinding in a fucking game.

I disagree. I think Pillars 2 is one of the best examples of visual clarity, in all of its elements. It’s easy to see the enemies, they’re clearly marked, they have health bars that are visible and easily readable, the colors are distinct and characters stand out from the background. Abilities are clearly marked and easy to read, the UI is excellent. Deadfire has its faults but visuals are not one of them.

Contrast this to PFKM, which has a much more cryptic UI, the health bars for enemies don’t show up unless you pause and hover over them, the abilities are difficult to decipher (in the main interface, the level up interface is fine), and the characters blend into the environment much more.

I really like PFKM, but it was harder for me to get into because the visuals are somewhat subpar. It has amazing gameplay and very good character building.

Another excellent example of terrible pathfinding is NWN1. Oh man it is just terrible. Great game, but it suffers from much of what PFKM does as well.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
Keep repeating that to yourself every night before you go to sleep. Eventually, you may believe the lie. :smug:


The DreamWorks Emoji

You know that emoji face. The clever, asymmetrical smirk. The similarly crooked eyebrows. The intense stare-down. It's the expression that tells you the poster is going to be up to no good, and his post will be much cooler than any of those classic, mainstream, conformist wimpy posts those other posters produce... It promises a very different tone from what we're used to. It's the facial expression form of hip, sassy and snarky line, except the poster rarely or never delivers the promised snarky line in the post itself.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
- Visual Clarity
This one it doesn't really. But to be honest here,it is a feature that is dependable on the player,some dudes could read a situation better than others.

I really can't remember an RTwP game where it is actually bad. Tho it still depends on the player. Ohhh scratch that,i remembered NWN2,it had the worst AI pathfinding in a fucking game.

I disagree. I think Pillars 2 is one of the best examples of visual clarity, in all of its elements. It’s easy to see the enemies, they’re clearly marked, they have health bars that are visible and easily readable, the colors are distinct and characters stand out from the background. Abilities are clearly marked and easy to read, the UI is excellent. Deadfire has its faults but visuals are not one of them.

Contrast this to PFKM, which has a much more cryptic UI, the health bars for enemies don’t show up unless you pause and hover over them, the abilities are difficult to decipher (in the main interface, the level up interface is fine), and the characters blend into the environment much more.

I really like PFKM, but it was harder for me to get into because the visuals are somewhat subpar. It has amazing gameplay and very good character building.

Another excellent example of terrible pathfinding is NWN1. Oh man it is just terrible. Great game, but it suffers from much of what PFKM does as well.
Ahh it seems to be a personable taste :). I personally prefer PFKM's style and find it easier to read and use less pause than in poe2. It is not about me defending PFKM or hating on poe2 tho.

I never had a problem with NWN1,you commanded a single dude and the path finding was fine,the enemies had a simple AI,thus didn't need much. Now the second game had terrible pathfinding,you companions constantly went full retard and just stopped fallowing you,thus you constantly ended up fighting a whole mob while your companions were watching in the nothing.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Cross promotion is all we need. If my blog can attract 500000 and your blog can attract 500000 and there's no overlap then together we pretty much have 1 million users. I can use some css, Java script, and PHP to make it so your blog looks nicer and is cooler and I'll make it so every time someone presses a link there's a 1 percent chance it links to the others blog. We can colab on articles and even make debunct videos about each other. On my side bar I can link to your blog and you can do the same.

My post was rhetorical.

You speak about collaboration? I'm strong already. Why would I collaborate with the weak? I don't even collaborate with the strong. I'm a lone wolf, I work alone. I don't team up with others like cucks do. I don't make friends and alliances like cucks do. I just crush competitors, one after the other, and smash them to pieces.

You speak about writing style? Yes, you have a style. Fantadomat has a style. But who is emulating your styles, without knowing? Who is employing your vocabulary and terms you've coined, unwittingly? Who is parroting your thoughts on a daily basis and linking to your write-ups like they're Gospel?

You dream of 1 million users? Lilura laughs at your dream. I don't want followers. I want slaves, views and Google authority. That is wisdom. I want my name to come up whenever you Google a question about the RPGs I cover: in your face, causing you butthurt. I want the name of Lilura in your face every time you Google something about Baldur's Gate, which game you hold so dear and of which game I am numero uno commentator.

When you lie awake at night, thinking about Baldur's Gate before you go to sleep, I want you to be thinking about my pro-tip write-ups, my retrospectives and my breakdowns on THAC0 and AC. And the more you think about my blog, the stronger my blog becomes in your mind and the more it occupies your mind, and fills it.

Lilliput McHammersmith

- Visual Clarity
This one it doesn't really. But to be honest here,it is a feature that is dependable on the player,some dudes could read a situation better than others.

I really can't remember an RTwP game where it is actually bad. Tho it still depends on the player. Ohhh scratch that,i remembered NWN2,it had the worst AI pathfinding in a fucking game.

I disagree. I think Pillars 2 is one of the best examples of visual clarity, in all of its elements. It’s easy to see the enemies, they’re clearly marked, they have health bars that are visible and easily readable, the colors are distinct and characters stand out from the background. Abilities are clearly marked and easy to read, the UI is excellent. Deadfire has its faults but visuals are not one of them.

Contrast this to PFKM, which has a much more cryptic UI, the health bars for enemies don’t show up unless you pause and hover over them, the abilities are difficult to decipher (in the main interface, the level up interface is fine), and the characters blend into the environment much more.

I really like PFKM, but it was harder for me to get into because the visuals are somewhat subpar. It has amazing gameplay and very good character building.

Another excellent example of terrible pathfinding is NWN1. Oh man it is just terrible. Great game, but it suffers from much of what PFKM does as well.
Ahh it seems to be a personable taste :). I personally prefer PFKM's style and find it easier to read and use less pause than in poe2. It is not about me defending PFKM or hating on poe2 tho.

I never had a problem with NWN1,you commanded a single dude and the path finding was fine,the enemies had a simple AI,thus didn't need much. Now the second game had terrible pathfinding,you companions constantly went full retard and just stopped fallowing you,thus you constantly ended up fighting a whole mob while your companions were watching in the nothing.

NWN 1 had henchmen that were absolutely terrible at pathfinding. I didn't mind NWN2 or BG/BG2/PST/IWD because you could control the characters manually and tell them where to go. NWN 1 and Fallout (I know it is TB, but the point still stands) have terrible pathfinding for companions that you cannot control. KOTOR 1/2 also had pretty bad companion pathfinding, and it wasn't as easy to put all of your characters in the same place as it was in NWN2/Infinity Engine.

Really the biggest thing for me with PFKM is the fact that I have to pause in order to see the health bar of the enemies I'm fighting. It seems like such an oversight. NWN 1 had the same issue, but it was even worse. Uninjured -> Barely Injured -> Injured -> Badly Wounded -> Near Death. It would have been nice to have a bar or numbers or something, but the game itself is great, so it's easy to overlook.

Lilliput McHammersmith

Cross promotion is all we need. If my blog can attract 500000 and your blog can attract 500000 and there's no overlap then together we pretty much have 1 million users. I can use some css, Java script, and PHP to make it so your blog looks nicer and is cooler and I'll make it so every time someone presses a link there's a 1 percent chance it links to the others blog. We can colab on articles and even make debunct videos about each other. On my side bar I can link to your blog and you can do the same.

My post was rhetorical.

You speak about collaboration? I'm strong already. Why would I collaborate with the weak? I don't even collaborate with the strong. I'm a lone wolf, I work alone. I don't team up with others like cucks do. I don't make friends and alliances like cucks do. I just crush competitors, one after the other, and smash them to pieces.

You speak about writing style? Yes, you have a style. Fantadomat has a style. But who is emulating your styles, without knowing? Who is employing your vocabulary and terms you've coined, unwittingly? Who is parroting your thoughts on a daily basis and linking to your write-ups like they're Gospel?

You dream of 1 million users? Lilura laughs at your dream. I don't want followers. I want slaves, views and Google authority. That is wisdom. I want my name to come up whenever you Google a question about the RPGs I cover: in your face, causing you butthurt. I want the name of Lilura in your face every time you Google something about Baldur's Gate, which game you hold so dear and of which game I am numero uno commentator.

When you lie awake at night, thinking about Baldur's Gate before you go to sleep, I want you to be thinking about my pro-tip write-ups, my retrospectives and my breakdowns on THAC0 and AC. And the more you think about my blog, the stronger my blog becomes in your mind and the more it occupies your mind, and fills it.

Much ado about nothing. Searching "baldur's gate thaco" has 8 results before your blog, with a bunch of Google Q&A, and a reddit link with dozens of extra links. I'm sorry Lilura, but nobody cares about being the "authority" on a 22 year old RPG. It's sad that you base your entire ego on being an "expert" on a video game from the 90s. It doesn't get more basement-dwelling than this, folks.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
- Visual Clarity
This one it doesn't really. But to be honest here,it is a feature that is dependable on the player,some dudes could read a situation better than others.

I really can't remember an RTwP game where it is actually bad. Tho it still depends on the player. Ohhh scratch that,i remembered NWN2,it had the worst AI pathfinding in a fucking game.

I disagree. I think Pillars 2 is one of the best examples of visual clarity, in all of its elements. It’s easy to see the enemies, they’re clearly marked, they have health bars that are visible and easily readable, the colors are distinct and characters stand out from the background. Abilities are clearly marked and easy to read, the UI is excellent. Deadfire has its faults but visuals are not one of them.

Contrast this to PFKM, which has a much more cryptic UI, the health bars for enemies don’t show up unless you pause and hover over them, the abilities are difficult to decipher (in the main interface, the level up interface is fine), and the characters blend into the environment much more.

I really like PFKM, but it was harder for me to get into because the visuals are somewhat subpar. It has amazing gameplay and very good character building.

Another excellent example of terrible pathfinding is NWN1. Oh man it is just terrible. Great game, but it suffers from much of what PFKM does as well.
Ahh it seems to be a personable taste :). I personally prefer PFKM's style and find it easier to read and use less pause than in poe2. It is not about me defending PFKM or hating on poe2 tho.

I never had a problem with NWN1,you commanded a single dude and the path finding was fine,the enemies had a simple AI,thus didn't need much. Now the second game had terrible pathfinding,you companions constantly went full retard and just stopped fallowing you,thus you constantly ended up fighting a whole mob while your companions were watching in the nothing.

NWN 1 had henchmen that were absolutely terrible at pathfinding. I didn't mind NWN2 or BG/BG2/PST/IWD because you could control the characters manually and tell them where to go. NWN 1 and Fallout (I know it is TB, but the point still stands) have terrible pathfinding for companions that you cannot control. KOTOR 1/2 also had pretty bad companion pathfinding, and it wasn't as easy to put all of your characters in the same place as it was in NWN2/Infinity Engine.

Really the biggest thing for me with PFKM is the fact that I have to pause in order to see the health bar of the enemies I'm fighting. It seems like such an oversight. NWN 1 had the same issue, but it was even worse. Uninjured -> Barely Injured -> Injured -> Badly Wounded -> Near Death. It would have been nice to have a bar or numbers or something, but the game itself is great, so it's easy to overlook.
Fallout 2 has that utterly stupid Sulik. I gave him a P90 with a ton of ammo and got him to equip it and told him to use ranged weapons. So he empties the gun and runs in to melee a whole mess of bad guys. In the meantime, Vic and Cassidy are blasting everything with CAWS and Marcus is going nuts with his Bozar. I have never felt such a sense of "you f-ing deserved it, mate!" as the moment Sulik turned into red mist.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I didn't mind NWN2
I take it that you haven't been playing lately :). I had the same delusion till i decided to replay it. NWN1 was a lot better,it was all about the distance the fallowed you,if you keep them next to you it was all fine for me. Never had problems with the pathfinding in it,tho i do agree that it sucks that you can't control them,level them or even equip them :decline:.

eally the biggest thing for me with PFKM is the fact that I have to pause in order to see the health bar of the enemies I'm fighting. It seems like such an oversight. NWN 1 had the same issue, but it was even worse. Uninjured -> Barely Injured -> Injured -> Badly Wounded -> Near Death. It would have been nice to have a bar or numbers or something, but the game itself is great, so it's easy to overlook.
Personally i prefer it that way,it feels more realistic that way. You can't tell just how HP your enemy have in real fight :). Also i believe that kingmaker does have an option to show you the hp of people. That game is fucking amazing when it comes to option,fuck you could twitch everything in it,it has an amazing options.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Fallout 2 has that utterly stupid Sulik. I gave him a P90 with a ton of ammo and got him to equip it and told him to use ranged weapons. So he empties the gun and runs in to melee a whole mess of bad guys. In the meantime, Vic and Cassidy are blasting everything with CAWS and Marcus is going nuts with his Bozar. I have never felt such a sense of "you f-ing deserved it, mate!" as the moment Sulik turned into red mist
Old Fallout game are really shit when it come to companions and combat. They were brain dead at best,most of the time they will just fill your ass with lead because they can't hit shit and instead of moving few meters and shoot,they just empty the clip. That is why you just have to play it solo. Also i liked sulik once you give him a good melee weapon.

Lilliput McHammersmith

I didn't mind NWN2
I take it that you haven't been playing lately :). I had the same delusion till i decided to replay it. NWN1 was a lot better,it was all about the distance the fallowed you,if you keep them next to you it was all fine for me. Never had problems with the pathfinding in it,tho i do agree that it sucks that you can't control them,level them or even equip them :decline:.

eally the biggest thing for me with PFKM is the fact that I have to pause in order to see the health bar of the enemies I'm fighting. It seems like such an oversight. NWN 1 had the same issue, but it was even worse. Uninjured -> Barely Injured -> Injured -> Badly Wounded -> Near Death. It would have been nice to have a bar or numbers or something, but the game itself is great, so it's easy to overlook.
Personally i prefer it that way,it feels more realistic that way. You can't tell just how HP your enemy have in real fight :). Also i believe that kingmaker does have an option to show you the hp of people. That game is fucking amazing when it comes to option,fuck you could twitch everything in it,it has an amazing options.

No I have played it recently, and I played it for the first time about a year and a half ago. I didn't mind it at all. I also sucked at D&D-type games real bad at the time. I'm planning on running through MOTB soon after I finish Fallout 1.

I do not prefer to not see health bars. It's a video game, I'm not aiming for realism.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Both PoE1 and 2's UIs have been atrocious, what are you smoking lol. The buffs and debuffs that the game is built around are almost impossible to follow and you have to mouse-over the character portrait, which is UI suicide.

Lilliput McHammersmith

I disagree. The interface, especially for 2 is easy to read and well-designed. They don't look as cool as BG, but they are well designed. I prefer the way that Pillars handles spell levels to pretty much every other UI with a vancian spell system. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands and KOTC may be the only ones that I think handle spell levels better than Pillars. By this I mean when you are in combat and want to select a spell to cast.

Edit: I just remembered that Pathfinder Kingmaker handles spell levels excellently as well. It's pretty similar to Pillars, but arguably better.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Fallout 2 has that utterly stupid Sulik. I gave him a P90 with a ton of ammo and got him to equip it and told him to use ranged weapons. So he empties the gun and runs in to melee a whole mess of bad guys. In the meantime, Vic and Cassidy are blasting everything with CAWS and Marcus is going nuts with his Bozar. I have never felt such a sense of "you f-ing deserved it, mate!" as the moment Sulik turned into red mist
Old Fallout game are really shit when it come to companions and combat. They were brain dead at best,most of the time they will just fill your ass with lead because they can't hit shit and instead of moving few meters and shoot,they just empty the clip. That is why you just have to play it solo. Also i liked sulik once you give him a good melee weapon.
You can give him the best melee weapon, but his lifespan is measured in seconds if he decides to charge a bunch of bad guys armed with automatic weapons.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Really the biggest thing for me with PFKM is the fact that I have to pause in order to see the health bar of the enemies I'm fighting. It seems like such an oversight. NWN 1 had the same issue, but it was even worse. Uninjured -> Barely Injured -> Injured -> Badly Wounded -> Near Death. It would have been nice to have a bar or numbers or something, but the game itself is great, so it's easy to overlook.
In Kingmaker you can decide when you want to see enemies' HP. You just need to set "show enemies HP" to "always", "on mouse-over" or "on highlight hotkey". It's under Options > Difficulty > enemy information in combat.

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