DOS2 is actually good.
Good? Everything wrong with dos2 >
- Cooldowns on everything without any explanation. In a RPG, is interesting to have mechanics representing the game's lore and narrative. Contrary to rules like plate armor having a higher armor class vs slashes compared to blunt weapons on Baldur's Gate 2, which are rules that makes sense, cooldowns RARELY has any justification.
- No fast animation / concurrent turns. Seriously. I had Wizardry 8 PTSD flashbacks due the lack of this features. Dark Sun Shattered Lands and Temple of Elemental Evil was fun and engaging on turn based.
- Zimbabwe inflated numbers. Numbers should be measurements of things, They don't need to be ludicrous high by no reason. The numbers on DOS2 becomes soo high that they stop representing anything. Nizidramanii'yt, one of the hardest BG2 enemies has 200 hit points and most stats around lower 20s.
- Only numeric progression. You get all skills relative early on and then, they only trow bigger numbers. Is not like Baldur's Gate 2, where there are over 300 spells to learn and each new magical circle means that your sorcerer/mage can learn tons of news interesting spells. Even Gothic 3 which got rid of tier/circle based magic, requires that you have a lot of ancient knowledge and saturas for example will only teach hailstorm if you side with Adanos on the God's conflict. Even Diablo 2, which is a very mainstream game, a necromancer goes from a single weak skeleton to a army of skeletons, skeleton mages, revived monsters and a iron golem. On DOS2 a necromancer will have just one minion from the beginning til the end of the game.
- Item Fever - Item fever is when the monsters drops items that makes no sense for then to drop. For example, on Fallout New Vega,s if you wanna a anti materiel rifle and explosive .50 BMG rounds, you can kill every Deathclaw and other high level mob in the map and if they don't have the rifle and ammo, they will never drop. Enemies drop exactly what they are wearing, contrary to DOS2.
- Armor mechanic. It just makes all crowd control skills worthless.
Here's a sample of how ridiculous lvl 10+ actually is -
How do you proceed from here?
A lv 9/10 cleric being low land owner/nobility is not a problem; you can become a Baron at lv 5 on pathfinder kingmaker.
And high tier magic is far more limited on 5e.