Cooldowns on everything without any explanation. In a RPG, is interesting to have mechanics representing the game's lore and narrative. Contrary to rules like plate armor having a higher armor class vs slashes compared to blunt weapons on Baldur's Gate 2, which are rules that makes sense, cooldowns RARELY has any justification.
No fast animation / concurrent turns. Seriously. I had Wizardry 8 PTSD flashbacks due the lack of this features. Dark Sun Shattered Lands and Temple of Elemental Evil was fun and engaging on turn based.
Sure, yet you always fail to mention why it makes it bad beyond "muh immersion". Then when people point out that the vanecian system and memorizing spells too is a little bit of a stretch and poorly justified, you will just draw a dumb comparison like "it has precedents in literature!" as if that suddenly make it ok and it made total sense. Second point is subjective, I found the animations and combat to be fast enough not to bother me. It helps the game doesn't drown you in combat encounters.
On DOS2 a necromancer will have just one minion from the beginning til the end of the game.
You complain about combat being slow and now you want Necromancers to summon an army of undead? And yeah, sure, only one summon, but you fail to mention all the powerful and interesting spells like Shackles of Pain, Death Wish, Last Rites, Raining Blood, among others that can be combined to great effect. You can, for example, combine Shackles of Pain, Living on the Edge, and then use Last Rites, so you kill your opponent through the transferred damage, you survive, and resurrect a party member all in one go. Or the amount of spells that combine with Raining blood, from using the blood for healing, summoning, as a conduct for electricity etc. Without mentioning how spells of different schools can combine with each other.
- Armor mechanic. It just makes all crowd control skills worthless.
Bullshit. Running out of armor is a dead sentences exactly because you will be CC to dead, and managing to keep and recovers yours is an important part of the game.
I concede the rest of the points as issues it has, but they do not paint the whole picture. But the truth, is that you don't know jack shit, just parroting whatever other say about the game and have hardly play it because of your own personal biases and obsession with D&D systems and derivatives, and the games of your youth, where if a game doesn't fit your vision of what RPGs have to be, them you automatically hate them.