Nearly a full year later, the Codex is still butt bothered. Swen's dick must be as big as a barrel of cursed oil.
As far as I can tell, they've been bothered ever since the Enhanced Edition of D:OS came out. Larian getting the license for Baldur's Gate was just fuel to the fire. I personally really enjoyed D:OS2, and I am excited for BG3.
What's your favorite part about Dos2?
DOS2 is far from a perfect game, and the unfortunate thing about it is that it really falls apart towards the end, as is the case with many great RPGs. I had a lot of fun with the combat, but I am always a sucker for characters, and Fane is an excellently written character. I’m also a sucker for music and D:OS2’s is excellent. Beast’s origin story is pretty great as well, and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t like DOS2 as much as other RPGs that I’ve played, but I still really enjoyed it. It’s one of the only games that I bought and played immediately.
I haven’t gone back and played the Definitive Edition yet, and that’s because I think the character building is the weakest part of the game, so I’m not motivated to replay it. One day I might, but not yet.