Completely wrong. RPG got born from war games, and fantasy RPG started trying to simulate how supernatural effects would work if they exist. RPG's are "lets pretend" games.
Fucking bullshit. Magic doesn't exist so you can make believe that it works any way you want. I'm sorry, this is just retarded, magic doesn't exist, and you cannot tell how would it work. Yes, you could say a fireball would burn shit, except that maybe it actually destroy things by overcharging the enemy with fire element, or by making the enemy believe they are burning, or whatever the fuck you want, because it doesn't fucking exists.
You DON'T NEED TO USE VATS.VATS is only for people who can't aim.
The fact that you don't like the system doesn't mean it wasn't mean to be use. You can even make your character better at using it. It is practically a compromise between its RPG roots and the new FPS style. Just because you decide not to use it it doesn't mean it isn't there or it isn't one of the most powerful tools. And doesn't change the that the gun play is mediocre at best. You can aim in Paladins, but that doesn't make it a good shooter either.
Wrong. VtMB gun play is not bad and the game was made on HL engine. Deus Ex gunplay is amazing and cyberpunk 2077 will show why you are wrong.
Elder Scrolls games as a archer or a mage is pretty close to a medieval fantasy FPS/RPG...
Holy shit, all you just said, is fucking wrong. Play some Unreal Tournment, some Arma, some old BF, or any real FPS ever before saying retarded shit like this. All of these games you listed are beloved because of their RPG elements, which are so good that the mediocre gameplay is forgiven, which at most are just good enough so you can either enjoy it a bit or at least tolerate it.
Also, the only Elder Scrolls that play anything like an FPS are Oblivion and Skyrim, with their dumbed down "actiony" combat. They are garbage gameplay wise, absolute trash. Is embarrassing you are scratching the bottom of the barrel for examples of good FPS/RPG hybrids.
As for Ainz summons <spoiler>
Ah, ok. So is Necromancers that are broken, not just Ainz, which is also the only one that uses super tier magic, which makes hmi broken anyway. You gotta stop following this thread of though when it comes defending your isekai weabo shit because you are actually arguing against yourself:
You said before :
Overlord propouse is to be a power fantasy. Ainz is a guy in between demigods and lesser deities in a low level world where only 4 casters can cast tier 6 magic(and he can cast super tier magic).
And now you say:
Any high level necro could do the same.
You argue that both that is good because its a power fantasy, and that Ainz isn't broken. That is ridiculous. Also he literally cheats, he uses Cash shop items. If that isn't broken i don't know what is.
Why waste time enchanting a petrification spell when i can just fire tons of petrification arrows?
Yeah, you are right, lets just erase mages and give fighters weapons that can petrify the enemy. Why waste time with spell cating, Vancian spell system and all that crap, if you can make a fast swinging blade and kill everything. Also, nice way to sidestep everything. Ranger can do this, so let's ignore everything else sorcerer can do and just play Ranger.