Eh, I wouldn't say hate, but I'm also not fond of when fantasy RPGs look like Windows extensions. I prefer it when they have loads of skeumorphics in their UIs, scrolls and stonework and little gauntlets for cursors, shit like that. It's a mood thing.It is a weird Lacrymas 's fetish thing. He is the only codexer that will hate a game because of aesthetics of the UI.
I too prefer fantasy ui,but won't got butthurt mad if a game doesn't have the ui i likeEh, I wouldn't say hate, but I'm also not fond of when fantasy RPGs look like Windows extensions. I prefer it when they have loads of skeumorphics in their UIs, scrolls and stonework and little gauntlets for cursors, shit like that. It's a mood thing.It is a weird Lacrymas 's fetish thing. He is the only codexer that will hate a game because of aesthetics of the UI.
I don't understand what you mean with the bold part. How is he out of place ? He certainly fits the setting. The connection between both games is playing the same character and being a child of Bhaal. How is Irenicus more "out of place" than any other new character that is introduced with BG II ?Yes, it does, lol.Solasta doesn't look like a "trashfire" at all
Irenicus himself is out of place considering he doesn't have anything to do with the entire rest of the franchise. Imoen is a crutch trying to connect the two games together and they knew it.Irenicus stealing a part of your divine soul to safe his own is a pretty good main story. It wouldn't require that much rewriting if you removed Imoen. Just say that he already started the ritual in his dungeon and you suffer from effects due to it. This would give you reasons to follow him even if Imoen wasn't there. At Spellhold he manages to finish the ritual and everything proceeds normally from there. This could have been a perfectly fine main story without involving Imoen at all. An evil aligned character wouldn't even need that, revenge would be more than enough. Actually the whole Imoen plot feels out of place when you play an evil alignment char.
so he fucked a dragon ?We know if a dragon shapeshifts into a human than the child will be a half-dragon. Ellminster has a half Dragon daughter because of that.
I don't understand what you mean with the bold part. How is he out of place ? He certainly fits the setting. The connection between both games is playing the same character and being a child of Bhaal. How is Irenicus more "out of place" than any other new character that is introduced with BG II ?Yes, it does, lol.Solasta doesn't look like a "trashfire" at all
Irenicus himself is out of place considering he doesn't have anything to do with the entire rest of the franchise. Imoen is a crutch trying to connect the two games together and they knew it.Irenicus stealing a part of your divine soul to safe his own is a pretty good main story. It wouldn't require that much rewriting if you removed Imoen. Just say that he already started the ritual in his dungeon and you suffer from effects due to it. This would give you reasons to follow him even if Imoen wasn't there. At Spellhold he manages to finish the ritual and everything proceeds normally from there. This could have been a perfectly fine main story without involving Imoen at all. An evil aligned character wouldn't even need that, revenge would be more than enough. Actually the whole Imoen plot feels out of place when you play an evil alignment char.
They have this dweeb energy about them. Tumblr nerddom personified. It's kind of asking what do Beamdog's NPCs ruin exactly.What is Critical Role ruining exactly?
Critical Role is basically a sanitized and happily delivered stereotype of what most people imagine D&D to be like. The known voice actors on the show are there to lend credibility to the nerd culture phenomenon and given their success/taste for theatrics makes a casual viewer get wrapped into their campaign and truly believe D&D is how they portray it.
If you hate the type of writing which is purple prose from Hell and verbose, Critical Role is the tabletop version of that. It'll breed a bunch of dipshits that just want to tell an "awesome story" and get bogged on the details of description while occasionally remembering there's supposed to be combat.
The best tabletop campaigns will be by DMs that tell you the important details and create great encounters, not Matthew Mercer self-indulging on being a failed actor.
Critical Role is poison. Their brand of Dungeons & Dragons gives you few dungeons and sometimes throwing you a dragon.
I've done my part to maintain a discussion of classic D&D/AD&D rather than meekly permitting the thread to descend into such abysmal depths as to be a conversation about Baldur's Gate III.What even is this thread anymore.
Except Larian's never written anything particularly dark, and even their good writing has a relatively silly tone, so that's not reassuring either based on their track record.This game is looking way darker then BG1&2 which makes all the worries that it, was going to be as Silly as DOS2 seem funny.
One of the main changes from DOS1 to DOS2 was how much less "silly" it was and how dark the writing isExcept Larian's never written anything particularly dark, and even their good writing has a relatively silly tone, so that's not reassuring either based on their track record.This game is looking way darker then BG1&2 which makes all the worries that it, was going to be as Silly as DOS2 seem funny.
One of the main changes from DOS1 to DOS2 was how much less "silly" it was and how dark the writing is
I get this feeling that people shitting on DOS2 never actually played it
Cast Fireball.Hey quick question what's the DnD ability allows, you as what I presume ranger class, to shoot bow with fire arrow and ignite whole party(from BG3 stream)
PHB page 193, "Improvising an action"Hey quick question what's the DnD ability allows, you as what I presume ranger class, to shoot bow with fire arrow and ignite whole party(from BG3 stream)
I'm guessing there was napalm all over the ground or something, like there usually is in Larian games.Okay I get that he ignited arrow to add fire dmg... but why it went all AOE on the party?
Some of you guys are still clinging hard to the hope that this game will be a continuation of the original BG games in some way. And with that you set yourself up to a big disappointment.
The game is not a sequel to BG2. There is a reason they set it 100 years later, so they can start a new story. And it is actually good. Being a continuation of BG2, but with different graphics, different tone of writing would be much worse. This way it will new a completely new game, just using the Baldur's Gate name as a brand. Get over it.