I've bought the first and the second Eschalons, really wanted to get into them, but couldn't. They were just too boring and
slow. This game looks pretty similar, and those influences which they cite don't exactly fill me with confidence about Balrum. Oh well, time will tell.
Some changes which could slightly improve this game:
* As others already said - either add zoom option, or scale all sprites.
* Balrum sounds like a Gollum in Ballroom, at least for a non-native speaker like me, so I think that name changing would be beneficial.
* If you want crafting
and combat
and strong plot - maybe you should make a short demo for each of this aspects, and see the reaction of potential buyers. And based on that reaction then concentrate on one, maybe two aspects. It's rare when newcomer to gamemaking could successfully combine all three.
* If you still decide to concentrate on all three gameplay elements equally, try to tie them together, .i.e.:
a) include equipment degrading not only over time, but from combat; let NPC give you crafting commissions, maybe introduce a rival NPC crafter;
b) carefully balance crafted and non-crafted items. Big part of the fun in RPG combat is finding loot, so you'd better, for example, make some loot exotic and non-repairable, some repairable, but slightly inferior to crafted items, and so on;
c) avoid unnecessary grindy combat and trash mobs, not related to story and plot;
d) ...well, I can't give recommendations about plot when I know nothing about it.
BalconyTeam , good luck. And try to take inspiration from U7, and not from Oblivion and Skyrim. Also, if you consider Eshalon an ideal, and not solid, but somewhat boring game - well...