Goblins? Meh. They rout quickly.
Orcs? Meh. Okay, they are not easy, but manageable.
Thugs? Meh. lol.
Nachzehrers? Meh (even after they eat for the first time). Seriously, they are probably the easiest enemy in the game, despite them outnumbering you 2-1 usually. Just don't fight in the open, eh?
Undead? Meh (just don't go in at night).
Bandits? Meh.
Bandit Marksmen? Fuck this shit, I'm out of here.
Seriously, it is hilarious how easy everything else is compared to bandit marksmen.
"Herpderp, attack at night, herp derp" Yeah, great idea. I have attempted one contract 10 times, it always ends the same. If I win, I leave with maybe 2 or 3 men alive. And night makes no difference with their aim, or at least not enough to make up for the malus you get yourself.
They will still kill 2-3 brothers before you even get close to those standing in front of them - and then they can shoot right at you while you try to wear down the defense line.
"Wear armor". No shit, man. Now they can't 1-hit me any more but need 2 hits

Hell, even my sacrificial beggars wear at least 80hp armor by now.
Those guys need a serious nerf. Or I need to get those laser rifles as well.
Either way, I now outright refuse any kind of "clear out bandits" contract that is not 1 skull (is there even such a thing with 1 skull?).