Well, canceled the quest and took another one. Need to keep that income coming in so I can afford top-tier armor for all my dudes.
I shoot for 12 in the first couple of days and expand more slowly from there up to 15 - 18 regulars. Buy cheap, broken gear and repair it to start. Get mid level gear by whacking raiders. Shell out for high level armour later--your guys won't have enough fatigue to wear scale+ early on in any case. Investing in weapons is kind of a chump's game--their benefits don't scale with costs well. The only exception I'd make would be for the right 2H weapon if I absolutely can't get a drop and I'm flush. I prefer 8/4 or 6/6 front and back line. Tight is better for orcs and necro savants, I think.How many dudes do you normally use? I started with 6 and once I was able to afford better armors/weapons I moved to 8 and now I have 12. My money amount is slightly raising (I have around 10k) and I only take 1 and 2 skulls quests (trying to avoid the carovan ones).
Anyway I'm at day 60 or so and with 12 dudes there is some cluttering if I manage them on a single line, so I was thinking of having 7 with shields on the front and the others on the back with polearms and crossbows.
But I'm not sure if the best strategy is to buy best weapon/armor, then buy next dude, or buy tons of bad equipped guys and thrn update equipment later
How many dudes do you normally use? I started with 6 and once I was able to afford better armors/weapons I moved to 8 and now I have 12. My money amount is slightly raising (I have around 10k) and I only take 1 and 2 skulls quests (trying to avoid the carovan ones).
Good comment from steam by Xenos:
Mordheim, which is another insanely grindy game, at least has permanent upgrades for you warband. Darkest Dungeon has the village. XCOM has the base and the research. Pretty much all RNG-heavy games try to mitigate the huge waste of time by giving you something bad luck can't take away. Not this one. Here you can pretty much restart your campaign after an ugly battle. It's a fatal flaw
Yes it is insane how powerful orc warriors with a warlord are.So this 3-star contract involved me fighting five groups of Orc raiders, only to climax in a showdown with an Orc Warlord.
Being clever, I waited for him in a fortress that had a mercenary group "Orc Hunters" or something chilling out with me.
22 v.s. 18, the other dudes brought war dogs, nets and the works. Pfft, this is gonna be easy, I might as well hang back and let the other mercs be heroes. Gonna be a boring, one-sided fight for sure.
Moved all my guys on the top part of the map and murdered berserkers with my ranged bros. Easy peasy.
Meanwhile the 8 of the mercs remain at the lower part, slaughtering...
The remaining 7 mercs--
6 mercs
5 m... oh, I think I saw a head fly from the darkness, let's make it 4...
So apparently all of the tough boys in top tier gear just got slaughtered by Goblin riders, which are now flanking me from behind... and the Orc Warboss just killed two of the remaining mercs with a single chop.
Think I burned out on the damn wienerzombie fights. Stupid HP sponges, doing nothing but rising and rising and rising... most boring enemy ever. And they can't really be avoided during the undead crisis.
oneself said:Is hard to get warpstone in Mordheim early game too, but at least item drop is entirely dependent on RNG. In this game I am neither seeing my gold grow nor do I see progressive better item drops. You have to dagger strip them off enemies.
The urgency of having good defensive items is much more pronounced in this game than Mordheim.
So far I am just grinding easy missions, maintaining gold until hopefully I can offset some gear disadvantage with levels, tackle harder contracts so that I can actually buy good armor. Very tedious.
Cleavers- Yes or no? day 27 need to decide weapon mastery. or it all goes to axes and hammers
Cleavers- Yes or no? day 27 need to decide weapon mastery. or it all goes to axes and hammers.
Also flails? currently have i bro with normal flail and other with high fatigue and berserker chain. is there any other flail beside berserker and flail that is worth mentioning
Cleavers- Yes or no? day 27 need to decide weapon mastery. or it all goes to axes and hammers.
Also flails? currently have i bro with normal flail and other with high fatigue and berserker chain