So I have been away from this thread for awhile but now I see it is finally on GOG. The last version I played was 1.05 I think the first patched version after release... so any cool developments is the world a bit more reactive as it was during some of the EA prototypes?
They keep spawn/script model from global map update(0.6) just polished it a little. For example enemy parties still spawn from thin air for some contracts(like wandering orc party rampaging nearby settlements) but for other(like raid on settlement) are spawned(still from thin air) on nearest enemy camp9so they can march a little). The same goes for enemy camps targeted in contracts - they do not spawn new one but replace garrison of existing one according to danger level of contract(so necro coven with local version of vampires turn into skeleton den with auxiliaries - for example).
City status tend to be caused by local enemy intrusions but settlements lack any other(than player) long term defense against it. Other mercenary parties do not take contracts and noble or militia units do not attack enemy camps. So patrols fight each other but that is all.
Enemy factions also lack way to take over/destroy other enemy camps or settlements(outside of crisis). What they can do is to kill caravans, patrols and burn attached locations(either in failed defense contracts or - not exactly sure- but it looks like attached locations serve as sort of settlement HP/resource bar that can be destroyed indirectly - as I often seen it burning with no enemy units on it - so probably loss of caravans/patrols also hurt it).
Enemy factions(orcs, goblins, bandits and undead) still are one big family - which mean different orc clans do not fight each other. They fight other factions patrols but that its all.
Also you miss that development end and there will be no DLC, expansions or mods.
Game is finished. Files still locked.
They did have a ton of missed opportunities and wasted potential. But which other fucking game in the last decade managed to do better what they attempted? I'm willing to hear that. I want that game.
We keep complaining but they are a team of ONE programmer and two more dudes doing other stuff. Let's not forget that. The game is feature complete and completely bug free.
That is main reason of people reactions. They see that devs have skill but still abandon game. If it was failure from the start and low quality nobody would really care.
Also its almost completely bug free - but I still occasionally get some rare crashes. And I have enough of talking about lacking features. Its technically features complete(and that is still disputable) but it not feel like complete game. Lack of content is one but lack of game mechanics is another thing.
There should also be an additional endgame crisis where all the bandit/raider poachers and marksmen team up to take over the land.
Hell, NO.
Imagine armies full of Marksmen and Master Archers.