Wait, there's a pike and a larger, human version of the double handed axe? I only know of two spear weapons, the militia spear and the boar spear, I've never seen a pike. As for axes, I've see the hatchet, handaxe, fighting axe, greataxe, and the man splitter (orc axe). I've never seen a battleaxe.
Also, yep, warlords and bandit leaders are usually named. The warlords are pretty easy to dispatch because they lumber up so slowly. By the time they reach your line, you've ideally beaten the hell out of the other orcs. If not... well, nice knowing you. Also, I love that orcs don't care about hurting their friends with area of effect attacks. I can imagine the debriefing after a successful raid: "Great job, Brian the Berserker, you decapitated that merc in one shot... as well as jim, ralph, and all our other friends..."
I think the orc spawn rate needs to be toned down. I've done constant back to back missions destroying orc settlements, and they just keep respawning quicker than you can kill them. I don't expect one band of mercs to exterminate all orc life, but you should be able to spare a town from constant raids for at least a few weeks.